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question:Write a title: HOUSTON The longestserving astronaut in history, who flew twice to the moon and commanded the first space shuttle mission, has announced his retirement after 42 years at NASA.

answer:Title: Longest-Serving Astronaut in History Retires After 42 Years at NASA.

question:TheaccesstothepseudoRNGcodeandseedvalueswasknowntoRonaldDaleHarris,aformermachineàsousmachineprogrammer. Generate a sentence using the above character

answer:Ronald Dale Harris had access to the pseudo-RNG code and seed values as a former slot machine programmer.

question:Read the following article and answer the question. my first and only . 20 yrs pass , since our immature breakup , and rebound marriages to others . he searches , and finds me , on the internet . What may be a reason for the other 's actions ? OPTIONS: He wants to see who is ex is with now . He is still in love with his ex . He wants to see what his ex posts online . None of the above choices .

answer:None of the above choices.

question:Question: Which city hosts the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival? Answer

answer:New York City.

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