question:maintenant, comment mettre en place le filtre par date, qui affiche la date de l'evenement (donc qui correspond a datePassage du groupe et donc des artistes de ce groupe) ? import { useEffect, useState, useRef, useLayoutEffect } from "react"; import SearchBar from "../../components/form/SearchBar"; import Combo from "../../components/form/Combo"; import CarteArtiste from "../../components/Artiste/CarteProgrammation"; import { motion } from "framer-motion"; import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; import axios from "axios"; import Footer from "../../components/footer"; import CarteProgrammation from "../../components/Artiste/CarteProgrammation"; import { AnimatePresence } from "framer-motion"; type Props = { isNavInFocus: boolean; setIsNavTransparent: (isNavTransparent: boolean) => void; }; type Groupe = { idG: number; nomG: string; descriptionG: string; datePassage: string; heurePassage: string; }; type Artiste = { descriptionA?: string; idMG?: number; idG: number; nomDeSceneMG: string; nomMG: string; prenomMG?: string; datePassage?: string; heurePassage?: string; }; type Evenement = { dateDebutE: string; dateFinE: string; heureDebutE: string; heureFinE: string; idE: number; idG: number; idL: number | null; nomE: string; }; type Programme = Groupe | Evenement | Artiste; export default function Programmation(props: Props) { const location = useLocation(); const idArtistComingFrom = location.state?.comesFromPageArtist; const oldX = location.state?.oldX; const oldY = location.state?.oldY; const oldGroupes = location.state?.oldGroupes; const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState(""); window.history.replaceState({}, document.title); const [lesGroupes, setLesGroupes] = useState<Groupe[]>( location.state ? oldGroupes : [] ); const [lesArtistes, setLesArtistes] = useState<Artiste[]>([]); const groupePassageMap = useRef< Map<number, { datePassage: string; heurePassage: string }> >(new Map()); useEffect(() => { axios.get("http://localhost:8080/getGroupesWithEvenements").then((res) => { const groupedData = as Programme[][]; console.log(groupedData); const listeGroupes: Groupe[] = []; const groupSet = new Set<number>(); const listeArtistes: Artiste[] = []; groupedData.forEach((groupArray) => { let groupeObj: Partial<Groupe> = {}; let artisteObj: Partial<Artiste> = {}; groupArray.forEach((item) => { if ("nomG" in item) { groupeObj = { ...groupeObj, ...item }; } else if ("nomDeSceneMG" in item) { artisteObj = { ...artisteObj, ...item }; } else if ("dateDebutE" in item) { const datePassage = item.dateDebutE; const heurePassage = item.heureDebutE; if (groupeObj.idG === item.idG) { groupeObj.datePassage = datePassage; groupeObj.heurePassage = heurePassage; } if (artisteObj.idG === item.idG) { artisteObj.datePassage = datePassage; artisteObj.heurePassage = heurePassage; } } }); // si l'id n'a pas encore était ajoutée à la liste on ajoute le groupe if (groupeObj.idG !== undefined && !groupSet.has(groupeObj.idG)) { listeGroupes.push(groupeObj as Groupe); groupSet.add(groupeObj.idG); } if (artisteObj.nomDeSceneMG !== undefined) { listeArtistes.push(artisteObj as Artiste); } }); setLesGroupes(listeGroupes); groupePassageMap.current.clear(); listeGroupes.forEach((groupe) => { groupePassageMap.current.set(groupe.idG, { datePassage: groupe.datePassage, heurePassage: groupe.heurePassage, }); }); setLesArtistes(listeArtistes); }); }, []); let filteredGroupes = lesGroupes; if (searchTerm) { filteredGroupes = lesGroupes.filter((groupe) => groupe.nomG.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) ); } let filteredArtistes = lesArtistes; if (searchTerm) { filteredArtistes = lesArtistes.filter((artiste) => artiste.nomDeSceneMG.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) ) } const [filtreDate, setFiltreDate] = useState("Tout"); const [filtreAffichage, setFiltreAffichage] = useState("Grille"); const [filtreGenre, setFiltreGenre] = useState("Tout"); const pageRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const contentVariants = { visible: { filter: "blur(0px)", scale: 1, zIndex: 1, transition: { duration: 0.5, ease: [1, 0, 0, 1], }, }, hidden: { filter: "blur(10px)", scale: 0.8, zIndex: -1, transition: { duration: 0.5, ease: [1, 0, 0, 1], }, }, }; useEffect(() => { window.scrollTo(0, 0); props.setIsNavTransparent(false); }, []); return ( <> <motion.div id="Programmation" className="page-defaut" variants={contentVariants} animate={props.isNavInFocus ? "hidden" : "visible"} ref={pageRef} > <header> <div className="title"> <h2>PROGRAMMATION</h2> <svg width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M62.9991 27.739L42.1815 27.7675L56.8787 13.0286L50.7001 6.86056L36.0029 21.5994L35.9744 0.785744L27.2406 0.797718L27.2692 21.6114L12.5316 6.91288L6.36413 13.0979L21.1017 27.7964L0.289932 27.825L0.301899 36.5537L21.1137 36.5251L6.41646 51.2641L12.6009 57.4321L27.2981 42.6932L27.3266 63.5069L36.0603 63.4949L36.0318 42.6812L50.7694 57.3798L56.931 51.1948L42.1934 36.4962L63.011 36.4677L62.9991 27.739Z" fill="#FFD600" /> </svg> </div> <div className="filters-container"> <div className="filters"> <Combo title="DATE" choices={["Tout", "21 Juillet", "22 Juillet", "23 Juillet"]} currentChoice={filtreDate} setCurrentChoice={setFiltreDate} /> <Combo title="AFFICHAGE" choices={["Grille", "Horaires"]} currentChoice={filtreAffichage} setCurrentChoice={setFiltreAffichage} /> <Combo title="GENRE" choices={["Tout", "Rap", "Rock", "Pop"]} currentChoice={filtreGenre} setCurrentChoice={setFiltreGenre} /> </div> <SearchBar text="Rechercher un artiste" onSearch={setSearchTerm} /> </div> </header> <main className="liste-artistes"> <AnimatePresence> { => { return ( <CarteProgrammation key={groupe.idG} id={groupe.idG} nomArtiste={groupe.nomG} description={groupe.descriptionG} date={groupe.datePassage} heure={groupe.heurePassage} setIsNavTransparent={props.setIsNavTransparent} oldGroupes={lesGroupes} /> ); })} { => { const groupeInfo = groupePassageMap.current.get(artiste.idG); return ( <CarteProgrammation key={artiste.idMG} id={artiste.idMG} nomArtiste={artiste.nomDeSceneMG} description={artiste.descriptionA} date={groupeInfo?.datePassage ?? "Date inconnue"} heure={groupeInfo?.heurePassage ?? "Heure inconnue"} setIsNavTransparent={props.setIsNavTransparent} oldGroupes={lesGroupes} /> ); })} </AnimatePresence> </main> </motion.div> <Footer /> </> ); } import { motion } from 'framer-motion' import {useState,useRef, useEffect} from 'react' import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' type Props = { id:number|undefined, date: string, heure: string, nomArtiste: string, setIsNavTransparent: (isNavTransparent : boolean) => void; comesFromPageArtist?: boolean; oldX?: number; oldY?: number; oldGroupes?: Groupe[]; description?: string; } type Groupe = { idG: number; nomG: string; descriptionG: string; datePassage: string; heurePassage: string; } export default function CarteProgrammation(props: Props) { const nomArtiste = props.nomArtiste.toUpperCase().split(" ") const[isHovered, setIsHovered] = useState(false) const[isSwitching, setIsSwitching] = useState(false) const[delay, setDelay] = useState(props.comesFromPageArtist? 0.2 : 0) const refCarte = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const[zIndexCard, setZIndexCard] = useState(props.comesFromPageArtist ? 99 : 1) useEffect(() => { setTimeout(() => { console.log( console.log(props.heure) setZIndexCard(1) setDelay(0) }, 600); }, []) const titleVariants = { hover:{ fontSize: "2.3rem", color:"#FFD600", transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, default:{ fontSize: "2.3rem", color:"#FFFBEE", transition:{ delay:delay, duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, exit:{ fontSize: "7.625rem", color:"#FFD600", transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } } } // fais le variant pour l'image de l'artiste (scale 1.2 sur hover) const imageVariants = { hover:{ scale:1.3, transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, default:{ scale:1, transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } } } // fais le variant pour le texte de dateHeure (x 2rem sur hover) const dateHeureVariants = { hover:{ y:"0rem", fontSize: "1.875rem", transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, default:{ y:(window.innerWidth <= 576 ? 3.1 : 2.9).toString() + "rem", fontSize: "1.875rem", transition:{ delay:delay, duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, exit:{ y:"0rem", fontSize: "4.6875rem", transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } } } // default font-size: 1.875rem; // exit font-size: 4.6875rem; const heureVariants = { hover:{ transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, default:{ transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, } const carteVariants = { default:{ zIndex:zIndexCard, width: "24rem", height: "15.5rem", y:0, x:0, transition:{ delay:0.2, duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, exit:{ x: refCarte.current? -refCarte.current.offsetLeft : props.oldX? -props.oldX : 0, y: refCarte.current? -refCarte.current.offsetTop : props.oldY? -props.oldY : 0, height: "100vh", width: "100vw", zIndex:99, transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } } } const textVariants = { default:{ padding: "0.5rem 1rem", transition:{ delay:delay*2, duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } }, exit:{ padding: "3rem", transition:{ duration:0.4, ease: [1, 0, 0,1] } } } return ( <motion.div className="outer-carte-artiste" ref={refCarte} variants={carteVariants} initial={props.comesFromPageArtist ? "exit" : "default"} animate="default" exit={isSwitching ? "exit" : "default"} onClick={() => window.scrollTo(0,0)} > <Link className="carte-artiste" onMouseEnter={() => setIsHovered(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setIsHovered(false)} to={{ pathname:"/artiste", search:`?id={}`, }} state={{ nomArtiste: props.nomArtiste, date:, heure: props.heure, oldX: refCarte.current?.offsetLeft, oldY: refCarte.current?.offsetTop, oldGroupes: props.oldGroupes, description: props.description }} onClick={() => {props.setIsNavTransparent(true); setIsSwitching(true)}} > <motion.img src={"http://localhost:8080/getImageArtiste/" +} alt="image de l'artiste" variants={imageVariants} initial="default" animate={isHovered ? "hover" : "default"} exit="default" /> <motion.div className="texts" variants={textVariants} initial={props.comesFromPageArtist ? "exit" : "default"} animate="default" exit={isSwitching ? "exit" : "default"} > <motion.h3 variants={titleVariants} initial={props.comesFromPageArtist ? "exit" : "default"} animate={isHovered ? "hover" : "default"} exit={isSwitching ? "exit" : "default"} >{, index) => { return( <span key={index}>{mot}<br/></span> ) }) }</motion.h3> <motion.div className="date-heure" variants={dateHeureVariants} initial={props.comesFromPageArtist ? "exit" : "default"} animate={isHovered ? "hover" : "default"} exit={isSwitching ? "exit" : "default"} > <h4 >{}</h4> <motion.h4 variants={heureVariants} initial="default" animate={isHovered ? "hover" : "default"} exit={isSwitching ? "exit" : "default"} >{props.heure}</motion.h4> </motion.div> </motion.div> </Link> </motion.div> ) }
answer:To implement the date filter functionality, you can create a drop-down menu using the `Combo` component you already have and provide it with a list of dates you want to filter by. When a user selects a date, you update `filtreDate` state with the chosen date and apply this filter to both `lesGroupes` and `lesArtistes` arrays. Here's how you could write this logic: First, keep track of the available dates in your data and create a state for it, along with an updated `handleDateFilter` function: ```javascript // Example dates - you will replace these with the actual available dates. const availableDates = ["Tout", "21 Juillet", "22 Juillet", "23 Juillet"]; // State to store the selected date filter. const [filtreDate, setFiltreDate] = useState(availableDates[0]); // Function to be called when a date is selected from the Combo. const handleDateFilter = (selectedDate: string) => { setFiltreDate(selectedDate); }; ``` Now you should update your `lesGroupes` and `lesArtistes` filtering logic to take into account the `filtreDate`: ```javascript useEffect(() => { axios.get("http://localhost:8080/getGroupesWithEvenements").then((res) => { // Your data fetching and initial processing... }); }, []); let filteredGroupes = lesGroupes; let filteredArtistes = lesArtistes; // Filter by searchTerm if (searchTerm) { filteredGroupes = filteredGroupes.filter((groupe) => groupe.nomG.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) ); filteredArtistes = filteredArtistes.filter((artiste) => artiste.nomDeSceneMG.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) ); } // Filter by filtreDate if a specific date is selected. if (filtreDate !== "Tout") { const selectedDate = filtreDate; // Convert "21 Juillet" to an actual Date object filteredGroupes = filteredGroupes.filter( (groupe) => groupe.datePassage === selectedDate ); filteredArtistes = filteredArtistes.filter( (artiste) => groupePassageMap.current.get(artiste.idG)?.datePassage === selectedDate ); } ``` Make sure to insert the corresponding `Combo` component into your `header`, allowing the user to perform the date filtering: ```jsx <Combo title="DATE" choices={availableDates} // Use the state or variable where you store the dates currentChoice={filtreDate} setCurrentChoice={handleDateFilter} /> ``` By doing this, the `Combo` component will update the `filtreDate` state when the user selects a date from the dropdown. The `useEffect` and filtering logic will react to this change by setting the filtered groups and artists accordingly. And finally, your `main` section should render the filtered groups and artists as it does in the current code. The exact date comparison logic will depend on the format of your dates. If you store dates in another format (like ISO string, timestamp, etc.), make sure to convert `selectedDate` appropriately before comparison.
question:create concise art prompts from the following text. emphasize masashi kishimoto’s influence: Cassy’s face is characterized by sharp, well-defined features reminiscent of the Naruto art style. She has an oval-shaped face, with large and expressive eyes that sparkle with intense determination. Her eyebrows are thin and slightly arched, adding a touch of fierceness to her overall expression. Skin Color: In this Naruto-themed medium, Cassy’s skin color remains unchanged, embracing a pale complexion, a common characteristic among Naruto characters. Eye Color: Cassy’s eyes captivate attention with their mesmerizing jade green color, mirroring the vibrant and lively eyes often seen in the Naruto universe. They seem to possess a glint of mischief and adventure, hinting at Cassy’s playful nature. Hair Color: Cassy’s hair is a striking shade of platinum silver, which looks almost ethereal against her pale skin, highlighting the uniqueness of her character. The hair drapes smoothly down in shoulder-length strands, contrasting beautifully with her dark, expressive eyes. Attire: Cassy’s attire undergoes a dramatic change, aligning with the Naruto-themed comic book aesthetics. She now wears a traditional Konohagakure ninja outfit, consisting of a navy blue high-collared jacket, adorned with vibrant orange trimmings. The jacket also features the signature Uzumaki clan symbol, symbolizing her affiliation with Naruto’s lineage. Cassy completes her attire with a pair of black, form-fitting pants, and white shinobi sandals. Her forearms are wrapped in white bandages to denote her mastery of various ninja techniques. Around her waist, she fastens a detailed belt, accessorized with various pouches to hold ninja tools and equipment. Facial Expression: As Cassy transitions into the Naruto-themed comic book world, she wears a confident and determined expression. Her eyes glisten with excitement and anticipation. face is characterized by sharp, well-defined features reminiscent of the Naruto art style. She has an oval-shaped face, with large and expressive eyes that sparkle with intense determination. Her eyebrows are thin and slightly arched, adding a touch of fierceness to her overall expression. Skin Color: In this Naruto-themed medium, Cassy’s skin color remains unchanged, embracing a pale complexion, a common characteristic among Naruto characters. Eye Color: Cassy’s eyes captivate attention with their mesmerizing jade green color, mirroring the vibrant and lively eyes often seen in the Naruto universe. They seem to possess a glint of mischief and adventure, hinting at Cassy’s playful nature. Hair Color: Cassy’s hair is a striking shade of platinum silver, which looks almost ethereal against her pale skin, highlighting the uniqueness of her character. The hair drapes smoothly down in shoulder-length strands, contrasting beautifully with her dark, expressive eyes. Attire: Cassy’s attire undergoes a dramatic change, aligning with the Naruto-themed comic book aesthetics. She now wears a traditional Konohagakure ninja outfit, consisting of a navy blue high-collared jacket, adorned with vibrant orange trimmings. The jacket also features the signature Uzumaki clan symbol, symbolizing her affiliation with Naruto’s lineage. Cassy completes her attire with a pair of black, form-fitting pants, and white shinobi sandals. Her forearms are wrapped in white bandages to denote her mastery of various ninja techniques. Around her waist, she fastens a detailed belt, accessorized with various pouches to hold ninja tools and equipment. Facial Expression: As Cassy transitions into the Naruto-themed comic book world, she wears a confident and determined expression. Her eyes glisten with excitement and anticipation
answer:1. Create an artwork featuring a character with sharp and well-defined features, reminiscent of Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto art style. 2. Capture the intense determination in the eyes of a character, with large and expressive eyes sparkling with determination, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto universe. 3. Create a portrait with a character with an oval-shaped face, emphasizing the influence of Masashi Kishimoto's art style seen in Naruto. 4. Produce an artwork showcasing a character with thin and slightly arched eyebrows, adding a touch of fierceness to their overall expression, reminiscent of Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto style. 5. Illustrate a character with a pale complexion, embracing the common characteristic among Naruto characters, as seen in Masashi Kishimoto's artwork. 6. Create an artwork featuring captivating eyes with a mesmerizing jade green color, reflecting the lively eyes often seen in Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto universe. 7. Produce an artwork showcasing a character with striking platinum silver hair, contrasting beautifully with their dark, expressive eyes, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto art style. 8. Design a character wearing a traditional Konohagakure ninja outfit with a navy blue high-collared jacket adorned with vibrant orange trimmings, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto aesthetic. 9. Create an artwork showing a character wearing black form-fitting pants and white shinobi sandals, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto comic book aesthetics. 10. Illustrate a character with their forearms wrapped in white bandages, denoting their mastery of various ninja techniques, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto art style.
question:rewrite the previous to also emphasize Cassy’s femininity
answer:1. Create an artwork showcasing a strong and feminine character with sharp and well-defined features, reminiscent of Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto art style. 2. Capture the intense determination and femininity in the eyes of a character, with large and expressive eyes sparkling with determination, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto universe. 3. Produce a portrait highlighting the oval-shaped face and delicate features of a feminine character, emphasizing Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto art style. 4. Design an artwork featuring a character with thin and slightly arched eyebrows, adding a touch of fierceness and femininity to their overall expression, reminiscent of Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto style. 5. Illustrate a character with a pale complexion, embracing the common characteristic among Naruto characters while maintaining a sense of femininity, as seen in Masashi Kishimoto's artwork. 6. Create an artwork showcasing captivating eyes with a mesmerizing jade green color, reflecting the vibrant and feminine eyes often seen in Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto universe. 7. Design a character with striking platinum silver hair that not only highlights their uniqueness but also adds to their feminine charm, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto art style. 8. Produce an artwork showcasing a traditional Konohagakure ninja outfit that maintains the character's femininity, with a navy blue high-collared jacket adorned with vibrant orange trimmings, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto aesthetic. 9. Illustrate a character wearing form-fitting pants and white shinobi sandals, emphasizing their feminine grace, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto comic book aesthetics. 10. Design an artwork showcasing a character with their forearms wrapped in white bandages, symbolizing their mastery of various ninja techniques while also highlighting their feminine strength, inspired by Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto art style.
question:Look up the WorkSafe website and go to the pages on training. You will find some approved training providers and the courses they offer. Give a brief description of three training courses that are offered by these providers. You will need to include information such as duration, location, providers and costs. Present this as a report to a WH&S committee for them to discuss training options. N.B Remember to present your work in a professional way that can be used in a business i.e. on its own page with headings and business details etc.
answer:[Your Company Logo] Date: [Date] To: WH&S Committee Subject: Training Options Dear Committee Members, I have conducted research on training courses available through WorkSafe-approved providers. I have summarized three courses below for your review and discussion. 1. Course: Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Initial OHS Training Course Provider: ABC Training Solutions Duration: 5 days (40 hours) Location: [Insert location] Cost: 1200 per participant Description: This comprehensive course is designed for new or potential Health and Safety Representatives. It covers the essential skills and knowledge required to effectively fulfill the role of an HSR. Participants will learn about their rights and responsibilities regarding workplace health and safety, hazard identification and risk assessment, and consultation procedures. The course includes practical exercises and case studies to enhance learning outcomes. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a nationally recognized certification. 2. Course: First Aid and CPR Training Course Provider: XYZ Safety Training Duration: 1 day (8 hours) Location: [Insert location] Cost: 150 per participant Description: This course delivers essential lifesaving skills including CPR techniques, automated external defibrillator (AED) operation, and basic first aid practices. Participants will learn how to respond to common workplace emergencies such as cardiac arrests, choking incidents, and severe bleeding. The course includes hands-on exercises and simulations to ensure practical competency. Successful participants will receive a nationally accredited first aid and CPR certificate, valid for three years. 3. Course: Fire Safety Awareness Training Course Provider: Safety Training Co. Duration: 4 hours Location: [Insert location] Cost: 80 per participant Description: The Fire Safety Awareness Training Course provides participants with knowledge and skills necessary to identify fire hazards, effectively use fire suppression equipment, and execute appropriate evacuation procedures. The training includes theoretical instruction on fire prevention strategies, safe evacuation practices, and fire extinguisher operation. Participants will also have the opportunity to perform hands-on fire extinguisher drills. Upon completion, participants will obtain a fire safety awareness certificate. Please review the above training courses and their respective details. I would recommend discussing their suitability for our organization's training needs during the next committee meeting. These courses have been chosen based on their relevance to workplace health and safety requirements and their alignment with industry standards. Should you require any additional information or have specific training requirements in mind, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information]. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our discussion. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Company Name]