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question:Can that be done for the entire filesystems of computers 1 and 2?

answer:Yes, rsync can be used to synchronize the entire file systems of computers 1 and 2, ensuring that both systems have the same files and directories.

question:How does rsync know which files to sync and which files should not be synced? By filename?

answer:Rsync determines which files to sync and which files should not be synced based on several factors. The primary factor is the modification timestamp of the files. Rsync compares the timestamps of the source and destination files to identify which files are newer and need to be synchronized. It also uses a combination of file size, permissions, and checksums to verify file integrity before syncing. Rsync does not solely rely on filenames but uses various attributes to make synchronization decisions.

question:But, file size and checksums could differ.

answer:Yes, you're correct. Rsync utilizes a combination of file size, modification timestamp, and checksums to determine file changes and decide which files to sync. It initially compares the file sizes and modification timestamps to quickly identify potential differences. If the sizes and timestamps match, rsync assumes the files are identical and skips them. However, if they differ, rsync computes and compares checksums (typically using a rolling checksum algorithm) to verify if the contents are actually different before initiating the synchronization process. This ensures that only the modified or changed files are synced, regardless of differences in size or checksums.


answer:鲁东大学(Ludong University)是中国山东省一所以本科教育为主的全日制普通本科高校。学校位于山东省烟台市芝罘区南大街186号,地理位置优越,交通便捷。 鲁东大学成立于1948年,前身为筹备中的军事特科学校。经过多年的发展,学校现已成为一所涵盖文、理、工、管、法、教育、艺术等多个学科门类的综合性大学。 该校占地面积约1280亩,校园环境优美,建筑风格独特。学校拥有现代化的教学设施和科研平台,包括多媒体教室、实验室、图书馆等,为学生提供了优质的学习和研究条件。 鲁东大学拥有一支高水平的教师队伍,其中包括一批具有博士学位和丰富教学经验的教授和副教授。学校非常注重教学质量,致力于培养具有创新意识和实践能力的优秀人才。学校开设了众多的专业和学科方向,包括工程学、理学、文学、经济学、法学、教育学等,满足了不同学生的学习需求。 学校积极拓展国际交流与合作,与多个国内外高校建立了合作关系,开展了教师和学生的交流项目。这为学生提供了广阔的国际视野和全球化的学习机会。 鲁东大学注重学生全面发展,为学生提供了丰富多样的课外活动和社团组织。学校还有完善的学生服务体系,包括心理咨询、就业指导、实习就业等,为学生提供全方位的服务和支持。 总体来说,鲁东大学是一所重视教学质量、注重学生综合素质培养的高水平本科高校。它提供了优质的学习环境和资源,培养学生具备创新能力和实践能力,为学生的未来发展打下坚实的基础。

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