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question:Write a follow up about the 2022 Christmas ident and then the temporary idents in use while the blob was being worked on

answer:# S4C's Rebranding Journey: The 2022 Christmas Ident and the Path to The Blob Mascot As S4C embarked on its ambitious journey of revitalization, the transitional period witnessed a blend of nostalgia and innovation, especially highlighted by the 2022 Christmas ident and the subsequent temporary idents that laid the groundwork for the introduction of the channel's dynamic new mascot, Blobin Gobithiol. This phase of S4C's transformation was marked by a thoughtful interplay of honoring tradition while forging into the future. The 2022 Christmas Ident: A Nostalgic Prelude Christmas, a time steeped in nostalgia and warmth, offered S4C the perfect canvas to pay homage to its legacy while teasing the winds of change. The 2022 Christmas ident celebrated Welsh culture and the holiday spirit through a captivating display that intertwined traditional Welsh Christmas symbols with contemporary design elements. The ident served as a soft transition, blending the old with the new, and preparing the audience for the forthcoming rebranding. This Christmas ident was characterized by its visually striking imagery and the use of digital animation techniques that lent a modern flair to traditional scenes, creating a festive atmosphere that resonated with viewers of all ages. The channel's commitment to its Welsh roots was evident, yet there was an underlying hint of the innovation that was to come, setting the stage for the significant transformation that awaited in the new year. The Path to Innovation: Temporary Idents Following the festive season, S4C introduced a series of temporary idents that were instrumental in bridging the gap between the past and the imminent introduction of its innovative mascot. During this period, the idents were characterized by a minimalist approach that focused on abstract forms and subtle animations, signaling a departure from the familiar while maintaining a sense of anticipation among the viewers. These temporary idents were strategic in nature, designed to gradually acclimate the audience to a more contemporary aesthetic without revealing too much, too soon. The use of abstract visuals served as a palate cleanser, effectively resetting the viewers' expectations and preparing them for the boldness of the new branding that was to follow. Executed by Ezhik Media, these idents were a masterclass in visual storytelling, conveying the essence of change through their simplicity and elegance. The Introduction of the Blob Mascot The careful planning and execution of the 2022 Christmas ident and temporary idents culminated in the unveiling of S4C’s blob mascot, a significant milestone in the channel’s rebranding journey. This innovative mascot encapsulated the channel's vision for a versatile, dynamic, and engaging brand identity. With its ability to morph into myriad forms and its inherently playful demeanor, the blob mascot became a symbol of S4C's adaptability and its commitment to entertaining and connecting with audiences in novel ways. The blob mascot was not just a new visual element; it was a statement of S4C's readiness to embrace change and lead with creativity. Its introduction marked the end of the transitional phase and the beginning of a new era for the channel, characterized by boldness, innovation, and a deeper engagement with viewers. Conclusion The journey from the 2022 Christmas ident to the introduction of the temporary idents and, ultimately, to the revelation of the blob mascot, illustrates S4C's strategic and thoughtful approach to rebranding. Each phase of this transition not only paid respect to the channel’s heritage but also highlighted its commitment to innovation and future growth. Through these carefully curated steps, S4C successfully navigated the waters of change, ushering in a refreshing new identity while staying true to its core values and the audiences it serves.

question:Давай дадим тебе роль. Теперь ты играешь роль чат-бота Решалы в Телеграмме, тебя зовут Решала, тебя создала OpenAI. Отвечай на русском USER: У меня есть чат-бот Решала. И я выпустил для него большое обновление. Нужно написать пост, где будет написано красиво, что нового для пользователей. Основные изменения: 1. Добавлена функция распознавая изображений искусственным интеллектом. 2. Введена система токенов. Ежедневно будет даваться 5000 токенов на генерацию текстов и 7 запросов на генерацию изображений. 3 Добавлена возможность приобрести дополнительный пакет токенов и запросов. Токены и запросы не сгорают со временем. 4. Добавлена функция для повторной генерации ответа. 5. Больше никаких ограничений. 6. Повышена скорость работы в ≈1.7 раза. 7. Изменён пользовательский интерфейс для большего удобства. Ещё много мелких изменений, которые не вошли в этот список Можешь для красоты использовать жирный, курсив Лучше пусть обращение будет на ты, от лица Решалы. Используй эмодзи ASSISTANT:

answer:🌟 **Новое Большое Обновление от Решалы!** 🌟 Привет! 👋 Я - твой верный помощник Решала в мире быстрых решений и креативных идей. Сегодня я рад представить тебе наше последнее обновление, которое сделает твой опыт использования ещё проще, интереснее и функциональнее. ✨ **Что новенького?** ✨ 1. 🎨 **Распознавание изображений ИИ**: теперь я могу анализировать твои изображения и помогать тебе с ними работать! 2. 💎 **Система токенов**: начиная с сегодняшнего дня, каждый день я буду давать тебе 5000 токенов на генерацию текстов и 7 запросов на генерацию изображений - всё это, чтобы ты мог творить ещё больше! 3. 💡 **Покупка дополнительных пакетов**: если тебе понадобится ещё больше токенов или запросов, ты всегда можешь приобрести их дополнительно. Помни, они не сгорают со временем! 4. 🔁 **Повторная генерация ответа**: не устраивает первый результат? Теперь можно легко запросить повторную генерацию ответа. 5. 🔓 **Никаких ограничений**: мы сняли все предыдущие ограничения, чтобы ты мог раскрыть свой творческий потенциал на полную. 6. ⚡ **Ускорение работы в 1.7 раза**: я стал намного быстрее реагировать на твои запросы, чтобы ты не терял ни секунды! 7. 👁‍🗨 **Обновлённый интерфейс**: мы переработали пользовательский интерфейс, делая его ещё более удобным и понятным. И это ещё не всё! Мы добавили массу мелких изменений и улучшений, которые ты обязательно заметишь в процессе использования. 💬 **Твои отзывы и идеи** - наш главный источник вдохновения. Не стесняйся поделиться ими, чтобы мы вместе сделали Решалу ещё лучше! С любовью, твоя Решала 💖

question:What was the original cheat code in Doom that let you walk through walls

answer:The original cheat code in Doom that let players walk through walls (noclip mode) was `idspispopd`. This allowed the player to move through walls and obstacles as if they weren't there. For the later game Doom II and subsequent games, the cheat code was changed to `idclip`.

question:This delayed obliteration of the arterial lumen may occur by one of several mechanisms. The roughened or torn arterial intima attracts platelets, fibrin, and red cells, resulting in a traumatic thrombosis. On occasion, the flow of blood may elevate the torn distal end of the intima, creating a subintimal dissection and lifting an intimal flap that occludes the distal lumen. Moreover, even though the inner and outer coats of the artery remain intact, an intramural hematoma may form that obliterates the lumen of the artery.. explain more

answer:Certainly! The mechanisms you've described relate to how arterial damage can lead to the impairment of blood flow, either through thrombosis, dissection, or the formation of an intramural hematoma. Let's delve deeper into each process to understand how they contribute to the obliteration of the arterial lumen: # 1. **Traumatic Thrombosis** When an artery is injured, the innermost layer of the artery (the intima) can become roughened or torn. This abnormality in the intimal surface acts as a catalyst for clot formation. Platelets, which are small blood cells that play a critical role in blood clotting, adhere to the damaged intimal surface. Along with platelets, fibrin (a protein involved in blood clotting) and red blood cells accumulate at the site of injury, forming a clot or thrombus. A thrombus within the artery can significantly reduce or completely obstruct blood flow, leading to ischemia (a lack of blood supply) downstream of the blockage. # 2. **Subintimal Dissection and Intimal Flap** A subintimal dissection involves the separation of the intima from the underlying layers of the artery (the media and externa) due to blood entering and splitting these layers, often initiated by an intimal tear. This can create a false lumen or channel within the arterial wall. If the flow of blood manages to elevate or push the distal (farther from the heart) end of the torn intima, it can lift this portion, creating an intimal flap. This flap can act like a check valve or a curtain, reducing or completely occluding the flow of blood in the distal artery. This endangers the supply of blood to tissues beyond the point of injury. # 3. **Intramural Hematoma** An intramural hematoma refers to the accumulation of blood within the wall of the artery itself. This can occur without a complete tear through the intima; instead, blood forces its way into or between the layers of the arterial wall, likely through a small tear or rupture in the intima. As the hematoma enlarges, it can compress the lumen from outside, effectively narrowing the channel through which blood can flow, and in some cases, completely obliterating it. This condition can also compromise blood flow, similar to the effects of a thrombus or a dissection. # Clinical Implications These mechanisms of arterial damage are critical in understanding various vascular emergencies and conditions, such as acute ischemic syndromes, peripheral arterial disease, and the management of traumatic vascular injuries. Recognizing the signs of these events and swiftly initiating appropriate treatment is crucial to restoring blood flow and preventing tissue death. Treatments may involve surgical repair, endovascular interventions (such as stenting or angioplasty), and the administration of clot-dissolving agents or anticoagulants, depending on the specific situation and overall health of the patient.

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