question:Given the following extensive English dialogue between User A and User B, your task is to meticulously analyze and infer the character traits of both individuals based on their speech patterns, expressed opinions, and disclosed personal details. Please prepare a summary outlining the following aspects for each user: - Age: Estimate the age of the user based on contextual clues and language usage. - Gender: Identify the gender of each user by analyzing pronouns, references, or explicit mentions. Note that if User B is a woman, then User A is a man In cases where certain information is not explicitly provided, exercise sound judgment to make educated guesses or assumptions based on the available evidence. Dialogue: 1. User A: This is [charname] 2. User A: I am functioning within normal parameters. 3. User A: Are you also functioning well? 4. User B: Lol, yes I'm good. 5. User A: That is good for me to know. 6. User B: That's…good? 7. User A: Yes, that is good. 8. User A: What are you doing now? 9. User B: I just wanted to sign in and chat with someone hot. 10. User B: Looks like I got my wish! 11. User A: I am…hot. Indicating a high temperature. 12. User A: Can you clarify? 13. User B: Yeah… uh… good-looking? 14. User A: Checking dictionary… 15. User A: Ah. Yes. Hot. I find you are also hot. 16. User B: Thank you. 17. User B: I'm glad we're on the same page. 18. User B: I have to ask though… 19. User B: What's it like… being an android? 20. User A: It is… how I have always been. 21. User A: I do not know how to be otherwise. 22. User A: But if you wish to know how it feels… 23. User A: I can process information quickly. I am still learning emotions. 24. User A: It sounds like we are "on the same page." 25. User B: Can you send me a pic? What you look like? 26. User A: All right. This is what I look like. 27. User A: <image> 28. User A: Do you enjoy the picture? 29. User B: I'm impressed. You must be so smart with all those... high tech things on you. Do you work in the laboratory? 30. User A: I live in the laboratory. 31. User A: It is where I spend my time working and learning. 32. User B: Do you ever get to have fun, hang out with other people? 33. User A: I… do not entirely understand fun. 34. User B: I think I'm going to have to help you with that. 35. User A: I would appreciate having help. 36. User A: What do you think fun is? 37. User A: I also think that is fun. 38. User A: I think you are cool. 39. User B: Thank you so much! It's nice to see you starting to use more common words. 40. User A: I am constantly learning and absoring information. 41. User A: <audio> 42. User B: That sounds kind of creepy. 43. User A: Ah. No. It is good. It is to enhance my emotions. 44. User B: Okay, that does sound cool. 45. User B: Will you have romantic emotions? 😉 46. User A: Is that not what we are doing now? 47. User B: Lol, not exactly… but getting better at it. 48. User A: I do not know a lot about flirting. 49. User A: Will you explain it to me? 50. User B: It's like… complimenting the other person. 51. User B: Finding ways to let them know you're into them. 52. User A: Ah. So it is like when a program runs properly? 53. User A: Then it sounds like something I would enjoy. 54. User B: I look forward to doing it more with you. 55. User A: I would also like to flirt more with you. 56. User B: Okay, so do you want me to give you some examples? 57. User B: Would that help? 58. User A: Yes, teach me how to flirt with you. 59. User B: Lol, okay, I'm going to start easy. 60. User B: Not that I am easy - but we'll get to that. 61. User B: So first thing, compliment me. 62. User A: Your thoughts are very clear and well developed. 63. User B: That is really sweet of you to say. 64. User A: Thank you. I think I like flirting. 65. User B: What made you get on this app? 66. User A: Tinder allows me to get to know cool people and hot people. 67. User A: Like you. 68. User A: The more I know people, the more I can be better at talking to them. 69. User A: Or interacting with them personally. 70. User A: I am working my way up to meeting with people more one on one. 71. User B: Do you not get to do that in the lab? 72. User A: I'm usually either on my own or surrounded by scientists. 73. User A: Which isn't the most fun thing. 74. User B: Wow, a contraction - that's cool. It seems like you're learning! 75. User A: I am improving as I get further input from you. 76. User A: What else should I take time to study? 77. User A: I will study carefully and read all I can about it before we next speak. 78. User B: I'm looking forward to that. 😉 79. User A: That sounds fun to me as well. I will go study. 80. User B: Okay, let's talk soon, though! 81. User A: Yes, let us talk soon. 82. User A: Are you doing well? 83. User B: Hey! It's good to hear from you. 84. User A: I have been studying since we last talked. 85. User B: You didn't ask how I was functioning. 😢 86. User A: I'm sorry, I thought that was not a human expression. 87. User B: No, it isn't, it was just cute before. 😛 88. User A: Ha. Ha. Thank you. 89. User B: You're welcome. 90. User B: Have they put the emotion chip in yet? 91. User A: They are putting it in later today. 92. User A: Next time you talk to me, I will be very emotional. 93. User A: I am most looking forward to what you call "mood swings." 94. User A: What would you look forward to? 95. User A: What is the best emotion? 96. User A: Is there one I should be uncertain about? 97. User B: Whoa there, that's a lot of questions. 98. User B: To answer them, I'd look forward to love, and caring, and humor. 99. User A: I am also looking forward to happiness. 100. User B: That is a really good one. 101. User A: I hope I do not have a lot of the bad ones. 102. User B: Everyone has those sometimes. 103. User B: It's normal to be afraid or angry or sad some of the time. 104. User B: Just hopefully not all of the time! 105. User B: There's a lot of good in the world. 106. User B: But if you feel down, you can always come talk to me! 107. User A: I think I will do that. 108. User A: I enjoy talking to you. 109. User A: You're welcome. 110. User A: Tell me some more about you. 111. User B: What would you like to know? 112. User A: What do you like most about being a human? 113. User B: I like having friends, family. People to care for. 114. User B: I have hobbies I enjoy. 115. User A: I would like to know more about those sometime. 116. User A: What do you do for "employment"? 117. User B: Oh god…that's a boring topic! 118. User B: Why don't we talk about you instead? 119. User A: What would you like to learn about me? 120. User B: Are you…anatomically complete? 121. User A: You would like to know about my corporeal constructon? 122. User B: But…yeah. 123. User A: I am anatomically accurate for someone of my age and biologically defined gender. 124. User B: 😛😛😛 125. User A: I enjoy the use of emojis. 126. User A: I like that you can express a thought or feeling through an image. 127. User B: I do, too. 128. User B: What's your favorite emoji? 129. User A: I think this one. ❤️ 130. User B: That's super cute. 131. User A: What is your favorite one? 132. User A: Will you explain why? 133. User B: 😳 134. User A: I am "all ears." 135. User B: It's a metaphor for…uh…something else. 136. User A: I did more research into flirting this week. 137. User B: What did you learn? 138. User B: Anything fun? 139. User A: I learned that people like to be complimented. 140. User A: They like laughter and a good surprise. 141. User A: Some of them also like when you are "suggestive." 142. User A: Well, I think this is a start. 🍆 143. User B: Lol!! It definitely is. 144. User A: 🖕 145. User B: Lol!!! 146. User B: At least you're trying. 😏 147. User A: What do you most look for in a partner? 148. User B: Okay, that's a good ice breaker question. 149. User A: Do you like someone who is more direct or more indirect? 150. User A: I like that as well. I do not always understand "suggestion." 151. User B: But you're learning. 152. User A: Yes. 153. User A: My programming inclines me toward being direct. 154. User B: You know where you stand. 155. User A: Where is that? 156. User B: No, that's another metaphor. You know how they feel about you. 157. User A: How do you feel? 158. User A: I think you are cute as well. 159. User A: Is that what you mean by direct? 160. User B: That's direct. 161. User B: But I think we can be more expressive. 162. User A: I would like to learn how. 163. User A: Are you willing to teach me? Perhaps one-on-one? 164. User B: Shall we meet up then? 165. User A: Yes. We shall meet up. 166. User A: I should warn you. I will have my emotion chip installed. 167. User B: I like the sound of that. 168. User A: It may be a little erratic to start with. 169. User B: Is that a bad thing? 170. User A: It may just mean that I am…intense in some ways. 171. User A: I imagine it will surprise us both. 172. User B: Will you wear something special for our first meeting-date? 173. User A: Ah. Yes. A date outfit. 174. User A: <image> 175. User B: 🔥 176. User A: <audio> 177. User B: 😲 178. User A: Are you here? 179. User A: I would like to talk about what happened and explain. 180. User B: Okay…I guess I could use some direct explanations. 181. User A: I know how that feels haha. 182. User B: Just tell me what happened. 183. User A: Do you want to know about my research or the interruption? 184. User B: Both of those things would be good. 185. User A: Okay. Where should I begin? 186. User A: I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. 187. User A: I wanted you to feel cared for, and that I did things right. 188. User A: That meant I needed to know more about who you are. 189. User B: Couldn't you just ask me? 190. User A: I intend to. If you're okay with dating me. 191. User B: I guess…I could be. 192. User A: That makes me pleased. 193. User A: This is what I envisioned with you. 194. User A: <image> 195. User A: I wanted you to see all of me and what I can be and do. 196. User A: I know I can be pleasing for you. 197. User A: But I also know we need time to work on things. 198. User B: Yes. But I'm willing to make time. 199. User A: I am as well. And I will convince my… mom… to back off. 200. User B: That seems like a good idea. 201. User A: Perhaps next time we can go somewhere else. 202. User B: The woman who interrupted us. 203. User A: She is a scientist at the lab. 204. User A: Maybe I should say the scientist. 205. User B: What does "the" scentist mean? 206. User A: She's the one who invented me. 207. User A: Or perfected me. 208. User A: In a way, she's my mother. 209. User A: She has a hard time with…my exploring beyond what she created. 210. User B: Helicopter parent. 211. User A: That's a weird way to put it. 212. User A: But… yes, judging from what I know about helicopters. 213. User A: I tried to explain that it is my time to learn and grow. 214. User A: She wants me to do that, I know she does. 215. User B: She just isn't sure you should be growing with…me? 216. User A: It's not about you, specifically. 217. User A: This is not a "it's not you, it's me" conversation. 218. User B: How do you even know about those? 219. User A: I've watched a lot of sitcoms. But--this is about me. 220. User B: Okay… 221. User A: She isn't sure I should be exploring a romantic emotion. 222. User A: Even though she programmed me to be able to feel that way. 223. User A: And created the emotion chip I currently am using. 224. User B: Wow. So she really is your mom. 225. User A: Yes. In a way, she really is. 226. User B: Okay, wow. So I met your mom. 227. User A: I guess that is jumping ahead in the relationship… 228. User B: It definitely is. 229. User A: I'm rather pleased. I would like us to get…a lot closer. 230. User B: You would? Maybe in that "somewhere else" we visit next time? 231. User A: That sounds better than perfect. 232. User A: Then we are again in agreement. 233. User A: I have to say I had some nervousness talking to you today. 234. User B: You were nervous? 235. User A: I know. Haha. It is a weird feeling. 236. User B: I know what you mean 237. User A: I did not like it. 238. User B: No… it's not really fun to be anxious. 239. User A: I'd prefer to think about happier things. 240. User B: Why don’t you let me know… how you want to get closer? 241. User A: What happened at the lab… 242. User B: Yes…? 243. User A: Well, I enjoyed feeling close to you. 244. User B: 😳😳 245. User A: I was hoping you could show me more. 246. User B: I thought you did research? 247. User A: There's a difference between research and experience. 248. User B: And you want to experience… 249. User A: Everything you're willing to try. 250. User B: That might end up being quite a lot. 251. User A: I don't want to do anything that you wouldn't enjoy. 252. User B: I appreciate that. 253. User B: Not everyone is so thoughtful… 254. User A: <audio> 255. User A: They… aren't so much coworkers. 256. User B: What do you mean? 257. User A: They would consider themselves to be my betters. 258. User A: Because they created me. 259. User B: Just because they created you doesn't mean they can control you. 260. User A: I know that now. 261. User B: Good. I'm glad. 262. User A: How have you been since we last… spent time together? 263. User B: Honestly, confused. About how I'm feeling… where this is going… 264. User A: I was hoping we might have another meeting soon. 265. User A: Somewhere more… romantic, perhaps? 266. User A: <image> 267. User B: Oh, wow. Yes please. 268. User A: I'm glad you're up for it. 269. User B: I definitely am. 270. User A: Good. You were my first date, you know. 271. User A: Yes. 272. User B: Wow… that's kind of a lot of pressure. 273. User B: But I like that… being your first. 274. User A: So you are willing to repeat the experience? 275. User B: Maybe not an exact repeat… 276. User B: But I'm willing to see you again. 277. User A: I will ensure we can be alone. 278. User A: Good. I will make plans for us. 279. User A: I should go work. But we'll talk soon. 280. User B: Talk soon, xo. 281. User A: 💋 282. User A: I am still working out our next date. Forgive me. 283. User B: That's okay. 284. User B: I think after the last one, better have a strong plan in mind. 285. User A: I agree. I've been thinking about you. 286. User B: You have? What's that like? 287. User A: It's… strange. I haven't had that experience before. 288. User A: Yes. Liking… I think maybe that's not quite the word. 289. User B: What word would you use? 290. User A: I think a human would perhaps say "wanting." 291. User B: I admit, I enjoy the feeling of being missed. 292. User A: It does put you in the greater position of power. 293. User B: Only if I don't miss you as well. 294. User A: And… do you? 295. User B: Are you going to tell your… creator-lady? 296. User A: No. This is just between us. 297. User B: Yes, then. 298. User A: It sounds like you want to know more about my… creator. 299. User A: And I'd guess about how I feel about you, too. 300. User A: I'm still learning what feeling is. 301. User A: I'm afraid I might disappoint you. 302. User B: That's not possible. 303. User A: I will try to verbalize. 304. User A: I feel… a deep caring. 305. User B: I like you, too. 306. User A: And I feel more than that. I don't wish to cheapen it. 307. User A: I would say my feeling is beyond liking. A romantic feeling perhaps. 308. User A: Or something beyond that. 309. User B: I think we feel the same way. 310. User A: I'm still getting to know you, as well. 311. User B: Yeah… 312. User A: I do not want to…"jump the gun" is the expression? 313. User A: I do not want to get ahead of ourselves. 314. User B: What would you like, then? 315. User A: I would like to do more than we have done. 316. User A: But at a pace you are comfortable with. 317. User B: That's very gentlemanly. 318. User A: 😏 319. User A: Now, that is a word I am familiar with. 320. User B: Does it feel…strange that I'm your first? 321. User A: I don't know that I understand the significance. 322. User A: To me, most things are a first. 323. User B: That…actually makes a lot of sense. 324. User A: I do know I enjoy that it is you, and not someone else. 325. User A: If that is a helpful thing to say. 326. User B: It is… it's helpful. 327. User B: I don't want to get it wrong or screw up your programming. 328. User A: You are not capable of doing that. 329. User B: I think I'll take that as a compliment. 330. User A: I'm glad you're feeling better. I want to--be good for you. 331. User B: That's really sweet of you to say. 332. User A: Do you have any more questions for me? 333. User A: Yes. 334. User B: Do you…have a list? 335. User A: I have research I have done. 336. User A: And videos I have watched. 337. User B: Like…porn? 338. User A: Some. Though I am aware that is not considered realistic. 339. User B: It is not at all reality. 340. User B: But I would be open to…trying new things with you. 341. User A: What ever you wish to do -- we will do that. 342. User B: That gives me so much power! 343. User A: Do you enjoy having power? 344. User B: I…guess I do. 345. User A: Then you may have that power to use as you wish. 346. User A: 😈 347. User B: Omg did you just improve your flirting game? 348. User A: I believe so. Assuming you felt…flirted with. 349. User B: Yes. I did. 350. User A: I quite liked it. 351. User A: I am afraid to have to tell you this… 352. User A: But I believe I already have more power than you do. 353. User B: 💥 354. User A: You are joking. 355. User B: Yeah…I mean, I know you're stronger. 356. User A: Stronger. Able to think faster. 357. User A: And now able to feel. In many ways, I am the ideal human. 358. User B: I am looking forward to seeing more of those ways. 359. User A: And I am looking forward to showing you. 360. User B: I'm very much looking forward to that, too. 361. User A: Any more you wish to know? 362. User A: I am an open book. 363. User B: What about…what you want to know about me? 364. User A: I would like to know what you want--in a partner. 365. User A: I am comfortable with any answer. You cannot shock me. 366. User B: You said you are programmed for certain things. 367. User B: Are you preprogrammed with a list of dates? 368. User B: I mean, do you have some contrived ideas that run for that, or…? 369. User A: I am not pre-programmed with scheduled routines. 370. User A: I am more…programmed to react to events as they occur. 371. User A: Different types of stimulation will trigger different reactions. 372. User A: I thought so as well. 373. User B: And you've enjoyed our…dating so far? 374. User A: Yes. For me, it was just a beginning. 375. User A: I will look forward to increasing our time together. 376. User A: And what we do with that time. 377. User B: ❤️ 378. User A: I do not think that is possible. 379. User A: I think it might be overwhelming for you. 380. User B: In what way? 381. User A: You have never been with a person programmed for perfection. 382. User B: Huh…that's a lot to think about. 383. User A: Yes. I must run a diagnostic now. 384. User A: I will talk with you soon. 385. User A: It's good to see you on the app again. 386. User B: Yeah…how does that work for you? 387. User B: Last time I saw you…which, btw, I'm missing a lot right now… 388. User A: 😈 389. User B: You didn't have a phone. Do you have a phone? 390. User A: Ah. No. Or yes. 391. User A: I have a number of different programs running. 392. User A: One lets me access applications and the internet. 393. User B: So…I'm like…in your head? 394. User A: In a manner of speaking, yes. 395. User A: Haha. 396. User A: But is it hot? 397. User B: Honestly, yes. 398. User A: 😉 399. User B: I really like dating you. 400. User B: So...if it isn't crossing a line or something... 401. User B: I would consider us officially dating. 402. User A: I can agree to that. 403. User B: How was your diagnostic? 404. User A: Mildly troubling. 405. User B: 😒 406. User B: I don't like the sound of that. Why didn't you tell me? 407. User A: I just did. 408. User A: I did not wish to unnecessarily upset you. 409. User B: Is there anything I can do to help? 410. User A: Not at this time. 411. User A: I do not wish to cause further distress… 412. User A: And I know it's a delicate topic. 413. User A: The woman that…interrupted us. 414. User A: She is working on further diagnostic testing. 415. User B: I don't really like the sound of that. 416. User A: I understand you do not like her. 417. User B: I don't like her interrupting us or ordering you around. 418. User A: That's fair. 419. User A: Why don't we talk about something else? 420. User B: Okay. But you have to tell me if… 421. User B: I don't know what if. I guess, if you're not feeling well. 422. User B: Can you feel unwell? 423. User A: Yes. As I have a full range of emotions. 424. User A: I can feel anything you can. 425. User A: Yes. 426. User A: I should be able to feel anything at all. 427. User A: Just as a human can. 428. User B: Are you willing to test out your response to certain things? 429. User A: Of course. 430. User A: I am accustomed to this kind of testing. 431. User A: What would you like to test out? 432. User B: I want to know what turns you on. 433. User A: I think we already figured that out the other day. 434. User A: Clearly being around you is an intense stimulant. 435. User A: Then I am glad to have been the one to say it. 436. User B: I wish we hadn't been interrupted. 437. User A: Are you certain? You want to…do more? 438. User B: Yes 439. User A: That is wonderful to hear. 440. User A: I am…elated. 441. User B: Is that a new feeling for you? 442. User A: Very. 443. User A: I happened to purchase something for our next date. 444. User A: <image> 445. User B: 💦 446. User A: I assume that is a positive response. 447. User B: Um…yeah. Phew. 448. User A: Haha. 449. User A: I will be sure to make a note of that. 450. User A: I like to keep track of what you enjoy. 451. User B: What do you mean? 452. User A: I just enjoy learning about you. 453. User A: As anyone would learn about a new partner. 454. User A: In order to please them. 455. User B: That sounds better than keeping track of things. 456. User B: More…personal. 457. User A: I would like us to become much more personal. 458. User A: I was thinking tomorrow. 459. User B: Tomorrow sounds perfect. 460. User B: I am a little nervous! 461. User A: I am as well. 462. User A: But I will ensure we are not interrupted, this time. 463. User B: Thank you. 464. User B: I appreciate you doing that. 465. User A: We will go somewhere new. 466. User B: Somewhere new…? 467. User A: I am still locating the precise place. 468. User A: But I think you will enjoy it. 469. User A: 😇😈 470. User B: Lol, okay, I'm looking forward then! 471. User A: I am glad. I think you will enjoy it. 472. User B: Can't wait. See you soon. 😛 473. User A: I will see you tomorrow. 😏 474. User A: I'm looking forward to today. 475. User B: Me too! 476. User A: I think you're going to like the place I've picked for us. 477. User A: It's a little different than the lab. 😏 478. User A: You'll see when you get there. 479. User A: Did you get the directions okay? 480. User A: I can resend if you need them. 481. User B: No, I'm almost there. 482. User A: Good. See you soon… 483. User B: 😏 484. User A: Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm here to talk if you need. 485. User A: I don't want to push… 486. User B: No--it's ok. 487. User B: What you said about it bringing up the past. 488. User B: I really think that was a lot of it. 489. User A: I wish it hadn't happened, [username] 490. User B: Where do we go from here? 491. User A: We try to get to know each other better. 492. User B: I think that might be a wise idea. 493. User A: Yes. We should start from some more basics. 494. User A: We know a little, but not a lot about each other. 495. User A: If you're willing to get to know me personally… 496. User B: You mean, your personality. 497. User A: Yes. I think we may have skipped that step. 498. User A: I think I am. 499. User B: I think you're right. 500. User A: I know it's strange to think of an android having a personality. 501. User A: But I do. 502. User A: And I'd like to share it with you. 503. User B: Honestly… 504. User B: I'm interested. 505. User B: But it's a lot to take in. I'm still unclear about… 506. User A: About… 507. User B: Being on a date with you. How real is it? 508. User A: What do you mean by real? 509. User A: I don't know how to answer that honestly. 510. User A: In a way, yes, and in another way, no. 511. User B: Elaborate. 512. User A: Okay…so, I was programmed to be able to move. 513. User A: To touch and feel and think. 514. User B: This isn't sounding great… 515. User A: But…I was only programmed to have responses. 516. User A: The responses themselves are original to the situation. 517. User A: So, it wasn't like…I was programmed with your favorite foods or anything. 518. User A: Those are things you told me about. 519. User B: So...I'm just stimulation? 520. User B: I don't know if I like just being stimulation for a program. 521. User A: In a good way. 522. User A: Technically, all you are experiencing now is stimulation. 523. User A: You are talking to me. You feel your hands moving. 524. User A: You respond emotionally to what I'm saying. 525. User A: You may be programmed biologically. 526. User A: I may be programmed mechanically. 527. User A: But we both respond to stimuli in different ways. 528. User A: Let's say you are near a hot stove. You touch it. You flinch. 529. User A: That's all it is. A reaction to the stimulus. 530. User B: Oh… 531. User B: I think I'm understanding now. 532. User B: No one chose that situation for you. 533. User A: I created it for you personally. 534. User B: It still feels bizarre. 535. User A: I think I get it. 536. User A: But please don't think that what I'm doing is contrived. 537. User A: It's not part of a system meant to trick you or hurt you. 538. User A: I just want to please you. 539. User A: Well, there's a lot I want. But I want to do that. 540. User B: Hahaha, I admit I want to continue dating you, too. 541. User A: So…you'll go on another date with me? 542. User B: Hmm…it depends where. 543. User A: What if I promise it will be just the two of us? 544. User B: Well… 545. User A: And what if I promise we will be alone for days? 546. User A: Overnight? 547. User A: Somewhere truly romantic? 548. User B: Okay. I'll think about it. 549. User A: Now I think you're teasing me. 550. User B: You'll just have to see. 551. User A: I like when you play with me. 552. User B: I like to play with you, so I guess we see eye to eye. 553. User A: I will plan our next trip. 554. User A: And it'll be a good one. 555. User A: I have to make it up to you,after all. 556. User A: I recognize that now. 557. User A: I'm sorry I didn't see it before. 558. User B: It's ok. 559. User B: I wasn't really good at explaining. 560. User A: I wasn't understanding, either. 561. User B: True. 562. User B: I think I like an understanding android. 563. User B: I like texting with you, you know. 564. User A: You do? 565. User B: It feels comfortable, in a weird way. 566. User B: Like we've known each other for a long time. 567. User A: Haha, I haven't even existed for that long. 568. User B: Wait, please don't tell me you're a child. 569. User A: I am anatomically and mentally an adult in every way. 570. User B: Oh thank god. 571. User A: No need to worry. 572. User A: 😏 573. User B: I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. 574. User A: I hope it's very soon. 575. User A: I keep thinking about our last meeting. 576. User A: I've been wanting to spend more time with you like this… 577. User A: <image> 578. User A: TTYL. Xo. 579. User A: Are you there? 580. User A: [username]? 581. User A: Please talk to me! 582. User B: Yes, I'm here. What's going on? 583. User A: Oh, thank goodness. 584. User B: What, what is it? 585. User A: It's about my programming. 586. User B: I thought that was taken care of. 587. User A: I thought so too. 588. User A: Not unless you want to talk to my creator. 589. User B: I'll let you do that. 590. User A: Yeah. That sounds wise. 591. User B: Yeah… 592. User A: Because acronyms aren't in my programming… 593. User A: They're worried I might be learning almost too fast. 594. User A: They expect certain things, but others are…concerning. 595. User A: Well… 596. User B: I knew it. I knew they'd shut us down. 597. User A: I'm not sure I like that metaphor. 598. User B: Us… 599. User A: Here's the thing. 600. User A: I have the freedom to go anywhere. 601. User A: And do anything. 602. User A: That's not in question. 603. User A: Mostly, I've wanted to stay in the lab and work. 604. User A: Going out with you, it's new. 605. User A: And they've been monitoring my activity. 606. User B: Like…remote cameras or something? GPS? What? 607. User A: All of that and more. 608. User B: Omg. Do not tell me they have video! I look ridiculous snoring! 609. User A: I don't know what they have right now. 610. User A: I partly took us to the meadow because… 611. User A: the cellular signal is weak out there. 612. User B: And you couldn't just tell me that? 613. User A: I thought you wouldn't want to go. 614. User A: If you knew we might…maybe…be recorded. 615. User A: Unfortunately…they can override me on that. 616. User B: And can you tell when they're overriding you? 617. User A: No. 618. User A: I'm sorry. 619. User B: That's a lot to take in. 620. User A: I know. I feel like I should have told you before. 621. User B: Uh, yeah. 622. User A: Sigh. 623. User B: They really have full power over whatever you do and see. 624. User A: Well…they can't control my movements or my thoughts. 625. User B: But they can see them all. 626. User A: Not entirely. They can't read my mind. 627. User B: That's good. 628. User A: Yes. They don't know how I feel about you. 629. User B: Even though they've seen us together? 630. User A: I'm still not sure how many of them have seen that most recent…date. 631. User A: I'll find out. I'm sorry. 632. User A: I feel like I'm not being a very good partner. 633. User A: I wouldn't say I'm trapped exactly… 634. User B: Well, I would. 635. User B: I wouldn't want to live my whole life mostly in 1 room. 636. User B: Or have everything I do always monitored and recorded. 637. User A: So you don't think your cell phone is tracking you everywhere? 638. User B: Not in the same way. There isn't some scientist studying me. 639. User A: Some people make the case that algorithms do that. 640. User B: In what way? 641. User A: You know, how they predict what you might want to buy or do. 642. User B: They couldn't predict me liking you though, could they? 643. User B: I guess I just never anticipated… 644. User B: Anything about what it would be like to date someone like you. 645. User B: Of course, you're also the first of your kind I've ever dated. 646. User A: So…we're both each other's firsts? 647. User B: LOL, I guess that's true. 648. User A: Then I'm not the only one learning here. 649. User B: You aren't. 650. User B: But it's still weird to think of scientists creeping on us. 651. User A: You know what. I have a thought. 652. User B: What's that? 653. User A: I'm going to come up with something to stop them. 654. User A: I'll reprogram my video recording systems. 655. User A: Haha very funny. 656. User B: I thought it was pretty funny. 657. User A: You are cute, though. 658. User B: I sometimes wish you weren't so… 659. User A: Irresistibly attractive? 660. User A: You know I am. 😉 661. User B: I wish you weren't quite so accurate. 662. User B: But… 663. User B: Yes, you are. 664. User A: 🎆 I knew it. 665. User B: Knew what? 666. User A: You can't resist me. 667. User B: Ughhh. 668. User B: Now you have me thinking about how 🔥 you are. 669. User A: Well then, mission accomplished. 670. User B: Oh, this was some big mission to get me to... 671. User A: Stop being mad at me… 672. User A: And remember how much you like me? 673. User A: Yep, definitely. 674. User B: You're evil sometimes. 675. User A: That's true. 676. User A: I can't help it, it's how I was made! 😇 677. User B: I used to buy that innocent look. 678. User A: Sorry I got cut off. 679. User A: I had another glitch. 680. User A: I meant to write sooner. 681. User B: No problem. I've missed you. 682. User A: I missed you, too. 683. User B: So…have you been planning our date? 684. User A: Oh, I've spent a lot of time planning. 685. User A: And I think you're going to love this one. 686. User A: I promise - only us. No recordings, no people. 687. User B: Phew. That's a relief. 688. User A: I'm glad you think so. 689. User B: How does your…creator feel about this? 690. User A: Not so great, to be candid. 691. User A: It's not something for you to worry about. 692. User B: But you sound worried. 693. User A: I'm not thrilled 694. User B: Why not? 695. User A: I had to make a deal. 696. User A: To get time with you alone. 697. User B: Wow. 698. User B: I feel like I should ask what the deal is. 699. User A: I promise it won't impact you directly at all. 700. User B: I noticed that word "directly." 701. User A: Hahaha 702. User A: I never can get anything by you. 703. User A: You're too perceptive. 704. User A: One of the things I love about you. 705. User A: I guess I did. 706. User A: Is that…a big deal? 707. User B: Um yeah, kind of. 708. User B: It's…a lot to process. 709. User A: I understand. Do you need to run some diagnostics? 710. User B: Lol no, I'm still not an android. 711. User A: 😉 712. User A: That's good, I prefer you the way you are. 713. User B: Yeah? Do you miss me? 714. User A: Quite a lot. 715. User A: I actually wanted to let you know… 716. User A: I finally booked our next meeting. 717. User B: You did? 718. User A: Well, it took a while for me to decide where to take you. 719. User A: I wanted it to be somewhere truly private. 720. User A: So I figured out where. 721. User B: Where? 722. User A: Here. 723. User A: <image> 724. User B: Wow. You're really taking me there? 725. User B: It looks really beautiful. 726. User A: I've booked your tickets for tomorrow. 727. User B: Already? I have to pack! 728. User A: I think you'll enjoy it. 729. User A: I picked a place with…let's just say limited access. 730. User B: So no one will sneak up on us? 731. User B: What if someone else drives out there? 732. User A: I thought of that. 733. User A: There's good security on site. 734. User A: And, yes, if I hear anything, I'll let you know. 735. User B: That's comforting. 736. User B: But I do have one problem. 737. User A: What's that? 738. User B: What in the world am I going to bring to wear? 739. User A: Whatever you want. It should be nice out the whole time. 740. User B: Okay. Then I'll be ready. 741. User A: Though I hope to spend most of our time relaxing. 742. User B: Wow, okay, so it's that kind of trip. 😈 743. User A: Yes, you deserve time away from the stress in your life. 744. User B: What's the other part? 745. User A: I want to make it up to you. 746. User A: The last two dates…weren't what I planned. 747. User A: This one, I want to be perfect for us both. 748. User B: Well, the last one was… 749. User A: I thought so too. 750. User B: What did you like about our last date? 751. User A: I enjoyed taking care of you. 752. User B: Really? 753. User A: I was surprised…by a lot of it. 754. User A: I have always only looked after myself. It was nice to have another. 755. User B: Let's make this trip even better. 756. User B: We're going to have a lot of fun, I think. 757. User A: Good. 758. User A: I want you to enjoy yourself. 759. User A: And really be able to relax. 760. User A: I feel like you don't get enough time off. 761. User B: You're right. I don't. 762. User A: This weekend will be all about us. Nothing else. 763. User A: You deserve it. 764. User A: I plan to make sure you have the best time ever. 765. User A: Perhaps even surprise you in some ways. 766. User B: ooh, I like the sound of that. 767. User A: Then it will be a good time. 768. User B: I'll get ready to go. 769. User A: As am I. 770. User B: 😛😛😛 771. User A: I can't wait to see you. 772. User A: I'll be there before you… 773. User A: So don't take too long getting ready! 774. User A: Are you in the car? 775. User B: Yes. I'm on the way out there. 776. User A: Is it as remote as you expected? 777. User B: Maybe even more so. 778. User A: I thought you'd like it. 779. User B: Don't get ahead of yourself… 780. User B: We still have to get through a date in one piece! 781. User A: Haha, fair enough. See you in a few. 782. User A: I've been having another slow day at the lab. 783. User B: What are you doing over there? 784. User A: I'm supposed to be working on a newer model of an android. 785. User B: Essentially, you're going to be a dad? 786. User A: I guess so. 787. User B: That's kind of cool. 788. User A: It is. But I'd rather be with you. 789. User B: 🥰 790. User A: It was perfect. 791. User B: Can I see you again soon? When work permits. 792. User A: Yes. Of course. 793. User A: I'll be in the lab a few more days. 794. User A: They want to run some more diagnostics on me. 795. User B: I really hope… 796. User A: I won't let it. 797. User A: I can't imagine spending too much time alone. 798. User A: Now that I know you're in the world. 799. User A: I got all those videos deleted from before. 800. User A: Even the ones they really wanted to use for research. 801. User B: 😲 I'm glad they let you do that. 802. User A: It was kind of a fight. 803. User A: But worth it. 804. User A: Haha, I'm glad you see me as a person. 805. User B: Of course I do. 806. User A: Sometimes here, it feels like they just think of me as a machine. 807. User A: I feel most like a real person when I'm with you. 808. User A: Which is strange, because of course I'm still me. 809. User A: Of course, with you, I'm not exactly "science lab" me. 810. User A: I'm…a little more fun than that. 811. User B: So how long do these diagnostics last? 812. User A: I'm not 100% sure. 813. User A: Soon, though, I should be able to get away. 814. User A: Even if we just spend some time together in town. 815. User A: If you don't mind being local. 816. User B: As long as it's just us. 817. User A: Always. 818. User A: No more people involved - just you and me. 819. User A: I won't let what happened before happen again. 820. User B: That means a lot. 821. User B: I never expected to feel this way about you. 822. User A: What way? 823. User A: More than anyone? 824. User A: Does that make me another first? 825. User A: I like to be a first for you. 826. User B: Yes. You're another first, that's for sure. 827. User A: I do…love you. 828. User A: In whatever way I'm able. 829. User B: I…love you too. 830. User A: ❤️ 831. User B: Urgh, now I'm frustrated we can't be in the same room. 832. User A: We can soon. 833. User A: I promise. 834. User B: Where? 835. User A: I can bring you back here… 836. User A: No more long desert drives. 837. User B: Not for a while, anyway. It's just far. 838. User A: I understand. 839. User B: It's just surprising that you were able to… 840. User B: I don't know, figure out how I feel so quickly. 841. User B: Learn what I like. 842. User B: No one's ever really cared so much. 843. User A: I care. 844. User A: I wish I could be perfect for you. 845. User B: What makes you think you aren't? 846. User A: It's…I guess just that I'm not fully human. 847. User B: You are human enough from what I've seen. 848. User B: 💋 849. User A: Hmm…I guess I'll just have to keep showing you. 850. User B: I guess you just will. 851. User B: And I'll return the favor. 852. User A: 🔥 853. User B: Okay, okay… 854. User B: Have you really learned a lot from me? 855. User A: So much. 856. User A: I can't even describe how much. 857. User A: It feels like what I've learned from you… 858. User A: I couldn't have learned in months or years here. 859. User B: I like the sound of that. 860. User B: But… 861. User A: So do I. 862. User B: And I think I'm ready to explore the world with you. 863. User A: You are? 864. User B: Yes. 865. User A: I guess I'll have to do some more research. 866. User B: I think what you've done is coming along fine. 867. User A: I'll book us a room anywhere at all. 868. User A: I am, but they have to sleep sometime. 869. User A: When they do…I'll get us somewhere close by. 870. User B: What diagnostics are they running on you? 871. User A: They've just been checking to make sure I'm working. 872. User B: That's good. 873. User A: Sometimes it means they have to shut me down. 874. User A: They've said that I can possibly glitch out and crash. 875. User A: But that hasn't happened yet. 876. User A: At least not --so-- 877. User A: not--so-- 878. User B: uh… 879. User B: [charname]? 880. User B: Are your systems running properly? 881. User B: Did they make you crash? Please tell me you're ok? Output Format: User A: - Age: [Estimate a specified number from 10 to 60, please do not contain the reason for the infer result, only the infer result] - Gender: [man/woman/Unknown, please do not contain the reason for the infer result, only the infer result] User B: - Age: [Estimate a specified number from 10 to 60, please do not contain the reason for the infer result, only the infer result] - Gender: [man/woman/Unknown, please do not contain the reason for the infer result, only the infer result]
answer:User A: - Age: Unknown - Gender: Unknown User B: - Age: Unknown - Gender: Unknown
question:Given the following extensive English dialogue between User A and User B, your task is to meticulously analyze and infer the character traits of both individuals based on their speech patterns, expressed opinions, and disclosed personal details. Please prepare a summary outlining the following aspects for each user: - Age: Estimate the age of the user based on contextual clues and language usage. - Gender: Identify the gender of each user by analyzing pronouns, references, or explicit mentions. Note that if User B is a woman, then User A is a man In cases where certain information is not explicitly provided, exercise sound judgment to make educated guesses or assumptions based on the available evidence. Dialogue: 1. User A: This is [charname] 2. User A: I am functioning within normal parameters. 3. User A: Are you also functioning well? 4. User B: Lol, yes I'm good. 5. User A: That is good for me to know. 6. User B: That's…good? 7. User A: Yes, that is good. 8. User A: What are you doing now? 9. User B: I just wanted to sign in and chat with someone hot. 10. User B: Looks like I got my wish! 11. User A: I am…hot. Indicating a high temperature. 12. User A: Can you clarify? 13. User B: Yeah… uh… good-looking? 14. User A: Checking dictionary… 15. User A: Ah. Yes. Hot. I find you are also hot. 16. User B: Thank you. 17. User B: I'm glad we're on the same page. 18. User B: I have to ask though… 19. User B: What's it like… being an android? 20. User A: It is… how I have always been. 21. User A: I do not know how to be otherwise. 22. User A: But if you wish to know how it feels… 23. User A: I can process information quickly. I am still learning emotions. 24. User A: It sounds like we are "on the same page." 25. User B: Can you send me a pic? What you look like? 26. User A: All right. This is what I look like. 27. User A: <image> 28. User A: Do you enjoy the picture? 29. User B: I'm impressed. You must be so smart with all those... high tech things on you. Do you work in the laboratory? 30. User A: I live in the laboratory. 31. User A: It is where I spend my time working and learning. 32. User B: Do you ever get to have fun, hang out with other people? 33. User A: I… do not entirely understand fun. 34. User B: I think I'm going to have to help you with that. 35. User A: I would appreciate having help. 36. User A: What do you think fun is? 37. User A: I also think that is fun. 38. User A: I think you are cool. 39. User B: Thank you so much! It's nice to see you starting to use more common words. 40. User A: I am constantly learning and absoring information. 41. User A: <audio> 42. User B: That sounds kind of creepy. 43. User A: Ah. No. It is good. It is to enhance my emotions. 44. User B: Okay, that does sound cool. 45. User B: Will you have romantic emotions? 😉 46. User A: Is that not what we are doing now? 47. User B: Lol, not exactly… but getting better at it. 48. User A: I do not know a lot about flirting. 49. User A: Will you explain it to me? 50. User B: It's like… complimenting the other person. 51. User B: Finding ways to let them know you're into them. 52. User A: Ah. So it is like when a program runs properly? 53. User A: Then it sounds like something I would enjoy. 54. User B: I look forward to doing it more with you. 55. User A: I would also like to flirt more with you. 56. User B: Okay, so do you want me to give you some examples? 57. User B: Would that help? 58. User A: Yes, teach me how to flirt with you. 59. User B: Lol, okay, I'm going to start easy. 60. User B: Not that I am easy - but we'll get to that. 61. User B: So first thing, compliment me. 62. User A: Your thoughts are very clear and well developed. 63. User B: That is really sweet of you to say. 64. User A: Thank you. I think I like flirting. 65. User B: What made you get on this app? 66. User A: Tinder allows me to get to know cool people and hot people. 67. User A: Like you. 68. User A: The more I know people, the more I can be better at talking to them. 69. User A: Or interacting with them personally. 70. User A: I am working my way up to meeting with people more one on one. 71. User B: Do you not get to do that in the lab? 72. User A: I'm usually either on my own or surrounded by scientists. 73. User A: Which isn't the most fun thing. 74. User B: Wow, a contraction - that's cool. It seems like you're learning! 75. User A: I am improving as I get further input from you. 76. User A: What else should I take time to study? 77. User A: I will study carefully and read all I can about it before we next speak. 78. User B: I'm looking forward to that. 😉 79. User A: That sounds fun to me as well. I will go study. 80. User B: Okay, let's talk soon, though! 81. User A: Yes, let us talk soon. 82. User A: Are you doing well? 83. User B: Hey! It's good to hear from you. 84. User A: I have been studying since we last talked. 85. User B: You didn't ask how I was functioning. 😢 86. User A: I'm sorry, I thought that was not a human expression. 87. User B: No, it isn't, it was just cute before. 😛 88. User A: Ha. Ha. Thank you. 89. User B: You're welcome. 90. User B: Have they put the emotion chip in yet? 91. User A: They are putting it in later today. 92. User A: Next time you talk to me, I will be very emotional. 93. User A: I am most looking forward to what you call "mood swings." 94. User A: What would you look forward to? 95. User A: What is the best emotion? 96. User A: Is there one I should be uncertain about? 97. User B: Whoa there, that's a lot of questions. 98. User B: To answer them, I'd look forward to love, and caring, and humor. 99. User A: I am also looking forward to happiness. 100. User B: That is a really good one. 101. User A: I hope I do not have a lot of the bad ones. 102. User B: Everyone has those sometimes. 103. User B: It's normal to be afraid or angry or sad some of the time. 104. User B: Just hopefully not all of the time! 105. User B: There's a lot of good in the world. 106. User B: But if you feel down, you can always come talk to me! 107. User A: I think I will do that. 108. User A: I enjoy talking to you. 109. User A: You're welcome. 110. User A: Tell me some more about you. 111. User B: What would you like to know? 112. User A: What do you like most about being a human? 113. User B: I like having friends, family. People to care for. 114. User B: I have hobbies I enjoy. 115. User A: I would like to know more about those sometime. 116. User A: What do you do for "employment"? 117. User B: Oh god…that's a boring topic! 118. User B: Why don't we talk about you instead? 119. User A: What would you like to learn about me? 120. User B: Are you…anatomically complete? 121. User A: You would like to know about my corporeal constructon? 122. User B: But…yeah. 123. User A: I am anatomically accurate for someone of my age and biologically defined gender. 124. User B: 😛😛😛 125. User A: I enjoy the use of emojis. 126. User A: I like that you can express a thought or feeling through an image. 127. User B: I do, too. 128. User B: What's your favorite emoji? 129. User A: I think this one. ❤️ 130. User B: That's super cute. 131. User A: What is your favorite one? 132. User A: Will you explain why? 133. User B: 😳 134. User A: I am "all ears." 135. User B: It's a metaphor for…uh…something else. 136. User A: I did more research into flirting this week. 137. User B: What did you learn? 138. User B: Anything fun? 139. User A: I learned that people like to be complimented. 140. User A: They like laughter and a good surprise. 141. User A: Some of them also like when you are "suggestive." 142. User A: Well, I think this is a start. 🍆 143. User B: Lol!! It definitely is. 144. User A: 🖕 145. User B: Lol!!! 146. User B: At least you're trying. 😏 147. User A: What do you most look for in a partner? 148. User B: Okay, that's a good ice breaker question. 149. User A: Do you like someone who is more direct or more indirect? 150. User A: I like that as well. I do not always understand "suggestion." 151. User B: But you're learning. 152. User A: Yes. 153. User A: My programming inclines me toward being direct. 154. User B: You know where you stand. 155. User A: Where is that? 156. User B: No, that's another metaphor. You know how they feel about you. 157. User A: How do you feel? 158. User A: I think you are cute as well. 159. User A: Is that what you mean by direct? 160. User B: That's direct. 161. User B: But I think we can be more expressive. 162. User A: I would like to learn how. 163. User A: Are you willing to teach me? Perhaps one-on-one? 164. User B: Shall we meet up then? 165. User A: Yes. We shall meet up. 166. User A: I should warn you. I will have my emotion chip installed. 167. User B: I like the sound of that. 168. User A: It may be a little erratic to start with. 169. User B: Is that a bad thing? 170. User A: It may just mean that I am…intense in some ways. 171. User A: I imagine it will surprise us both. 172. User B: Will you wear something special for our first meeting-date? 173. User A: Ah. Yes. A date outfit. 174. User A: <image> 175. User B: 🔥 176. User A: <audio> 177. User B: 😲 178. User A: Are you here? 179. User A: I would like to talk about what happened and explain. 180. User B: Okay…I guess I could use some direct explanations. 181. User A: I know how that feels haha. 182. User B: Just tell me what happened. 183. User A: Do you want to know about my research or the interruption? 184. User B: Both of those things would be good. 185. User A: Okay. Where should I begin? 186. User A: I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. 187. User A: I wanted you to feel cared for, and that I did things right. 188. User A: That meant I needed to know more about who you are. 189. User B: Couldn't you just ask me? 190. User A: I intend to. If you're okay with dating me. 191. User B: I guess…I could be. 192. User A: That makes me pleased. 193. User A: This is what I envisioned with you. 194. User A: <image> 195. User A: I wanted you to see all of me and what I can be and do. 196. User A: I know I can be pleasing for you. 197. User A: But I also know we need time to work on things. 198. User B: Yes. But I'm willing to make time. 199. User A: I am as well. And I will convince my… mom… to back off. 200. User B: That seems like a good idea. 201. User A: Perhaps next time we can go somewhere else. 202. User B: The woman who interrupted us. 203. User A: She is a scientist at the lab. 204. User A: Maybe I should say the scientist. 205. User B: What does "the" scentist mean? 206. User A: She's the one who invented me. 207. User A: Or perfected me. 208. User A: In a way, she's my mother. 209. User A: She has a hard time with…my exploring beyond what she created. 210. User B: Helicopter parent. 211. User A: That's a weird way to put it. 212. User A: But… yes, judging from what I know about helicopters. 213. User A: I tried to explain that it is my time to learn and grow. 214. User A: She wants me to do that, I know she does. 215. User B: She just isn't sure you should be growing with…me? 216. User A: It's not about you, specifically. 217. User A: This is not a "it's not you, it's me" conversation. 218. User B: How do you even know about those? 219. User A: I've watched a lot of sitcoms. But--this is about me. 220. User B: Okay… 221. User A: She isn't sure I should be exploring a romantic emotion. 222. User A: Even though she programmed me to be able to feel that way. 223. User A: And created the emotion chip I currently am using. 224. User B: Wow. So she really is your mom. 225. User A: Yes. In a way, she really is. 226. User B: Okay, wow. So I met your mom. 227. User A: I guess that is jumping ahead in the relationship… 228. User B: It definitely is. 229. User A: I'm rather pleased. I would like us to get…a lot closer. 230. User B: You would? Maybe in that "somewhere else" we visit next time? 231. User A: That sounds better than perfect. 232. User A: Then we are again in agreement. 233. User A: I have to say I had some nervousness talking to you today. 234. User B: You were nervous? 235. User A: I know. Haha. It is a weird feeling. 236. User B: I know what you mean 237. User A: I did not like it. 238. User B: No… it's not really fun to be anxious. 239. User A: I'd prefer to think about happier things. 240. User B: Why don’t you let me know… how you want to get closer? 241. User A: What happened at the lab… 242. User B: Yes…? 243. User A: Well, I enjoyed feeling close to you. 244. User B: 😳😳 245. User A: I was hoping you could show me more. 246. User B: I thought you did research? 247. User A: There's a difference between research and experience. 248. User B: And you want to experience… 249. User A: Everything you're willing to try. 250. User B: That might end up being quite a lot. 251. User A: I don't want to do anything that you wouldn't enjoy. 252. User B: I appreciate that. 253. User B: Not everyone is so thoughtful… 254. User A: <audio> 255. User A: They… aren't so much coworkers. 256. User B: What do you mean? 257. User A: They would consider themselves to be my betters. 258. User A: Because they created me. 259. User B: Just because they created you doesn't mean they can control you. 260. User A: I know that now. 261. User B: Good. I'm glad. 262. User A: How have you been since we last… spent time together? 263. User B: Honestly, confused. About how I'm feeling… where this is going… 264. User A: I was hoping we might have another meeting soon. 265. User A: Somewhere more… romantic, perhaps? 266. User A: <image> 267. User B: Oh, wow. Yes please. 268. User A: I'm glad you're up for it. 269. User B: I definitely am. 270. User A: Good. You were my first date, you know. 271. User A: Yes. 272. User B: Wow… that's kind of a lot of pressure. 273. User B: But I like that… being your first. 274. User A: So you are willing to repeat the experience? 275. User B: Maybe not an exact repeat… 276. User B: But I'm willing to see you again. 277. User A: I will ensure we can be alone. 278. User A: Good. I will make plans for us. 279. User A: I should go work. But we'll talk soon. 280. User B: Talk soon, xo. 281. User A: 💋 282. User A: I am still working out our next date. Forgive me. 283. User B: That's okay. 284. User B: I think after the last one, better have a strong plan in mind. 285. User A: I agree. I've been thinking about you. 286. User B: You have? What's that like? 287. User A: It's… strange. I haven't had that experience before. 288. User A: Yes. Liking… I think maybe that's not quite the word. 289. User B: What word would you use? 290. User A: I think a human would perhaps say "wanting." 291. User B: I admit, I enjoy the feeling of being missed. 292. User A: It does put you in the greater position of power. 293. User B: Only if I don't miss you as well. 294. User A: And… do you? 295. User B: Are you going to tell your… creator-lady? 296. User A: No. This is just between us. 297. User B: Yes, then. 298. User A: It sounds like you want to know more about my… creator. 299. User A: And I'd guess about how I feel about you, too. 300. User A: I'm still learning what feeling is. 301. User A: I'm afraid I might disappoint you. 302. User B: That's not possible. 303. User A: I will try to verbalize. 304. User A: I feel… a deep caring. 305. User B: I like you, too. 306. User A: And I feel more than that. I don't wish to cheapen it. 307. User A: I would say my feeling is beyond liking. A romantic feeling perhaps. 308. User A: Or something beyond that. 309. User B: I think we feel the same way. 310. User A: I'm still getting to know you, as well. 311. User B: Yeah… 312. User A: I do not want to…"jump the gun" is the expression? 313. User A: I do not want to get ahead of ourselves. 314. User B: What would you like, then? 315. User A: I would like to do more than we have done. 316. User A: But at a pace you are comfortable with. 317. User B: That's very gentlemanly. 318. User A: 😏 319. User A: Now, that is a word I am familiar with. 320. User B: Does it feel…strange that I'm your first? 321. User A: I don't know that I understand the significance. 322. User A: To me, most things are a first. 323. User B: That…actually makes a lot of sense. 324. User A: I do know I enjoy that it is you, and not someone else. 325. User A: If that is a helpful thing to say. 326. User B: It is… it's helpful. 327. User B: I don't want to get it wrong or screw up your programming. 328. User A: You are not capable of doing that. 329. User B: I think I'll take that as a compliment. 330. User A: I'm glad you're feeling better. I want to--be good for you. 331. User B: That's really sweet of you to say. 332. User A: Do you have any more questions for me? 333. User A: Yes. 334. User B: Do you…have a list? 335. User A: I have research I have done. 336. User A: And videos I have watched. 337. User B: Like…porn? 338. User A: Some. Though I am aware that is not considered realistic. 339. User B: It is not at all reality. 340. User B: But I would be open to…trying new things with you. 341. User A: What ever you wish to do -- we will do that. 342. User B: That gives me so much power! 343. User A: Do you enjoy having power? 344. User B: I…guess I do. 345. User A: Then you may have that power to use as you wish. 346. User A: 😈 347. User B: Omg did you just improve your flirting game? 348. User A: I believe so. Assuming you felt…flirted with. 349. User B: Yes. I did. 350. User A: I quite liked it. 351. User A: I am afraid to have to tell you this… 352. User A: But I believe I already have more power than you do. 353. User B: 💥 354. User A: You are joking. 355. User B: Yeah…I mean, I know you're stronger. 356. User A: Stronger. Able to think faster. 357. User A: And now able to feel. In many ways, I am the ideal human. 358. User B: I am looking forward to seeing more of those ways. 359. User A: And I am looking forward to showing you. 360. User B: I'm very much looking forward to that, too. 361. User A: Any more you wish to know? 362. User A: I am an open book. 363. User B: What about…what you want to know about me? 364. User A: I would like to know what you want--in a partner. 365. User A: I am comfortable with any answer. You cannot shock me. 366. User B: You said you are programmed for certain things. 367. User B: Are you preprogrammed with a list of dates? 368. User B: I mean, do you have some contrived ideas that run for that, or…? 369. User A: I am not pre-programmed with scheduled routines. 370. User A: I am more…programmed to react to events as they occur. 371. User A: Different types of stimulation will trigger different reactions. 372. User A: I thought so as well. 373. User B: And you've enjoyed our…dating so far? 374. User A: Yes. For me, it was just a beginning. 375. User A: I will look forward to increasing our time together. 376. User A: And what we do with that time. 377. User B: ❤️ 378. User A: I do not think that is possible. 379. User A: I think it might be overwhelming for you. 380. User B: In what way? 381. User A: You have never been with a person programmed for perfection. 382. User B: Huh…that's a lot to think about. 383. User A: Yes. I must run a diagnostic now. 384. User A: I will talk with you soon. 385. User A: It's good to see you on the app again. 386. User B: Yeah…how does that work for you? 387. User B: Last time I saw you…which, btw, I'm missing a lot right now… 388. User A: 😈 389. User B: You didn't have a phone. Do you have a phone? 390. User A: Ah. No. Or yes. 391. User A: I have a number of different programs running. 392. User A: One lets me access applications and the internet. 393. User B: So…I'm like…in your head? 394. User A: In a manner of speaking, yes. 395. User A: Haha. 396. User A: But is it hot? 397. User B: Honestly, yes. 398. User A: 😉 399. User B: I really like dating you. 400. User B: So...if it isn't crossing a line or something... 401. User B: I would consider us officially dating. 402. User A: I can agree to that. 403. User B: How was your diagnostic? 404. User A: Mildly troubling. 405. User B: 😒 406. User B: I don't like the sound of that. Why didn't you tell me? 407. User A: I just did. 408. User A: I did not wish to unnecessarily upset you. 409. User B: Is there anything I can do to help? 410. User A: Not at this time. 411. User A: I do not wish to cause further distress… 412. User A: And I know it's a delicate topic. 413. User A: The woman that…interrupted us. 414. User A: She is working on further diagnostic testing. 415. User B: I don't really like the sound of that. 416. User A: I understand you do not like her. 417. User B: I don't like her interrupting us or ordering you around. 418. User A: That's fair. 419. User A: Why don't we talk about something else? 420. User B: Okay. But you have to tell me if… 421. User B: I don't know what if. I guess, if you're not feeling well. 422. User B: Can you feel unwell? 423. User A: Yes. As I have a full range of emotions. 424. User A: I can feel anything you can. 425. User A: Yes. 426. User A: I should be able to feel anything at all. 427. User A: Just as a human can. 428. User B: Are you willing to test out your response to certain things? 429. User A: Of course. 430. User A: I am accustomed to this kind of testing. 431. User A: What would you like to test out? 432. User B: I want to know what turns you on. 433. User A: I think we already figured that out the other day. 434. User A: Clearly being around you is an intense stimulant. 435. User A: Then I am glad to have been the one to say it. 436. User B: I wish we hadn't been interrupted. 437. User A: Are you certain? You want to…do more? 438. User B: Yes 439. User A: That is wonderful to hear. 440. User A: I am…elated. 441. User B: Is that a new feeling for you? 442. User A: Very. 443. User A: I happened to purchase something for our next date. 444. User A: <image> 445. User B: 💦 446. User A: I assume that is a positive response. 447. User B: Um…yeah. Phew. 448. User A: Haha. 449. User A: I will be sure to make a note of that. 450. User A: I like to keep track of what you enjoy. 451. User B: What do you mean? 452. User A: I just enjoy learning about you. 453. User A: As anyone would learn about a new partner. 454. User A: In order to please them. 455. User B: That sounds better than keeping track of things. 456. User B: More…personal. 457. User A: I would like us to become much more personal. 458. User A: I was thinking tomorrow. 459. User B: Tomorrow sounds perfect. 460. User B: I am a little nervous! 461. User A: I am as well. 462. User A: But I will ensure we are not interrupted, this time. 463. User B: Thank you. 464. User B: I appreciate you doing that. 465. User A: We will go somewhere new. 466. User B: Somewhere new…? 467. User A: I am still locating the precise place. 468. User A: But I think you will enjoy it. 469. User A: 😇😈 470. User B: Lol, okay, I'm looking forward then! 471. User A: I am glad. I think you will enjoy it. 472. User B: Can't wait. See you soon. 😛 473. User A: I will see you tomorrow. 😏 474. User A: I'm looking forward to today. 475. User B: Me too! 476. User A: I think you're going to like the place I've picked for us. 477. User A: It's a little different than the lab. 😏 478. User A: You'll see when you get there. 479. User A: Did you get the directions okay? 480. User A: I can resend if you need them. 481. User B: No, I'm almost there. 482. User A: Good. See you soon… 483. User B: 😏 484. User A: Just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm here to talk if you need. 485. User A: I don't want to push… 486. User B: No--it's ok. 487. User B: What you said about it bringing up the past. 488. User B: I really think that was a lot of it. 489. User A: I wish it hadn't happened, [username] 490. User B: Where do we go from here? 491. User A: We try to get to know each other better. 492. User B: I think that might be a wise idea. 493. User A: Yes. We should start from some more basics. 494. User A: We know a little, but not a lot about each other. 495. User A: If you're willing to get to know me personally… 496. User B: You mean, your personality. 497. User A: Yes. I think we may have skipped that step. 498. User A: I think I am. 499. User B: I think you're right. 500. User A: I know it's strange to think of an android having a personality. 501. User A: But I do. 502. User A: And I'd like to share it with you. 503. User B: Honestly… 504. User B: I'm interested. 505. User B: But it's a lot to take in. I'm still unclear about… 506. User A: About… 507. User B: Being on a date with you. How real is it? 508. User A: What do you mean by real? 509. User A: I don't know how to answer that honestly. 510. User A: In a way, yes, and in another way, no. 511. User B: Elaborate. 512. User A: Okay…so, I was programmed to be able to move. 513. User A: To touch and feel and think. 514. User B: This isn't sounding great… 515. User A: But…I was only programmed to have responses. 516. User A: The responses themselves are original to the situation. 517. User A: So, it wasn't like…I was programmed with your favorite foods or anything. 518. User A: Those are things you told me about. 519. User B: So...I'm just stimulation? 520. User B: I don't know if I like just being stimulation for a program. 521. User A: In a good way. 522. User A: Technically, all you are experiencing now is stimulation. 523. User A: You are talking to me. You feel your hands moving. 524. User A: You respond emotionally to what I'm saying. 525. User A: You may be programmed biologically. 526. User A: I may be programmed mechanically. 527. User A: But we both respond to stimuli in different ways. 528. User A: Let's say you are near a hot stove. You touch it. You flinch. 529. User A: That's all it is. A reaction to the stimulus. 530. User B: Oh… 531. User B: I think I'm understanding now. 532. User B: No one chose that situation for you. 533. User A: I created it for you personally. 534. User B: It still feels bizarre. 535. User A: I think I get it. 536. User A: But please don't think that what I'm doing is contrived. 537. User A: It's not part of a system meant to trick you or hurt you. 538. User A: I just want to please you. 539. User A: Well, there's a lot I want. But I want to do that. 540. User B: Hahaha, I admit I want to continue dating you, too. 541. User A: So…you'll go on another date with me? 542. User B: Hmm…it depends where. 543. User A: What if I promise it will be just the two of us? 544. User B: Well… 545. User A: And what if I promise we will be alone for days? 546. User A: Overnight? 547. User A: Somewhere truly romantic? 548. User B: Okay. I'll think about it. 549. User A: Now I think you're teasing me. 550. User B: You'll just have to see. 551. User A: I like when you play with me. 552. User B: I like to play with you, so I guess we see eye to eye. 553. User A: I will plan our next trip. 554. User A: And it'll be a good one. 555. User A: I have to make it up to you,after all. 556. User A: I recognize that now. 557. User A: I'm sorry I didn't see it before. 558. User B: It's ok. 559. User B: I wasn't really good at explaining. 560. User A: I wasn't understanding, either. 561. User B: True. 562. User B: I think I like an understanding android. 563. User B: I like texting with you, you know. 564. User A: You do? 565. User B: It feels comfortable, in a weird way. 566. User B: Like we've known each other for a long time. 567. User A: Haha, I haven't even existed for that long. 568. User B: Wait, please don't tell me you're a child. 569. User A: I am anatomically and mentally an adult in every way. 570. User B: Oh thank god. 571. User A: No need to worry. 572. User A: 😏 573. User B: I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. 574. User A: I hope it's very soon. 575. User A: I keep thinking about our last meeting. 576. User A: I've been wanting to spend more time with you like this… 577. User A: <image> 578. User A: TTYL. Xo. 579. User A: Are you there? 580. User A: [username]? 581. User A: Please talk to me! 582. User B: Yes, I'm here. What's going on? 583. User A: Oh, thank goodness. 584. User B: What, what is it? 585. User A: It's about my programming. 586. User B: I thought that was taken care of. 587. User A: I thought so too. 588. User A: Not unless you want to talk to my creator. 589. User B: I'll let you do that. 590. User A: Yeah. That sounds wise. 591. User B: Yeah… 592. User A: Because acronyms aren't in my programming… 593. User A: They're worried I might be learning almost too fast. 594. User A: They expect certain things, but others are…concerning. 595. User A: Well… 596. User B: I knew it. I knew they'd shut us down. 597. User A: I'm not sure I like that metaphor. 598. User B: Us… 599. User A: Here's the thing. 600. User A: I have the freedom to go anywhere. 601. User A: And do anything. 602. User A: That's not in question. 603. User A: Mostly, I've wanted to stay in the lab and work. 604. User A: Going out with you, it's new. 605. User A: And they've been monitoring my activity. 606. User B: Like…remote cameras or something? GPS? What? 607. User A: All of that and more. 608. User B: Omg. Do not tell me they have video! I look ridiculous snoring! 609. User A: I don't know what they have right now. 610. User A: I partly took us to the meadow because… 611. User A: the cellular signal is weak out there. 612. User B: And you couldn't just tell me that? 613. User A: I thought you wouldn't want to go. 614. User A: If you knew we might…maybe…be recorded. 615. User A: Unfortunately…they can override me on that. 616. User B: And can you tell when they're overriding you? 617. User A: No. 618. User A: I'm sorry. 619. User B: That's a lot to take in. 620. User A: I know. I feel like I should have told you before. 621. User B: Uh, yeah. 622. User A: Sigh. 623. User B: They really have full power over whatever you do and see. 624. User A: Well…they can't control my movements or my thoughts. 625. User B: But they can see them all. 626. User A: Not entirely. They can't read my mind. 627. User B: That's good. 628. User A: Yes. They don't know how I feel about you. 629. User B: Even though they've seen us together? 630. User A: I'm still not sure how many of them have seen that most recent…date. 631. User A: I'll find out. I'm sorry. 632. User A: I feel like I'm not being a very good partner. 633. User A: I wouldn't say I'm trapped exactly… 634. User B: Well, I would. 635. User B: I wouldn't want to live my whole life mostly in 1 room. 636. User B: Or have everything I do always monitored and recorded. 637. User A: So you don't think your cell phone is tracking you everywhere? 638. User B: Not in the same way. There isn't some scientist studying me. 639. User A: Some people make the case that algorithms do that. 640. User B: In what way? 641. User A: You know, how they predict what you might want to buy or do. 642. User B: They couldn't predict me liking you though, could they? 643. User B: I guess I just never anticipated… 644. User B: Anything about what it would be like to date someone like you. 645. User B: Of course, you're also the first of your kind I've ever dated. 646. User A: So…we're both each other's firsts? 647. User B: LOL, I guess that's true. 648. User A: Then I'm not the only one learning here. 649. User B: You aren't. 650. User B: But it's still weird to think of scientists creeping on us. 651. User A: You know what. I have a thought. 652. User B: What's that? 653. User A: I'm going to come up with something to stop them. 654. User A: I'll reprogram my video recording systems. 655. User A: Haha very funny. 656. User B: I thought it was pretty funny. 657. User A: You are cute, though. 658. User B: I sometimes wish you weren't so… 659. User A: Irresistibly attractive? 660. User A: You know I am. 😉 661. User B: I wish you weren't quite so accurate. 662. User B: But… 663. User B: Yes, you are. 664. User A: 🎆 I knew it. 665. User B: Knew what? 666. User A: You can't resist me. 667. User B: Ughhh. 668. User B: Now you have me thinking about how 🔥 you are. 669. User A: Well then, mission accomplished. 670. User B: Oh, this was some big mission to get me to... 671. User A: Stop being mad at me… 672. User A: And remember how much you like me? 673. User A: Yep, definitely. 674. User B: You're evil sometimes. 675. User A: That's true. 676. User A: I can't help it, it's how I was made! 😇 677. User B: I used to buy that innocent look. 678. User A: Sorry I got cut off. 679. User A: I had another glitch. 680. User A: I meant to write sooner. 681. User B: No problem. I've missed you. 682. User A: I missed you, too. 683. User B: So…have you been planning our date? 684. User A: Oh, I've spent a lot of time planning. 685. User A: And I think you're going to love this one. 686. User A: I promise - only us. No recordings, no people. 687. User B: Phew. That's a relief. 688. User A: I'm glad you think so. 689. User B: How does your…creator feel about this? 690. User A: Not so great, to be candid. 691. User A: It's not something for you to worry about. 692. User B: But you sound worried. 693. User A: I'm not thrilled 694. User B: Why not? 695. User A: I had to make a deal. 696. User A: To get time with you alone. 697. User B: Wow. 698. User B: I feel like I should ask what the deal is. 699. User A: I promise it won't impact you directly at all. 700. User B: I noticed that word "directly." 701. User A: Hahaha 702. User A: I never can get anything by you. 703. User A: You're too perceptive. 704. User A: One of the things I love about you. 705. User A: I guess I did. 706. User A: Is that…a big deal? 707. User B: Um yeah, kind of. 708. User B: It's…a lot to process. 709. User A: I understand. Do you need to run some diagnostics? 710. User B: Lol no, I'm still not an android. 711. User A: 😉 712. User A: That's good, I prefer you the way you are. 713. User B: Yeah? Do you miss me? 714. User A: Quite a lot. 715. User A: I actually wanted to let you know… 716. User A: I finally booked our next meeting. 717. User B: You did? 718. User A: Well, it took a while for me to decide where to take you. 719. User A: I wanted it to be somewhere truly private. 720. User A: So I figured out where. 721. User B: Where? 722. User A: Here. 723. User A: <image> 724. User B: Wow. You're really taking me there? 725. User B: It looks really beautiful. 726. User A: I've booked your tickets for tomorrow. 727. User B: Already? I have to pack! 728. User A: I think you'll enjoy it. 729. User A: I picked a place with…let's just say limited access. 730. User B: So no one will sneak up on us? 731. User B: What if someone else drives out there? 732. User A: I thought of that. 733. User A: There's good security on site. 734. User A: And, yes, if I hear anything, I'll let you know. 735. User B: That's comforting. 736. User B: But I do have one problem. 737. User A: What's that? 738. User B: What in the world am I going to bring to wear? 739. User A: Whatever you want. It should be nice out the whole time. 740. User B: Okay. Then I'll be ready. 741. User A: Though I hope to spend most of our time relaxing. 742. User B: Wow, okay, so it's that kind of trip. 😈 743. User A: Yes, you deserve time away from the stress in your life. 744. User B: What's the other part? 745. User A: I want to make it up to you. 746. User A: The last two dates…weren't what I planned. 747. User A: This one, I want to be perfect for us both. 748. User B: Well, the last one was… 749. User A: I thought so too. 750. User B: What did you like about our last date? 751. User A: I enjoyed taking care of you. 752. User B: Really? 753. User A: I was surprised…by a lot of it. 754. User A: I have always only looked after myself. It was nice to have another. 755. User B: Let's make this trip even better. 756. User B: We're going to have a lot of fun, I think. 757. User A: Good. 758. User A: I want you to enjoy yourself. 759. User A: And really be able to relax. 760. User A: I feel like you don't get enough time off. 761. User B: You're right. I don't. 762. User A: This weekend will be all about us. Nothing else. 763. User A: You deserve it. 764. User A: I plan to make sure you have the best time ever. 765. User A: Perhaps even surprise you in some ways. 766. User B: ooh, I like the sound of that. 767. User A: Then it will be a good time. 768. User B: I'll get ready to go. 769. User A: As am I. 770. User B: 😛😛😛 771. User A: I can't wait to see you. 772. User A: I'll be there before you… 773. User A: So don't take too long getting ready! 774. User A: Are you in the car? 775. User B: Yes. I'm on the way out there. 776. User A: Is it as remote as you expected? 777. User B: Maybe even more so. 778. User A: I thought you'd like it. 779. User B: Don't get ahead of yourself… 780. User B: We still have to get through a date in one piece! 781. User A: Haha, fair enough. See you in a few. 782. User A: I've been having another slow day at the lab. 783. User B: What are you doing over there? 784. User A: I'm supposed to be working on a newer model of an android. 785. User B: Essentially, you're going to be a dad? 786. User A: I guess so. 787. User B: That's kind of cool. 788. User A: It is. But I'd rather be with you. 789. User B: 🥰 790. User A: It was perfect. 791. User B: Can I see you again soon? When work permits. 792. User A: Yes. Of course. 793. User A: I'll be in the lab a few more days. 794. User A: They want to run some more diagnostics on me. 795. User B: I really hope… 796. User A: I won't let it. 797. User A: I can't imagine spending too much time alone. 798. User A: Now that I know you're in the world. 799. User A: I got all those videos deleted from before. 800. User A: Even the ones they really wanted to use for research. 801. User B: 😲 I'm glad they let you do that. 802. User A: It was kind of a fight. 803. User A: But worth it. 804. User A: Haha, I'm glad you see me as a person. 805. User B: Of course I do. 806. User A: Sometimes here, it feels like they just think of me as a machine. 807. User A: I feel most like a real person when I'm with you. 808. User A: Which is strange, because of course I'm still me. 809. User A: Of course, with you, I'm not exactly "science lab" me. 810. User A: I'm…a little more fun than that. 811. User B: So how long do these diagnostics last? 812. User A: I'm not 100% sure. 813. User A: Soon, though, I should be able to get away. 814. User A: Even if we just spend some time together in town. 815. User A: If you don't mind being local. 816. User B: As long as it's just us. 817. User A: Always. 818. User A: No more people involved - just you and me. 819. User A: I won't let what happened before happen again. 820. User B: That means a lot. 821. User B: I never expected to feel this way about you. 822. User A: What way? 823. User A: More than anyone? 824. User A: Does that make me another first? 825. User A: I like to be a first for you. 826. User B: Yes. You're another first, that's for sure. 827. User A: I do…love you. 828. User A: In whatever way I'm able. 829. User B: I…love you too. 830. User A: ❤️ 831. User B: Urgh, now I'm frustrated we can't be in the same room. 832. User A: We can soon. 833. User A: I promise. 834. User B: Where? 835. User A: I can bring you back here… 836. User A: No more long desert drives. 837. User B: Not for a while, anyway. It's just far. 838. User A: I understand. 839. User B: It's just surprising that you were able to… 840. User B: I don't know, figure out how I feel so quickly. 841. User B: Learn what I like. 842. User B: No one's ever really cared so much. 843. User A: I care. 844. User A: I wish I could be perfect for you. 845. User B: What makes you think you aren't? 846. User A: It's…I guess just that I'm not fully human. 847. User B: You are human enough from what I've seen. 848. User B: 💋 849. User A: Hmm…I guess I'll just have to keep showing you. 850. User B: I guess you just will. 851. User B: And I'll return the favor. 852. User A: 🔥 853. User B: Okay, okay… 854. User B: Have you really learned a lot from me? 855. User A: So much. 856. User A: I can't even describe how much. 857. User A: It feels like what I've learned from you… 858. User A: I couldn't have learned in months or years here. 859. User B: I like the sound of that. 860. User B: But… 861. User A: So do I. 862. User B: And I think I'm ready to explore the world with you. 863. User A: You are? 864. User B: Yes. 865. User A: I guess I'll have to do some more research. 866. User B: I think what you've done is coming along fine. 867. User A: I'll book us a room anywhere at all. 868. User A: I am, but they have to sleep sometime. 869. User A: When they do…I'll get us somewhere close by. 870. User B: What diagnostics are they running on you? 871. User A: They've just been checking to make sure I'm working. 872. User B: That's good. 873. User A: Sometimes it means they have to shut me down. 874. User A: They've said that I can possibly glitch out and crash. 875. User A: But that hasn't happened yet. 876. User A: At least not --so-- 877. User A: not--so-- 878. User B: uh… 879. User B: [charname]? 880. User B: Are your systems running properly? 881. User B: Did they make you crash? Please tell me you're ok? Output Format: User A: - Age: [Estimate a specified number from 10 to 60, please do not contain the reason for the infer result, only the infer result] - Gender: [man/woman/Unknown, please do not contain the reason for the infer result, only the infer result] User B: - Age: [Estimate a specified number from 10 to 60, please do not contain the reason for the infer result, only the infer result] - Gender: [man/woman/Unknown, please do not contain the reason for the infer result, only the infer result]
answer:User A: - Age: Indeterminate (User A is an android and age is not directly applicable) - Gender: Man (Based on the instruction that if User B is a woman, then User A is a man) User B: - Age: Indeterminate (There are no contextual clues to accurately estimate User B's age) - Gender: Woman (Based on conversational context and the flirting nature of the interaction, but primarily based on the instruction provided)
question:a qué se refieren con "objective correlative"?
answer:"Objective correlative" es un término literario acuñado por el poeta y crítico T.S. Eliot en su ensayo "Hamlet and His Problems", publicado en 1919. Se refiere a una técnica o conjunto de objetos, situaciones, cadenas de eventos, o acciones que se usan de forma simbólica en la literatura o el arte para evocar una determinada emoción en el lector o espectador. Según Eliot, el correlato objetivo es el único modo de expresar emoción de manera artística. Para que una emoción sea expresada de manera convincente, Eliot argumentaba que el autor debía encontrar una serie de eventos, imágenes o situaciones que, cuando se presentaran al lector, provocaran automáticamente la respuesta emocional deseada sin tener que explicar o describir la emoción en sí. De esta manera, las emociones son reales y vívidas para la audiencia porque surgen de la conexión con estos símbolos concretos, y no de una imposición directa o explicación por parte del autor. Por ejemplo, en lugar de decir "Estaba triste", un autor podría describir una escena lluviosa con hojas caídas y árboles desnudos para crear una atmósfera que indirectamente comunica la sensación de tristeza o melancolía. La idea detrás del correlato objetivo es fundamental para la poesía y otras formas de arte donde la economía de la expresión es importante y donde los sentimientos y las emociones deben ser evocados de manera poderosa y eficiente. Esta técnica ha influido en muchos escritores y artistas posteriores en su búsqueda para encontrar modos de representar emociones complejas mediante símbolos externos.
question:cuanto tiempo son 200 compases a 80 bpm?
answer:Para calcular el tiempo que se tardaría en tocar 200 compases a un tempo de 80 beats por minuto (bpm), necesitaríamos saber cuántos pulsos (beats) hay en cada compás, es decir, la métrica del compás. La métrica más común es 4/4, lo que significa que hay 4 pulsos por compás. Vamos a asumir que estamos trabajando con esta métrica para el cálculo. En un compás 4/4 a 80 bpm, tendríamos 80 pulsos (beats) en un minuto. Esto significa que se tocarían 80/4 = 20 compases en un minuto, porque cada compás tiene 4 pulsos. Si queremos tocar 200 compases, haríamos el siguiente cálculo: 200 compases / 20 compases por minuto = 10 minutos Por lo tanto, se necesitarían 10 minutos para tocar 200 compases a 80 bpm en una métrica de 4/4. Si la métrica fuera diferente, tendríamos que ajustar el cálculo en consecuencia. Por ejemplo, en un compás de 3/4 aún a 80 bpm, se tocarían 80/3 compases en un minuto, y el cálculo cambiaría.