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question:thats is the main native code import UIKit protocol DiscoveryViewDelegate { func discoveryView(_ sendor:DiscoveryViewController, onSelectPrinterTarget target:String) } class DiscoveryViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate, Epos2DiscoveryDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var printerView: UITableView! fileprivate var printerList: [Epos2DeviceInfo] = [] fileprivate var filterOption: Epos2FilterOption = Epos2FilterOption() var delegate: DiscoveryViewDelegate? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. filterOption.deviceType = EPOS2_TYPE_PRINTER.rawValue printerView.delegate = self printerView.dataSource = self } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) let result = Epos2Discovery.start(filterOption, delegate: self) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { //ShowMsg showErrorEpos(result, method: "start") } printerView.reloadData() } override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillDisappear(animated) while Epos2Discovery.stop() == EPOS2_ERR_PROCESSING.rawValue { // retry stop function } printerList.removeAll() } func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int { return 2 } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { var rowNumber: Int = 0 if section == 0 { rowNumber = printerList.count } else { rowNumber = 1 } return rowNumber } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let identifier = "basis-cell" var cell: UITableViewCell? = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: identifier) if cell == nil { cell = UITableViewCell(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle.subtitle, reuseIdentifier: identifier) } if indexPath.section == 0 { if indexPath.row >= 0 && indexPath.row < printerList.count { cell!.textLabel?.text = printerList[indexPath.row].deviceName cell!.detailTextLabel?.text = printerList[indexPath.row].target } } else { cell!.textLabel?.text = "other..." cell!.detailTextLabel?.text = "" } return cell! } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { if indexPath.section == 0 { if delegate != nil { delegate!.discoveryView(self, onSelectPrinterTarget: printerList[indexPath.row].target) delegate = nil navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true) } } else { performSelector(onMainThread: #selector(DiscoveryViewController.connectDevice), with:self, waitUntilDone:false) } } @objc func connectDevice() { Epos2Discovery.stop() printerList.removeAll() let btConnection = Epos2BluetoothConnection() let BDAddress = NSMutableString() let result = btConnection?.connectDevice(BDAddress) if result == EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { delegate?.discoveryView(self, onSelectPrinterTarget: BDAddress as String) delegate = nil self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true) } else { Epos2Discovery.start(filterOption, delegate:self) printerView.reloadData() } } @IBAction func restartDiscovery(_ sender: AnyObject) { var result = EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue; while true { result = Epos2Discovery.stop() if result != EPOS2_ERR_PROCESSING.rawValue { if (result == EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { break; } else { MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"stop") return; } } } printerList.removeAll() printerView.reloadData() result = Epos2Discovery.start(filterOption, delegate:self) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"start") } } func onDiscovery(_ deviceInfo: Epos2DeviceInfo!) { printerList.append(deviceInfo) printerView.reloadData() } } import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, DiscoveryViewDelegate, CustomPickerViewDelegate, Epos2PtrReceiveDelegate { let PAGE_AREA_HEIGHT: Int = 500 let PAGE_AREA_WIDTH: Int = 500 let FONT_A_HEIGHT: Int = 24 let FONT_A_WIDTH: Int = 12 let BARCODE_HEIGHT_POS: Int = 70 let BARCODE_WIDTH_POS: Int = 110 @IBOutlet weak var buttonDiscovery: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var buttonLang: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var buttonPrinterSeries: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var buttonReceipt: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var buttonCoupon: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var textWarnings: UITextView! @IBOutlet weak var textTarget: UITextField! var printerList: CustomPickerDataSource? var langList: CustomPickerDataSource? var printerPicker: CustomPickerView? var langPicker: CustomPickerView? var printer: Epos2Printer? var valuePrinterSeries: Epos2PrinterSeries = EPOS2_TM_M10 var valuePrinterModel: Epos2ModelLang = EPOS2_MODEL_ANK var target: String? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. printerList = CustomPickerDataSource() printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_m10", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_M10) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_m30", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_M30) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_p20", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_P20) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_p60", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_P60) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_p60ii", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_P60II) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_p80", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_P80) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t20", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T20) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t60", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T60) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t70", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T70) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t81", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T81) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t82", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T82) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t83", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T83) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t83iii", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T83III) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t88", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T88) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t90", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T90) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t90kp", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T90KP) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t100", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T100) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_u220", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_U220) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_u330", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_U330) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_l90", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_L90) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_h6000", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_H6000) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_m30ii", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_M30II) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_ts100", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TS_100) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_m50", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_M50) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_t88vii", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_T88VII) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_l90lfc", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_L90LFC) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_l100", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_L100) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_p20ii", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_P20II) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_p80ii", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_P80II) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_m30iii", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_M30III) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_m50ii", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_M50II) printerList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("printerseries_m55", comment:""), value: EPOS2_TM_M55) langList = CustomPickerDataSource() langList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("language_ank", comment:""), value: EPOS2_MODEL_ANK) langList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("language_japanese", comment:""), value: EPOS2_MODEL_JAPANESE) langList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("language_chinese", comment:""), value: EPOS2_MODEL_CHINESE) langList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("language_taiwan", comment:""), value: EPOS2_MODEL_TAIWAN) langList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("language_korean", comment:""), value: EPOS2_MODEL_KOREAN) langList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("language_thai", comment:""), value: EPOS2_MODEL_THAI) langList!.addItem(NSLocalizedString("language_southasia", comment:""), value: EPOS2_MODEL_SOUTHASIA) printerPicker = CustomPickerView() langPicker = CustomPickerView() let window = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow if (window != nil) { window!.addSubview(printerPicker!) window!.addSubview(langPicker!) } else{ self.view.addSubview(printerPicker!) self.view.addSubview(langPicker!) } printerPicker!.delegate = self langPicker!.delegate = self printerPicker!.dataSource = printerList langPicker!.dataSource = langList valuePrinterSeries = printerList!.valueItem(0) as! Epos2PrinterSeries buttonPrinterSeries.setTitle(printerList!.textItem(0), for:UIControl.State()) valuePrinterModel = langList!.valueItem(0) as! Epos2ModelLang buttonLang.setTitle(langList!.textItem(0), for:UIControl.State()) setDoneToolbar() let result = Epos2Log.setLogSettings(EPOS2_PERIOD_TEMPORARY.rawValue, output: EPOS2_OUTPUT_STORAGE.rawValue, ipAddress:nil, port:0, logSize:1, logLevel:EPOS2_LOGLEVEL_LOW.rawValue) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method: "setLogSettings") } } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) initializePrinterObject() target = textTarget.text } override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillDisappear(animated) finalizePrinterObject() } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } func setDoneToolbar() { let doneToolbar = UIToolbar(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.frame.size.width, height: 44)) doneToolbar.barStyle = UIBarStyle.blackTranslucent doneToolbar.sizeToFit() let space = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem.flexibleSpace, target:self, action:nil) let doneButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem.done, target:self, action:#selector(ViewController.doneKeyboard(_:))) doneToolbar.setItems([space, doneButton], animated:true) textTarget.inputAccessoryView = doneToolbar } @objc func doneKeyboard(_ sender: AnyObject) { textTarget.resignFirstResponder() target = textTarget.text } @IBAction func didTouchUpInside(_ sender: AnyObject) { textTarget.resignFirstResponder() switch sender.tag { case 1: printerPicker!.showPicker() case 2: langPicker!.showPicker() case 3: showIndicator(NSLocalizedString("wait", comment:"")); textWarnings.text = "" let queue = OperationQueue() queue.addOperation({ [self] in if !runPrinterReceiptSequence() { hideIndicator(); } }) break case 4: showIndicator(NSLocalizedString("wait", comment:"")); textWarnings.text = "" let queue = OperationQueue() queue.addOperation({ [self] in if !runPrinterCouponSequence() { hideIndicator(); } }) break default: break } } func customPickerView(_ pickerView: CustomPickerView, didSelectItem text: String, itemValue value: Any) { if pickerView == printerPicker { self.buttonPrinterSeries.setTitle(text, for:UIControl.State()) self.valuePrinterSeries = value as! Epos2PrinterSeries } if pickerView == langPicker { self.buttonLang.setTitle(text, for:UIControl.State()) self.valuePrinterModel = value as! Epos2ModelLang } finalizePrinterObject() initializePrinterObject() } func runPrinterReceiptSequence() -> Bool { if !createReceiptData() { return false } if !printData() { return false } return true } func runPrinterCouponSequence() -> Bool { if !createCouponData() { return false } if !printData() { return false } return true } func createReceiptData() -> Bool { let barcodeWidth = 2 let barcodeHeight = 100 var result = EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue let textData: NSMutableString = NSMutableString() let logoData = UIImage(named: "store.png") if logoData == nil { return false } result = printer!.addTextAlign(EPOS2_ALIGN_CENTER.rawValue) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addTextAlign") return false; } result = printer!.add(logoData, x: 0, y:0, width:Int(logoData!.size.width), height:Int(logoData!.size.height), color:EPOS2_COLOR_1.rawValue, mode:EPOS2_MODE_MONO.rawValue, halftone:EPOS2_HALFTONE_DITHER.rawValue, brightness:Double(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT), compress:EPOS2_COMPRESS_AUTO.rawValue) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addImage") return false } // Section 1 : Store information result = printer!.addFeedLine(1) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addFeedLine") return false } textData.append("THE STORE 123 (555) 555 – 5555n") textData.append("STORE DIRECTOR – John Smithn") textData.append("n") textData.append("7/01/07 16:58 6153 05 0191 134n") textData.append("ST# 21 OP# 001 TE# 01 TR# 747n") textData.append("------------------------------n") result = printer!.addText(textData as String) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addText") return false; } textData.setString("") // Section 2 : Purchaced items textData.append("400 OHEIDA 3PK SPRINGF 9.99 Rn") textData.append("410 3 CUP BLK TEAPOT 9.99 Rn") textData.append("445 EMERIL GRIDDLE/PAN 17.99 Rn") textData.append("438 CANDYMAKER ASSORT 4.99 Rn") textData.append("474 TRIPOD 8.99 Rn") textData.append("433 BLK LOGO PRNTED ZO 7.99 Rn") textData.append("458 AQUA MICROTERRY SC 6.99 Rn") textData.append("493 30L BLK FF DRESS 16.99 Rn") textData.append("407 LEVITATING DESKTOP 7.99 Rn") textData.append("441 **Blue Overprint P 2.99 Rn") textData.append("476 REPOSE 4PCPM CHOC 5.49 Rn") textData.append("461 WESTGATE BLACK 25 59.99 Rn") textData.append("------------------------------n") result = printer!.addText(textData as String) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addText") return false; } textData.setString("") // Section 3 : Payment infomation textData.append("SUBTOTAL 160.38n"); textData.append("TAX 14.43n"); result = printer!.addText(textData as String) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addText") return false } textData.setString("") result = printer!.addTextSize(2, height:2) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addTextSize") return false } result = printer!.addText("TOTAL 174.81n") if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addText") return false; } result = printer!.addTextSize(1, height:1) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addTextSize") return false; } result = printer!.addFeedLine(1) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addFeedLine") return false; } textData.append("CASH 200.00n") textData.append("CHANGE 25.19n") textData.append("------------------------------n") result = printer!.addText(textData as String) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addText") return false } textData.setString("") // Section 4 : Advertisement textData.append("Purchased item total numbern") textData.append("Sign Up and Save !n") textData.append("With Preferred Saving Cardn") result = printer!.addText(textData as String) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addText") return false; } textData.setString("") result = printer!.addFeedLine(2) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addFeedLine") return false } result = printer!.addBarcode("01209457", type:EPOS2_BARCODE_CODE39.rawValue, hri:EPOS2_HRI_BELOW.rawValue, font:EPOS2_FONT_A.rawValue, width:barcodeWidth, height:barcodeHeight) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addBarcode") return false } result = printer!.addCut(EPOS2_CUT_FEED.rawValue) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addCut") return false } return true } func createCouponData() -> Bool { let barcodeWidth = 2 let barcodeHeight = 64 var result = EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue if printer == nil { return false } let coffeeData = UIImage(named: "coffee.png") let wmarkData = UIImage(named: "wmark.png") if coffeeData == nil || wmarkData == nil { return false } result = printer!.add(wmarkData, x:0, y:0, width:Int(wmarkData!.size.width), height:Int(wmarkData!.size.height), color:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, mode:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, halftone:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, brightness:Double(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT), compress:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addImage") return false } result = printer!.add(coffeeData, x:0, y:0, width:Int(coffeeData!.size.width), height:Int(coffeeData!.size.height), color:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, mode:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, halftone:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, brightness:3, compress:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addImage") return false } result = printer!.addBarcode("01234567890", type:EPOS2_BARCODE_UPC_A.rawValue, hri:EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, font: EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, width:barcodeWidth, height:barcodeHeight) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addBarcode") return false } result = printer!.addCut(EPOS2_CUT_FEED.rawValue) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"addCut") return false } return true } func printData() -> Bool { if printer == nil { return false } if !connectPrinter() { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() return false } let result = printer!.sendData(Int(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT)) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { printer!.clearCommandBuffer() MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"sendData") printer!.disconnect() return false } return true } @discardableResult func initializePrinterObject() -> Bool { printer = Epos2Printer(printerSeries: valuePrinterSeries.rawValue, lang: valuePrinterModel.rawValue) if printer == nil { return false } printer!.setReceiveEventDelegate(self) return true } func finalizePrinterObject() { if printer == nil { return } printer!.setReceiveEventDelegate(nil) printer = nil } func connectPrinter() -> Bool { var result: Int32 = EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue if printer == nil { return false } //Note: This API must be used from background thread only result = printer!.connect(target, timeout:Int(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT)) if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"connect") return false } return true } func disconnectPrinter() { var result: Int32 = EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue if printer == nil { return } //Note: This API must be used from background thread only result = printer!.disconnect() if result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { MessageView.showErrorEpos(result, method:"disconnect") }) } printer!.clearCommandBuffer() } func onPtrReceive(_ printerObj: Epos2Printer!, code: Int32, status: Epos2PrinterStatusInfo!, printJobId: String!) { let queue = OperationQueue() queue.addOperation({ [self] in self.disconnectPrinter() self.hideIndicator(); MessageView.showResult(code, errMessage: makeErrorMessage(status)) dispPrinterWarnings(status) }) } func dispPrinterWarnings(_ status: Epos2PrinterStatusInfo?) { if status == nil { return } OperationQueue.main.addOperation({ [self] in textWarnings.text = "" }) let wanringMsg = NSMutableString() if status!.paper == EPOS2_PAPER_NEAR_END.rawValue { wanringMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("warn_receipt_near_end", comment:"")) } if status!.batteryLevel == EPOS2_BATTERY_LEVEL_1.rawValue { wanringMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("warn_battery_near_end", comment:"")) } if status!.paperTakenSensor == EPOS2_REMOVAL_DETECT_PAPER.rawValue { wanringMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("warn_detect_paper", comment:"")) } if status!.paperTakenSensor == EPOS2_REMOVAL_DETECT_UNKNOWN.rawValue { wanringMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("warn_detect_unknown", comment:"")) } OperationQueue.main.addOperation({ [self] in textWarnings.text = wanringMsg as String }) } func makeErrorMessage(_ status: Epos2PrinterStatusInfo?) -> String { let errMsg = NSMutableString() if status == nil { return "" } if status!.online == EPOS2_FALSE { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_offline", comment:"")) } if status!.connection == EPOS2_FALSE { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_no_response", comment:"")) } if status!.coverOpen == EPOS2_TRUE { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_cover_open", comment:"")) } if status!.paper == EPOS2_PAPER_EMPTY.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_receipt_end", comment:"")) } if status!.paperFeed == EPOS2_TRUE || status!.panelSwitch == EPOS2_SWITCH_ON.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_paper_feed", comment:"")) } if status!.errorStatus == EPOS2_MECHANICAL_ERR.rawValue || status!.errorStatus == EPOS2_AUTOCUTTER_ERR.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_autocutter", comment:"")) errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_need_recover", comment:"")) } if status!.errorStatus == EPOS2_UNRECOVER_ERR.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_unrecover", comment:"")) } if status!.errorStatus == EPOS2_AUTORECOVER_ERR.rawValue { if status!.autoRecoverError == EPOS2_HEAD_OVERHEAT.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_overheat", comment:"")) errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_head", comment:"")) } if status!.autoRecoverError == EPOS2_MOTOR_OVERHEAT.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_overheat", comment:"")) errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_motor", comment:"")) } if status!.autoRecoverError == EPOS2_BATTERY_OVERHEAT.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_overheat", comment:"")) errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_battery", comment:"")) } if status!.autoRecoverError == EPOS2_WRONG_PAPER.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_wrong_paper", comment:"")) } } if status!.batteryLevel == EPOS2_BATTERY_LEVEL_0.rawValue { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_battery_real_end", comment:"")) } if (status!.removalWaiting == EPOS2_REMOVAL_WAIT_PAPER.rawValue) { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_wait_removal", comment:"")) } if (status!.unrecoverError == EPOS2_HIGH_VOLTAGE_ERR.rawValue || status!.unrecoverError == EPOS2_LOW_VOLTAGE_ERR.rawValue) { errMsg.append(NSLocalizedString("err_voltage", comment:"")); } return errMsg as String } override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { if segue.identifier == "DiscoveryView" { let view: DiscoveryViewController? = segue.destination as? DiscoveryViewController view?.delegate = self } } func discoveryView(_ sendor: DiscoveryViewController, onSelectPrinterTarget target: String) { textTarget.text = target } } and that what i did with dart import Flutter class EpsonManager: NSObject { private var timeout: Float = 5000 private var printer: Epos2Printer? = nil private var isConnected: Bool = false private var target: String? private let filterOption: Epos2FilterOption = { let filter = Epos2FilterOption() filter.deviceType = EPOS2_TYPE_PRINTER.rawValue filter.deviceModel = EPOS2_MODEL_ALL.rawValue return filter }() private let disconnectInterval: Float = 500 private var printerList:[[String:Any]] = [] private var bluetoothTarget: NSMutableString = NSMutableString() private let pairingPrinter = Epos2BluetoothConnection() func setTimeout(_ timeout: Float) { self.timeout = timeout } func constants() -> [String: Any] { let record = [ // Printer series "SERIES_TM_M10": EPOS2_TM_M10, "SERIES_TM_M30": EPOS2_TM_M30, "SERIES_TM_M30II": EPOS2_TM_M30II, "SERIES_TM_M30III": EPOS2_TM_M30III, "SERIES_TM_P20": EPOS2_TM_P20, "SERIES_TM_P60": EPOS2_TM_P60, "SERIES_TM_P60II": EPOS2_TM_P60II, "SERIES_TM_P80": EPOS2_TM_P80, "SERIES_TM_T20": EPOS2_TM_T20, "SERIES_TM_T60": EPOS2_TM_T60, "SERIES_TM_T70": EPOS2_TM_T70, "SERIES_TM_T81": EPOS2_TM_T81, "SERIES_TM_T82": EPOS2_TM_T82, "SERIES_TM_T83": EPOS2_TM_T83, "SERIES_TM_T88": EPOS2_TM_T88, "SERIES_TM_T90": EPOS2_TM_T90, "SERIES_TM_T90KP": EPOS2_TM_T90KP, "SERIES_TM_U220": EPOS2_TM_U220, "SERIES_TM_U330": EPOS2_TM_U330, "SERIES_TM_L90": EPOS2_TM_L90, "SERIES_TM_H6000": EPOS2_TM_H6000, "SERIES_TM_T83III": EPOS2_TM_T83III, "SERIES_TM_T100": EPOS2_TM_T100, "SERIES_TS_100": EPOS2_TM_L100, "SERIES_TM_M50": EPOS2_TM_M50, "SERIES_TM_T88VII": EPOS2_TM_T88VII, "SERIES_TM_L90LFC": EPOS2_TM_L90LFC, "SERIES_TM_L100": EPOS2_TM_L100, // Print commands "COMMAND_ADD_TEXT": Commands.addText.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_NEW_LINE": Commands.addNewLine.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_TEXT_STYLE": Commands.addTextStyle.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_TEXT_SIZE": Commands.addTextSize.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_TEXT_SMOOTH": Commands.addTextSmooth.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_ALIGN": Commands.addAlign.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_IMAGE_BASE_64": Commands.addImageBase64.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_IMAGE_ASSET": Commands.addImageAsset.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_IMAGE": Commands.addImage.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_BARCODE": Commands.addBarcode.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_QRCODE": Commands.addQrCode.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_CUT": Commands.addCut.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_DATA": Commands.addData.rawValue , "COMMAND_ADD_PULSE": Commands.addPulse.rawValue , "ALIGN_LEFT": EPOS2_ALIGN_LEFT, "ALIGN_RIGHT": EPOS2_ALIGN_RIGHT, "ALIGN_CENTER": EPOS2_ALIGN_CENTER, "TRUE": EPOS2_TRUE, "FALSE": EPOS2_FALSE, // Print languages "LANG_EN": EPOS2_LANG_EN, "LANG_JA": EPOS2_LANG_JA, "LANG_ZH_CN": EPOS2_LANG_ZH_CN, "LANG_ZH_TW": EPOS2_LANG_ZH_TW, "LANG_KO": EPOS2_LANG_KO, "LANG_TH": EPOS2_LANG_TH, "LANG_VI": EPOS2_LANG_VI, "LANG_MULTI": EPOS2_LANG_MULTI, // Print Barcodes "BARCODE_UPC_A": EPOS2_BARCODE_UPC_A, "BARCODE_UPC_E": EPOS2_BARCODE_UPC_E, "BARCODE_EAN13": EPOS2_BARCODE_EAN13, "BARCODE_JAN13": EPOS2_BARCODE_JAN13, "BARCODE_EAN8": EPOS2_BARCODE_EAN8, "BARCODE_JAN8": EPOS2_BARCODE_JAN8, "BARCODE_CODE39": EPOS2_BARCODE_CODE39, "BARCODE_ITF": EPOS2_BARCODE_ITF, "BARCODE_CODABAR": EPOS2_BARCODE_CODABAR, "BARCODE_CODE93": EPOS2_BARCODE_CODE93, "BARCODE_CODE128": EPOS2_BARCODE_CODE128, "BARCODE_GS1_128": EPOS2_BARCODE_GS1_128, "BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_OMNIDIRECTIONAL": EPOS2_BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_OMNIDIRECTIONAL, "BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_TRUNCATED": EPOS2_BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_TRUNCATED, "BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_LIMITED": EPOS2_BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_LIMITED, "BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED": EPOS2_BARCODE_GS1_DATABAR_EXPANDED, "BARCODE_CODE128_AUTO": EPOS2_BARCODE_CODE128_AUTO, "HRI_NONE": EPOS2_HRI_NONE, "HRI_ABOVE": EPOS2_HRI_ABOVE, "HRI_BELOW": EPOS2_HRI_BELOW, "HRI_BOTH": EPOS2_HRI_BOTH, "LEVEL_L": EPOS2_LEVEL_L, "LEVEL_M": EPOS2_LEVEL_M, "LEVEL_Q": EPOS2_LEVEL_Q, "LEVEL_H": EPOS2_LEVEL_H, "SYMBOL_QRCODE_MODEL_1": EPOS2_SYMBOL_QRCODE_MODEL_1, "SYMBOL_QRCODE_MODEL_2": EPOS2_SYMBOL_QRCODE_MODEL_2, "SYMBOL_QRCODE_MICRO": EPOS2_SYMBOL_QRCODE_MICRO, // Print image settings "COLOR_1": EPOS2_COLOR_1, "COLOR_2": EPOS2_COLOR_2, "COLOR_3": EPOS2_COLOR_3, "COLOR_4": EPOS2_COLOR_4, "MODE_MONO": EPOS2_MODE_MONO, "MODE_GRAY16": EPOS2_MODE_GRAY16, "MODE_MONO_HIGH_DENSITY": EPOS2_MODE_MONO_HIGH_DENSITY, "HALFTONE_DITHER": EPOS2_HALFTONE_DITHER, "HALFTONE_ERROR_DIFFUSION": EPOS2_HALFTONE_ERROR_DIFFUSION, "HALFTONE_THRESHOLD": EPOS2_HALFTONE_THRESHOLD, // Add pulse settings "DRAWER_2PIN": EPOS2_DRAWER_2PIN, "DRAWER_5PIN": EPOS2_DRAWER_5PIN ] as [String : Any] return record } func printerIsSetup() -> Bool { return printer != nil } func printerIsConnected() -> Bool { return isConnected } func discoverPrinters(fResult: @escaping FlutterResult ) { stopDiscovery() printerList.removeAll() self.filterOption.portType = EPOS2_PORTTYPE_BLUETOOTH.rawValue let status = Epos2Discovery.start(self.filterOption, delegate: self) if (status != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { printDebugLog("🛑 did fail to start discovery process") fResult(PrinterError.startDiscovery.rawValue + "Did fail to start discovery") } else { printDebugLog("🟢 did start discovery process") // Gather all the results after `timeout` and return the response let deadline = dispatchTime(fromMilliseconds: Int(timeout)) .userInitiated).asyncAfter(deadline: deadline, execute: { [weak self] in // Collect all the values received let discoveredDevices = self?.printerList ?? [] fResult(discoveredDevices) }) } } func getDevices(result: @escaping FlutterResult){ result(printerList) } func setupPrinter(target: String, series: Int, lang: Int) { if let printer = printer { printer.clearCommandBuffer() printer.setReceiveEventDelegate(nil) } self.printer = nil self.isConnected = false printer = Epos2Printer(printerSeries: Int32(series), lang: Int32(lang)) = target printer?.setReceiveEventDelegate(self) } func pairingBluetoothPrinter(target:Any,fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let pairingPrinter = pairingPrinter else { fResult(PrinterError.startBluetooth.rawValue + "did fail to start bluetooth connection") return } let result = pairingPrinter.connectDevice(target as? NSMutableString ) switch (result) { case EPOS2_BT_SUCCESS.rawValue + EPOS2_BT_ERR_ALREADY_CONNECT.rawValue: fResult(EPOS2_BT_SUCCESS.rawValue) target break default: self.printer?.disconnect() pairingPrinter.disconnectDevice(target as? String) fResult(bluetoothMessage(code: result)) break } } func addCut(fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to cut paper: no printer") return } let result = printer.addCut(EPOS2_CUT_FEED.rawValue) if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdAddCut.rawValue + "did fail to cut paper: no printer") } fResult(true) } func addFeedLine(line: Int, fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to add feed line: no printer") return } let result = printer.addFeedLine(line) if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdAddFeedLine.rawValue + "did fail to add feed line") } fResult(true) } func addImage(base64: String, imageWidth: Int, imageHeight: Int, fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to add image: no printer") return } guard let image = imageFromBase64(base64) else { fResult(PrinterError.notValidImage.rawValue + "did fail to add image: image not valid") return } let imgHeight = image.size.height let imgWidth = image.size.width let size = CGSize(width: CGFloat(imageWidth), height: imgHeight*CGFloat(imageWidth)/imgWidth) guard let scaledImage = scaleImage(image, size: size) else { fResult(PrinterError.notValidImage.rawValue + "did fail to add image: failed to resize image") return } let result = printer.add(scaledImage, x: 0, y: 0, width: Int(size.width), height: Int(size.height), color: EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, mode: EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, halftone: EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT, brightness: Double(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT), compress: EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT) if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdAddImage.rawValue + "did fail to add image") } fResult(true) } func addText(text: String, fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to add text: no printer") return } let result = printer.addText(text) if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult("did fail to add text: no printer") } fResult(true) } func addTextAlign(align: Int, fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to add text align: no printer") return } // 0: left, 1: center, 2: right let textAlign = align == 0 ? EPOS2_ALIGN_LEFT : align == 1 ? EPOS2_ALIGN_CENTER : EPOS2_ALIGN_RIGHT let result = printer.addTextAlign(textAlign.rawValue) if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdAddTextAlign.rawValue + "did fail to add text align") } fResult(true) } func addTextSize(width: Int, height: Int, fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to add text size: no printer") return } let result = printer.addTextSize(width, height: height) if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdAddTextSize.rawValue + "did fail to add text size") } fResult(true) } func clearBuffer(fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to clear the buffer: no printer") return } let result = printer.clearCommandBuffer() if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdClearBuffer.rawValue + "did fail to clear the buffer") } fResult(true) } func beginTransaction(fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to begin transaction: no printer") return } let result = printer.beginTransaction() if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdBeginTransaction.rawValue + "did fail to begin transaction") } fResult(true) } func endTransaction(fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to end transaction: no printer") return } let result = printer.endTransaction() if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdEndTransaction.rawValue + "did fail to end transaction") } fResult(true) } func sendData(fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail to send data: no printer") return } let result = printer.sendData(Int(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT)) if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { fResult(PrinterError.cmdSendData.rawValue + "did fail to send data") } fResult(true) } func connect(fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { fResult(PrinterError.notFound.rawValue + "did fail connect: no printer") return } guard let target = target else { fResult(PrinterError.missingTarget.rawValue + "target not found") return } let result = printer.connect(target, timeout: Int(timeout)) if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { isConnected = false printDebugLog("did fail to connect: (result)") fResult(PrinterError.cmdConnect.rawValue + "did fail to connect") } isConnected = true fResult(true) } func disconnect(fResult: @escaping FlutterResult) { guard let printer = printer else { // Do nothing if we haven't setup a printer yet fResult(true) return } let result = printer.disconnect() if (result != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { isConnected = false fResult(PrinterError.cmdDisconnect.rawValue + "did fail to disconnect") } isConnected = true fResult(true) } } private extension EpsonManager { func stopDiscovery() { let status = Epos2Discovery.stop() if (status != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue) { printDebugLog("🛑 did fail to stop discovery process") } else { printDebugLog("🟢 did stop discovery process") } } func dispatchTime(fromMilliseconds milliseconds: Int) -> DispatchTime { let seconds = milliseconds / 1000 let nanoSeconds = (milliseconds % 1000) * 1_000_000 let uptimeNanoseconds = + UInt64(seconds) * 1_000_000_000 + UInt64(nanoSeconds) return DispatchTime(uptimeNanoseconds: uptimeNanoseconds) } func imageFromBase64(_ base64: String) -> UIImage? { if let data = Data(base64Encoded: base64) { return UIImage(data: data) } return nil } func scaleImage(_ image: UIImage, size: CGSize) -> UIImage? { let scale: CGFloat = max(size.width/image.size.width, size.height/image.size.height); let width: CGFloat = image.size.width * scale; let height: CGFloat = image.size.height * scale; let imageRect: CGRect = CGRectMake((size.width - width)/2.0, (size.height - height)/2.0, width, height); UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, 0); image.draw(in: imageRect) let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); return newImage; } } extension EpsonManager: Epos2DiscoveryDelegate { func onDiscovery(_ deviceInfo: Epos2DeviceInfo!) { printerList.append(["deviceType": deviceInfo.deviceType, "target":!, "deviceName": deviceInfo.deviceName!, "ipAddress": deviceInfo.ipAddress, "macAddress": deviceInfo.macAddress, "bdAddress": deviceInfo.bdAddress as Any, "leBdAddress": deviceInfo.leBdAddress]) } } extension EpsonManager: Epos2PtrReceiveDelegate { func onPtrReceive(_ printerObj: Epos2Printer!, code: Int32, status: Epos2PrinterStatusInfo!, printJobId: String!) { printDebugLog("onPtrReceive(): code=(code), status: (String(describing: status)), printJobId: (String(describing: printJobId))") } } func usbAddress(target: String) -> String? { let rangeFirstThree = NSMakeRange(0, 3) let rangeThreeTillLength = NSMakeRange(4, target.count-4) let nsTarget = NSString(string: target) let prefix = nsTarget.substring(with: rangeFirstThree) if prefix == "USB" { return nsTarget.substring(with: rangeThreeTillLength) } else { return nil } } func bluetoothMessage(code: Int32) -> String { switch (code) { case EPOS2_BT_SUCCESS.rawValue: return "BLUETOOTH_SUCCESS" case EPOS2_BT_ERR_PARAM.rawValue: return "BLUETOOTH_ERROR_PARAM" case EPOS2_BT_ERR_CANCEL.rawValue: return "BLUETOOTH_ERROR_CANCEL" case EPOS2_BT_ERR_FAILURE.rawValue: return "BLUETOOTH_ERROR_FAILURE" case EPOS2_BT_ERR_UNSUPPORTED.rawValue: return "BLUETOOTH_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED" case EPOS2_BT_ERR_ILLEGAL_DEVICE.rawValue: return "BLUETOOTH_ERROR_ILLEGAL_DEVICE" case EPOS2_BT_ERR_ALREADY_CONNECT.rawValue: return "BLUETOOTH_ERROR_ALREADY_CONNECT" default: return "BLUETOOTH_ERROR_UNKNOWN" } }

answer:Your Dart code for integrating with the Epson printer using Flutter seems well-structured to handle various printing tasks such as discovering printers, connecting to a printer, adding text or images to the print job, and then finally printing. However, there are a few areas where improvements could provide better stability, error handling, and feature support: 1. **Error Handling and Feedback:** Your Dart/Flutter side could benefit from more refined error handling to provide user feedback. For instance, when a printer connection fails or when there's an issue with printing, how is this information relayed back to the user? Implementing detailed error handling and user notifications would enhance the app's user experience. 2. **Bluetooth Connectivity Checks:** It appears you have functionality to connect to printers via Bluetooth. Ensure that your code checks for (and requests, if necessary) Bluetooth permissions on both iOS and Android platforms. This is critical for ensuring smooth operation across various devices and operating systems. 3. **UI Feedback for Discovery and Printing Process:** The current Dart code initiates printer discovery and printing tasks, but how these processes are represented in the UI isn't mentioned. Integrating UI elements that indicate the status of printer discovery, connection, and printing process (such as loaders, progress indicators, or status messages) can greatly enhance user experience. 4. **Platform-Specific Considerations:** Your Dart code interfaces with platform-specific functionality (via platform channels). Ensure that your iOS and Android code handles these interactions robustly, especially in scenarios like app permissions, error scenarios, or when the printer is turned off or out of range. 5. **Code Maintenance and Scalability:** As you add more features to your app (like the mentioned chatbot or possibly more printer-related features), consider how your code is structured. Maintaining separate files for different functionalities (e.g., one for printer discovery, another for printing tasks) could make your codebase more manageable. 6. **Printer Model Compatibility:** Ensure that your implementation is tested across different printer models your app intends to support. Printer SDKs can sometimes behave differently across models, so testing is crucial for ensuring compatibility and smoothing out model-specific quirks. 7. **Documentation and Comments:** Your Dart code already includes some comments, but ensure that complex functionalities are well-documented. This is especially important for future maintenance or when introducing new developers to your project. Overall, your implementation provides a solid foundation for integrating Epson printer functionalities into a Flutter app. Refining it with the considerations above will help ensure a robust, user-friendly printing feature in your application.

question:look i want to conect to printer and print a sample , iam usning epson sdk

answer:To connect to an Epson printer and print a sample using the Epson SDK in a Flutter app, you need to handle this through platform channels since direct communication with printers using the Epson SDK cannot be done in Dart code alone. This requires you to write native code for iOS (Swift/Objective-C) and Android (Java/Kotlin) that Flutter can call into. Since you've already shown some iOS side implementation in Swift, I'll provide a more comprehensive guide on achieving your goal, covering both Swift (iOS) and Kotlin (Android) examples, and how you would call these from Flutter (Dart). # Step 1: Flutter (Dart) - Define Platform Channels Define a method in Dart that calls the native code through platform channels. This method will initiate the connection to the printer and send a sample print job. **In your Dart file:** ```dart import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; class PrinterService { static const MethodChannel _channel = MethodChannel('com.example.printer/channel'); Future<void> connectAndPrintSample() async { try { await _channel.invokeMethod('connectAndPrintSample'); } on PlatformException catch (e) { print("Failed to connect and print: '{e.message}'."); } } } ``` # Step 2: iOS Implementation (Swift) In your iOS project within your Flutter app, handle the method call to connect to the printer and print. Make sure your project is setup to use the Epson SDK. **AppDelegate.swift or a dedicated Swift file:** First, ensure you import the Epson ePOS SDK in your project correctly and modify the AppDelegate.swift (or dedicated Swift file within your project) to handle the platform channel. Add the following in the `application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)` method in `AppDelegate.swift`: ```swift override func application( _ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? ) -> Bool { GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self) let controller : FlutterViewController = window?.rootViewController as! FlutterViewController let printerChannel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "com.example.printer/channel", binaryMessenger: controller.binaryMessenger) printerChannel.setMethodCallHandler({ (call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) -> Void in if call.method == "connectAndPrintSample" { // Implement your printing logic here } else { result(FlutterMethodNotImplemented) } }) return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions) } ``` Then, implement the actual connection and printing logic according to the Epson SDK documentation and your specific needs. This is usually done by creating an instance of the printer object, connecting to the printer, and sending data to it. # Step 3: Android Implementation (Kotlin) For Android, similar steps apply. Update your `MainActivity.kt` or a dedicated Kotlin file to include the Epson SDK implementation. **MainActivity.kt:** ```kotlin import import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() { private val CHANNEL = "com.example.printer/channel" override fun configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) { super.configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine) MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, CHANNEL).setMethodCallHandler { call, result -> if (call.method == "connectAndPrintSample") { // Your code to connect and print a sample } else { result.notImplemented() } } } // Implement a function to handle printer connection and printing } ``` Make sure to handle permissions for Bluetooth and network access in your Android app if needed. # Step 4: Use the Flutter Method in Your UI Within your Flutter app, wherever you need to trigger the print action: ```dart ElevatedButton( onPressed: () { PrinterService().connectAndPrintSample(); }, child: Text('Print Sample'), ), ``` # Additional Notes - **Epson SDK Integration**: You need to follow the Epson SDK documentation closely for specific methods to connect to and communicate with the printer. - **Permissions Handling**: Ensure you handle all necessary permissions on both Android and iOS. - **Thorough Testing**: Test the connectivity and printing functionality thoroughly across devices to ensure compatibility. This outline provides a general framework for your requirement, but the exact implementation of printing logic will depend on the Epson SDK and the specifics of your printer model.

question:give me connect to targeted printer and print a sample logic

answer:Integrating a "connect to targeted printer and print a sample" feature requires executing native code on both iOS and Android platforms as Flutter does not directly support printer connections. Below, simplified examples for both platforms using the Epson SDK are provided. Make sure you have integrated the Epson SDK correctly in your iOS and Android projects. The printing sample here is a simple text line for demonstration purposes. # iOS (Swift) Sample Logic First, ensure that you have set up your iOS project to include the Epson ePOS SDK. **In a suitable Swift class or your `AppDelegate.swift`:** ```swift func connectAndPrintSample(target: String) { let printer = Epos2Printer(printerSeries: EPOS2_TM_T88.rawValue, lang: EPOS2_MODEL_ANK.rawValue) let resultConnect = printer?.connect(target, timeout: Int(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT)) if resultConnect != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { print("Connection failed with error: (String(describing: resultConnect))") return } let resultBeginTransaction = printer?.beginTransaction() if resultBeginTransaction != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { print("Begin transaction failed with error: (String(describing: resultBeginTransaction))") printer?.disconnect() return } // Add text to print _ = printer?.addText("Hello, Epson Printer!n") // Trigger the actual print let resultPrint = printer?.sendData(Int(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT)) if resultPrint != EPOS2_SUCCESS.rawValue { print("Print failed with error: (String(describing: resultPrint))") } printer?.endTransaction() printer?.disconnect() printer?.clearCommandBuffer() // Always release the object when done self.printer = nil } ``` This is a very basic example. For more printing functionalities like printing images, QR codes, etc., refer to the Epson ePOS SDK documentation. # Android (Kotlin) Sample Logic Similarly, ensure that your Android project has the Epson ePOS SDK set up correctly. **In `MainActivity.kt` or a dedicated Kotlin file:** ```kotlin fun connectAndPrintSample(target: String) { val printer = Epos2Printer(Epos2Printer.TM_T88, Epos2Printer.MODEL_ANK, applicationContext) try { printer.connect(target, Epos2Printer.PARAM_DEFAULT) printer.beginTransaction() // Settings for text printing printer.addText("Hello, Epson Printer!n") printer.sendData(Epos2Printer.PARAM_DEFAULT) // Disconnect after printing printer.disconnect() } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } finally { printer.clearCommandBuffer() printer.endTransaction() printer.disconnect() printer.dispose() } } ``` This example also demonstrates a simple text print and ensures proper cleanup and disconnection from the printer. For more advanced printing tasks, refer to the specific methods provided by the Epson ePOS SDK for Android. # Flutter (Dart) Code to Invoke Native Methods Make sure your platform-channel setup is correct in your `PrinterService` class as shown before. To call the `connectAndPrintSample` method from Dart, you may pass the target printer information as a method argument: ```dart Future<void> connectAndPrintSample(String printerTarget) async { try { await _channel.invokeMethod('connectAndPrintSample', <String, dynamic>{ 'printerTarget': printerTarget, }); } on PlatformException catch (e) { print("Failed to connect and print: '{e.message}'."); } } ``` And modify the native method handlers in both Swift and Kotlin to accept `printerTarget` from the Dart side. Note: This example demonstrates the basic flow and might require adjustments or enhancements based on your specific printer model, connection method (Bluetooth, Network), and desired printing functionalities. Always test thoroughly with your target devices and refer to the official Epson ePOS SDK documentation for detailed implementation guidance.

question:add arabic language to printer so can i print arabic words

answer:Printing Arabic text on a printer, particularly when using an SDK such as Epson's ePOS SDK for thermal printers, requires consideration of a few key factors. Arabic text is written from right to left and includes characters that change form depending on their position in a word. Due to these characteristics and because many basic printer fonts do not support Arabic script or its proper display, you may need to take additional steps to ensure accurate printing. # For Flutter Integration When you're building a Flutter app that needs to print Arabic text using native platform capabilities with printers, you're essentially directing your printing commands from Flutter (Dart) through platform channels to either iOS or Android code that uses the printer's SDK. Here's a more detailed approach including tweaks in the native code to accommodate Arabic text printing: # Android (Kotlin) Example ```kotlin fun printArabicText(printer: Printer, text: String) { try { printer.addTextAlign(Printer.ALIGN_LEFT) printer.addTextSmooth(Printer.TRUE) printer.addTextStyle(Printer.PARAM_DEFAULT, Printer.PARAM_DEFAULT, Printer.TRUE, Printer.PARAM_DEFAULT) val arabicText = PrinterUtils.reorderArabicText(text) printer.addText(arabicText) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } ``` For the `reorderArabicText`, you might need to utilize a utility method or library that properly reorders Arabic text to be correctly displayed when printed. This might involve reversing the text string and ensuring that Arabic characters are correctly connected. There are libraries in Java that can do this, or it could be implemented as utility functions depending on the complexity of your text. # iOS (Swift) Example ```swift func printArabicText(printer: Epos2Printer, text: String) { do { try printer.addTextAlign(EPOS2_ALIGN_LEFT.rawValue) try printer.addTextSmooth(EPOS2_TRUE.rawValue) try printer.addTextStyle(EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT.rawValue, EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT.rawValue, EPOS2_TRUE.rawValue, EPOS2_PARAM_DEFAULT.rawValue) let arabicText = PrinterUtils.reorderArabicText(text: text) try printer.addText(arabicText) } catch let error as NSError { print("Print Arabic text failed: (error)") } } ``` In the iOS example, similar to Android's, you'd need a method or utility `reorderArabicText` that reorders and prepares an Arabic string for printing. # Utility for Arabic Text Reordering Reordering Arabic text for printing can involve several steps, including reversing the text direction and ensuring proper character forms are used. You might use third-party libraries or simple algorithms depending on your needs. There does not exist a straightforward, out-of-the-box function in Kotlin/Swift for reordering Arabic text for thermal printers. Hence, it’s often handled by sending properly-encoded bytes to the printer or using a higher-level SDK function if available. # Dart Side Calling Native Functions To call these native functions from your Flutter app (Dart), you continue using the method channel approach to invoke native code for printing: ```dart Future<void> printArabicText(String text) async { try { await platform.invokeMethod('printArabicText', <String, dynamic>{'text': text}); } on PlatformException catch (e) { print("Failed to invoke: '{e.message}'."); } } ``` # Final Note Please, make sure to review the printer SDK documentation to understand how text styles and alignment can be effectively utilized. Printer SDKs vary in the level of support they offer for different languages and text features. Advanced formatting might require implementing custom logic in the utility functions like `reorderArabicText`. When dealing with non-Latin scripts, always test with various printer models to ensure compatibility, as behavior might differ across printers even within the same brand.

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