question:Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Stanley Anthony Woods (born October 11, 1965) is a former professional American football linebacker and defensive end in the National Football League (NFL) who played for the Seattle Seahawks from 1987 to 1992, as well as the Los Angeles Rams and the Washington Redskins. He played college football at the University of Pittsburgh. Hypothesis: In 1975 Stanley Anthony Woods started playing football.n OPTIONS: Yes It's impossible to say No
question:Review: a good three days Is this movie review sentence negative or positive? OPTIONS: negative positive
question:Q: How many people in Burma are currently using a work visa for Thailand? A: People who were out of the country at the time of the census are not included in these figures. Does the answer correctly answer the question OPTIONS: yes no
answer:No. The answer given is not related to the question asked.
question:Read this and answer the question. If the question is unanswerable, say unanswerable. Nationalists have conflicting views about the language(s). The nationalists among the Croats conflictingly claim either that they speak an entirely separate language from Serbs and Bosnians or that these two peoples have, due to the longer lexicographic tradition among Croats, somehow borrowed their standard languages from them.[citation needed] Bosniak nationalists claim that both Croats and Serbs have appropriated the Bosnian language, since Ljudevit Gaj and Vuk Karadžić preferred the NeoštokavianIjekavian dialect, widely spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the basis for language standardization, whereas the nationalists among the Serbs claim either that any divergence in the language is artificial, or claim that the Štokavian dialect is theirs and the Čakavian Croats'— in more extreme formulations Croats have taken or stolen their language from the Serbs.[citation needed] How do Serbian nationalists feel about the Croatians using their language?
answer:Serbian nationalists claim that any divergence in the language is artificial or that the Štokavian dialect is theirs and the Čakavian Croats.