question:Write a short summary for this text: myanmar top leader seniorgeneral than shwe on friday said that an asean community will benefit myanmar citizens along with others of the association of southeast asian nations lrb asean rrb in sharing the fruits of peace and stability , prosperity and sociocultural development .
answer:Myanmar's leader, Senior-General Than Shwe, stated that an ASEAN community would bring benefits to the citizens of Myanmar and the other member nations by sharing the rewards of peace, stability, prosperity, and socio-cultural development.
question:Generate a negative review for a place.
answer:This place was a nightmare. The service was terrible and the food was absolutely terrible. The atmosphere was gloomy and depressing, and the staff were rude and unhelpful. I would never recommend this place to anyone. Stay away!
question:Other ranks (or ORs) in the Royal Danish Army, Royal Danish Navy and Royal Danish Air Force is a joined term for military personnel that are not officers of various forces, by the NATO system of ranks and insignia. These personnel are NCOs and privates, seamen or aircraftsmen. Can we infer the following? Seamen is a rank in the Royal Danish Navy. OPTIONS: Yes It's impossible to say No
question:ere is some data: Abraham A. Ribicoff, spouse, Casey Ribicoff; Abraham A. Ribicoff, office, United States Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare; Abraham A. Ribicoff, birthPlace, United States. Write a sentence that describes this d
answer:Abraham A. Ribicoff was the United States Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and his spouse's name is Casey Ribicoff. He was born in the United States.