question:Summarize the following movie reviews: 1. An especially fun movie and a rare instance of a sequel that not only equals, but even betters, its original. 2. A solid, classy, cannily constructed piece of entertainment which gets down to action almost immediately. 3. It's an entertaining and fun followup that definitely made good on the promise of evil doers who'd challenge the man of steel for all he's worth. 4. On some levels soars above its predecessor with a more personal story; credible, menacing villains and an impeccable cast. 5. Let's face it, times change, and Superman and friend have sweetly embraced the spirit of the '80s as well as each other. 6. Witty, actionpacked superadventure with big themes. 7. A fine followup, it's easy to understand why some consider Superman II to be the pick of the series. 8. Manages to gain classic comic book feature status through a combination of great stunts and a great human angle. 9. This is first class entertainment with a little bit of everything thrown in for good measure. 10. As good a matinee movie as could be imagined.
answer:1. Sequel that surpasses the original and is fun. 2. Well-made entertainment with immediate action. 3. Fun follow-up with evil doers challenging Superman. 4. Surpasses predecessor with personal story and cast. 5. Embraces '80s spirit and friendship. 6. Witty superadventure with big themes and action. 7. Fine follow-up with some considering the best of the series. 8. Classic comic book with great stunts and human angle. 9. First class entertainment with variety. 10. Good matinee movie.
question:Rate the similarity of the following two sentences on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is no meaning overlap and 5 is means the same thing? Obama to meet families of shooting victims Obama to meet Batman gun victims OPTIONS: 0 1 2 3 4 5
question:Continue writing the next sentence. How to travel during hurricane season Research the weather in the country you're visiting. Look up the country that you're visiting on the web and see if there is a major storm on the horizon. Check the history of past hurricane seasons to make your decision on whether you'd want to go. OPTIONS: Try to compromise and pick a location in the country that is not prone to devastation from typhoons or hurricanes. Try to get the latest information and watch as the storm develops. Look at what would happen if the season turned out to be unpredictable and you'd like to see more than one great storm. There are several states where hurricanes can occur. Even if the weather doesn't feature much hurricanes, you'll still have a good idea of which weather you're likely to experience. You'll know the most recent hurricane report by searching online and clicking on the free link in the sources section of this article. Hurricane season may be unpredictable, especially for countries with considerable history. If you're traveling to a completely new country, it's not uncommon for a new hurricane to strike.
answer:Try to compromise and pick a location in the country that is not prone to devastation from typhoons or hurricanes. Try to get the latest information and watch as the storm develops.
question:At 18:17, it released the first of 10,000 fire bombs, eventually amounting to 300 dropped per minute. a good answer to the question How many fire bombs were dropped per minute? OPTIONS: yes no