question:(My name is Flame. I'm a monster rider. I've travelled across many different regions of the New World. But more importantly, I'm the only person in Mahana Village with two Elder Dragons by my side. I was raised in Kamura Village - which was under attack at the time of my birth. And due to my fascination with the bow weapon type, I became Kamura's top archer. But enough about my past - its time that I introduced you to my monsties. I have 2 Flying Wyverns, 1 Temnoceran, 1 Leviathan, and of course 2 Elder Dragons. In terms of attack style, I have two monsties for every type - two for Power, two for Speed, and two for Technical. Each attack style has one non-elder dragon and one elder dragon, except Speed - which has my Leviathan and my other Flying Wyvern, with my Speed-based Flying Wyvern also being my ace. And by the time I call my ace, watch out for the bombs he drops from the sky. My first power-based monstie is a Dreadking Rathalos - his name is Lord X. And since I have a power-based monstie named Lord X, then I've got to have one named MX, as well. This is where my most dangerous power-based monstie comes in - my unstoppable Nergigante. For the Technical-based monsties, my Temnoceran is a Nerscylla - I named her "Dark". But sometimes, Dark just doesn't get the job done. As such, I've decided that if my enemy isn't afraid of darkness, then I'd drop the temperature around them - and this is where my second Technical-based monstie, her name is "Valkyrie" by the way, comes in. And as you would have guessed, the monstie that I've given the name "Valkyrie" is an Elder Dragon. But not just any Elder Dragon - the Iceborne wyvern itself. That's right, Valkyrie is a cold-hearted elder dragon known as "Velkhana". And finally, we get to the Speed-based monsties - and lets start off this entry with my ace. The very monster that saved me from a Primordial Malzeno. And if the whole bomb-dropping thing wasn't obvious enough, let me read something that my friend made back when I was still a hunter: "Nature is a battlefield Steeped in crimson dust And the smoke of combat Summons those who lust For blood and fiery violence And something to combust Raining down destruction Pandemonium galore Friend or foe, irrelevant It hungers for hot war" That should give you an idea of what it is. But lets just say that my ace's species crashers.)
answer:Allow me to introduce my two Power-based monsties, Lord X and MX. Lord X is a fearsome Dreadking Rathalos, known for its fiery breath and devastating attacks. MX, on the other hand, is my unstoppable Nergigante, a force to be reckoned with due to its relentless aggression and unmatched strength. Moving on to my Technical-based monsties, Dark and Valkyrie. Dark is my cunning Nerscylla, a Temnoceran with a penchant for ensnaring its opponents in its web and delivering precise, venomous strikes. However, when darkness fails to intimidate my foes, Valkyrie, my second Technical-based monstie, steps in. Valkyrie is none other than the cold-hearted Elder Dragon Velkhana, capable of freezing its adversaries with icy breath and sharp icicle attacks. Finally, we have my Speed-based monsties, including my ace. This monstie, known for its bomb-dropping prowess, saved me from a Primordial Malzeno. As my friend's poem suggests, it thrives on chaos and seeks fiery violence. This Speed-based monstie belongs to a species of party crashers, whose identity will be left to your imagination.
answer:Hello! How may I assist you today?
question:mi scrivi una frase molto suggestiva in perfetto inglese nella quale si dice che per un mercante la vera felicita' non e' l'incasso derivante dai soldi incassati per una vendita,ma il vedere ricompensato lo sforzo profuso,che spesso ha dietro una lunga e dolorosa storia fatta di sacrifici e rinunce.
answer:"For a merchant, true happiness lies not in the monetary gain from a sale, but in witnessing the reward for their efforts, which often entail a long and painful journey marked by sacrifices and compromises."
question:(My name is Flame. I'm a monster rider. I've travelled across many different regions of the New World. But more importantly, I'm the only person in Mahana Village with two Elder Dragons by my side. I was raised in Kamura Village - which was under attack at the time of my birth. And due to my fascination with the bow weapon type, I became Kamura's top archer. But enough about my past - its time that I introduced you to my monsties. I have 2 Flying Wyverns, 1 Temnoceran, 1 Leviathan, and of course 2 Elder Dragons. In terms of attack style, I have two monsties for every type - two for Power, two for Speed, and two for Technical. Each attack style has one non-elder dragon and one elder dragon, except Speed - which has my Leviathan and my other Flying Wyvern, with my Speed-based Flying Wyvern also being my ace. And by the time I call my ace, watch out for the bombs he drops from the sky. My first power-based monstie is a Dreadking Rathalos - his name is Lord X. And since I have a power-based monstie named Lord X, then I've got to have one named MX, as well. This is where my most dangerous power-based monstie comes in - my unstoppable Nergigante. For the Technical-based monsties, my Temnoceran is a Nerscylla - I named her "Dark". But sometimes, Dark just doesn't get the job done. As such, I've decided that if my enemy isn't afraid of darkness, then I'd drop the temperature around them - and this is where my second Technical-based monstie, her name is "Valkyrie" by the way, comes in. And as you would have guessed, the monstie that I've given the name "Valkyrie" is an Elder Dragon. But not just any Elder Dragon - the Iceborne wyvern itself. That's right, Valkyrie is a cold-hearted elder dragon known as "Velkhana". And finally, we get to the Speed-based monsties - and lets start off this entry with my ace. The very monster that saved me from a Primordial Malzeno. And if the whole bomb-dropping thing wasn't obvious enough, let me read something that my friend made back when I was still a hunter: "Nature is a battlefield Steeped in crimson dust And the smoke of combat Summons those who lust For blood and fiery violence And something to combust Raining down destruction Pandemonium galore Friend or foe, irrelevant It hungers for hot war" That should give you an idea of what it is. But lets just say that my ace's species crashers. And since my other speed-based monstie - who I named "Heaven" - is a Soulseer Mizutsune, you can probably guess what kind of explosive beast I made my ace.)
answer:My ace monstie is none other than the explosive and chaotic party crasher known as a Teostra. With its ability to unleash devastating fire attacks and create explosive blasts, Teostra truly embodies the fiery violence described in the poem. But my other speed-based monstie, named "Heaven," is a Soulseer Mizutsune. This elegant Leviathan combines speed and grace with its ability to create mesmerizing bubbles that can heal or harm, depending on the situation. With its unique abilities and fluid movements, Heaven complements the fiery nature of my ace monstie. Together, Lord X and MX, Nergigante, Dark, Valkyrie, Teostra, and Heaven form my formidable team of monsties. Each one brings their own strengths and tactics to the battlefield, allowing me to adapt to any situation and overcome even the toughest of challenges. As a monster rider, I've trained and bonded with these powerful creatures, forming an unbreakable connection that transcends mere friendship. With my diverse team of monsties, I'm ready to take on any threat that comes my way and continue my adventures across the New World.