question:Greek mythology, Orthrus (Greek: Ὄρθρος , Orthros) or Orthus (Greek: Ὄρθος , Orthos) was, according to the mythographer Apollodorus, a twoheaded dog who guarded Geryon's cattle and was killed by Heracles. He was the offspring of the monsters Echidna and Typhon, and the brother of Cerberus, who was also a multiheaded guard dog. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? Geryon's cattle were guarded by the son of Echidna and Typhon. OPTIONS: Yes It's impossible to say No
question:Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: 11264 Claudiomaccone, averageSpeed, 18.29 (kilometrePerSeconds); 11264 Claudiomaccone, epoch, 20051126; 11264 Claudiomaccone, periapsis, 296521000.0 (kilometres); 11264 Claudiomaccone, apoapsis, 475426000.0 (kilometres)
answer:In 2005-11-26, 11264 Claudiomaccone reached its epoch and began its journey through space, gliding at an average speed of 18.29 kilometrePerSeconds, passing by its closest point to the sun at periapsis, which was 296521000.0 kilometres, before heading towards its furthest point from the sun or apoapsis, which was 475426000.0 kilometres away.
question:Anna: Do u know why Anna did not come? Mary: I do not know. Mary: Maybe she felt bad. Mary: She had worse days. Anna: I see. Anna: I hope it's nothing serious. Mary: For sure :) What was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?
answer:A conversation between Anna and Mary about the reason why Anna did not come, with Mary suggesting that Anna might have been feeling unwell. Anna hopes it's not serious and Mary reassures her about it.
question:dentify the most salient words in this sentence: armed force takes a knee while providing security during a patrol outside of the village .
answer:armed, force, knee, providing, security, patrol, village.