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question:ere is a question about this article: According to the 2014 United States Census estimates, there were 1,560,297 people residing in the City of Philadelphia, representing a 2.2% increase since 2010. From the 1960s up until 2006, the city's population declined year after year. It eventually reached a low of 1,488,710 residents in 2006 before beginning to rise again. Since 2006, Philadelphia added 71,587 residents in eight years. A study done by the city projected that the population would increase to about 1,630,000 residents by 2035, an increase of about 100,000 from 2010. What is the answer to this question: When was the low point in Philadelphia's population?

answer:The low point in Philadelphia's population was in 2006.

question:Next question: what is the meaning of las vegas in english?

answer:"Las Vegas" in English means "The Meadows."

question:Why do the Sentinels in XMen: Days of Future Past look so similar to the Destroyer in Thor? Why does The Destroyer in Thor look so much like the Sentinels in XMen: Days of The Future Past? Would you say that these questions are the same? OPTIONS: no ye


question:During the rule of the Fatimid and Mamluk dynasties and their successor states in the medieval Middle East, many of the ruling elite founded madaris through a religious endowment known as the waqf. Not only was the madrasa a potent symbol of status but it was an effective means of transmitting wealth and status to their descendants. Especially during the Mamlūk period, when only former slaves could assume power, the sons of the ruling Mamlūk elite were unable to inherit. Guaranteed positions within the new madaris thus allowed them to maintain status. Madaris built in this period include the MosqueMadrasah of Sultan Ḥasan in Cairo. Is there an answer to this question (If it cannot be answered, say unanswerable): Which class of people founded the madaris during the medieval period?

answer:The ruling elite founded the madaris during the medieval period.

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