question:What is the probability that this has already occured in reverse, that extra terrestrial species have sent ASI probes to earth
answer:The question of whether extraterrestrial species have sent ASI probes to Earth is a topic of speculation and has been explored in science fiction and various theories. However, there is currently no scientific evidence or confirmed information to support the claim that such probes or interactions have already occurred. The possibility of extraterrestrial life, including their technological advancements and potential for sending probes or spacecraft, remains an open question in the scientific community. Ongoing efforts, such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), aim to detect potential signals or evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. While it is impossible to assign a precise probability without concrete evidence, it is important to approach the question with scientific skepticism and critical thinking. The study of extraterrestrial life and contact is an area of ongoing scientific research and exploration, and any breakthroughs or discoveries would greatly impact our understanding of the universe and our place within it.
question:What about that roswell thing
answer:The Roswell incident refers to an event that occurred in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, where an unidentified object crashed on a ranch. Initially, the US Army Air Forces reported that a "flying disc" had been recovered, but later clarified that it was a weather balloon. Over the years, the Roswell incident has become a subject of speculation and conspiracy theories, with some claiming that it was an extraterrestrial spacecraft that crashed and that the government engaged in a cover-up. Others argue that it was indeed a weather balloon or a classified military project. The prevailing scientific consensus is that the Roswell incident involved a misidentification of the wreckage as a weather balloon, which was part of a top-secret military project called Project Mogul. This project involved the use of high-altitude balloons with advanced listening devices to monitor Soviet nuclear testing. Official investigations, such as the United States Air Force's 1994 report, "The Roswell Report: Case Closed," concluded that the incident primarily involved conventional military materials and did not indicate the presence of extraterrestrial life or technology.
question:fig, ax = plt.subplots() # You can modify the values as per your requirement cax = ax.imshow(cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-1, vmax=1) # Only show the values outside the range ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(LB))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(2*len(mode_list))) ax.set_xticklabels([r'rho_{st}', r'E_b', r'E_c', r'E_s', r'E_t', r'E_f', r'E_{lb}', r'rho_r', r'E_r', r'K_{x}', r'K_{y}', r'K_{z}', r'K_{phi}', r'm_{bd}'], rotation=45, fontsize=10) ax.set_yticklabels([r'f_1', r'f_2', r'f_3', r'f_4', r'f_5', r'f_6', r'f_7', r'MAC_1', r'MAC_2', r'MAC_3', r'MAC_4', r'MAC_5', r'MAC_6', r'MAC_7']) ax.set_xlabel('Inputs') ax.set_ylabel('Outputs') ax.set_title('Spearman Correlation Coefficient matrix') cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) plt.tight_layout() correct this code
answer:Your code has a few issues that need to be corrected: 1. When calling `imshow`, you should be passing a data array that represents the values you wish to display in the heatmap, but it seems like you've passed `cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-1, vmax=1` as positional arguments which is incorrect. 2. `cax` is supposed to be the object returned by `ax.imshow`; it doesn't accept parameters for the colormap, vmin, and vmax directly. These parameters should be included within the `imshow` call along with the data array. 3. `LB` and `mode_list` are undefined in the snippet provided. You need to define them before using or replace them with the actual lengths. Here's a corrected version of your code assuming you have a matrix named `correlation_matrix` representing the Spearman Correlation Coefficient values: ```python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Assuming you already have your correlation matrix calculated correlation_matrix = np.random.rand(14, 14) # Replace this with your actual data LB = ['label1', 'label2', ...] # Replace with your actual labels for the x-axis mode_list = ['mode1', 'mode2', ...] # Replace with your actual labels for the y-axis fig, ax = plt.subplots() cax = ax.imshow(correlation_matrix, cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-1, vmax=1) # Set the ticks ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(LB))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(mode_list))) # Set the tick labels ax.set_xticklabels([r'rho_{st}', r'E_b', r'E_c', r'E_s', r'E_t', r'E_f', r'E_{lb}', r'rho_r', r'E_r', r'K_{x}', r'K_{y}', r'K_{z}', r'K_{phi}', r'm_{bd}'], rotation=45, fontsize=10) ax.set_yticklabels([r'f_1', r'f_2', r'f_3', r'f_4', r'f_5', r'f_6', r'f_7', r'MAC_1', r'MAC_2', r'MAC_3', r'MAC_4', r'MAC_5', r'MAC_6', r'MAC_7'] * 2) # The labels are doubled to account for 2*len(mode_list) as in your original code, # which may not be correct if mode_list already includes all desired labels. ax.set_xlabel('Inputs') ax.set_ylabel('Outputs') ax.set_title('Spearman Correlation Coefficient matrix') # Create the colorbar cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) plt.tight_layout() ``` Here I made the following assumptions and corrections: - You have some form of correlation matrix data (`correlation_matrix`) that needs to be visualized. - The `LB` and `mode_list` variables are placeholders for actual lists of labels for the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. You need to specify the actual lists. Change the `correlation_matrix`, `LB`, and `mode_list` variables to match your actual data and labels. The colormap 'coolwarm' and the value range (`vmin` and `vmax`) are set correctly in the `imshow` function. Make sure that the lengths of `LB` and `mode_list` match the dimensions of `correlation_matrix` (i.e., `correlation_matrix.shape` should be `(len(mode_list), len(LB))`). If you additionally want to handle values outside the range (-1, 1), you would have to preprocess your `correlation_matrix` to clip or handle these values before displaying them.
question:write a javascript bot for bustabit that is counting the loses under 10x and after 20 loses under 10x bet 1 bit till 10x do that 6 times after that bet 10 bits till 10x and do that 4 times
answer:Sure, here's an example of a JavaScript bot for Bustabit that follows the logic you described: ```javascript let losesUnder10x = 0; let betAmount = 1; const multiplyUnder10x = () => { console.log(`Betting {betAmount} bits`); const cashoutAmount = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1; console.log(`Setting cashout at {cashoutAmount}x`); * 100, cashoutAmount); }; engine.on('game_crash', () => { const gameInfo = engine.history.first(); if (gameInfo.bust < 10) { losesUnder10x++; } else { losesUnder10x = 0; // Reset loses count if the game crashes above 10x } if (losesUnder10x < 20) { multiplyUnder10x(); } else if (losesUnder10x < 26) { console.log(`Betting {betAmount} bits till 10x (Lose Count: {losesUnder10x})`); const cashoutAmount = 10; * 100, cashoutAmount); } else { console.log(`Betting {betAmount * 10} bits till 10x (Lose Count: {losesUnder10x})`); const cashoutAmount = 10; * 10 * 100, cashoutAmount); } }); engine.on('game_starting', () => { if (losesUnder10x < 26) { console.log(`Reseting lose count (Lose Count: {losesUnder10x})`); } losesUnder10x = 0; betAmount = (losesUnder10x < 20) ? 1 : 10; }); console.log("Bot started."); ``` Please note that this bot uses the Bustabit engine, so you need to have the engine running or include it appropriately in your script. Also, keep in mind that using automated bots on gambling platforms may be against their terms of service, and it's your responsibility to adhere to those terms and ensure the legality of your actions.