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question:What are the treatments for Inguinal Hernia ?

answer:Repair of an inguinal hernia via surgery is the only treatment for inguinal hernias and can prevent incarceration and strangulation. Health care providers recommend surgery for most people with inguinal hernias and especially for people with hernias that cause symptoms. Research suggests that men with hernias that cause few or no symptoms may be able to safely delay surgery until their symptoms increase.3,6 Men who delay surgery should watch for symptoms and see a health care provider regularly. Health care providers usually recommend surgery for infants and children to prevent incarceration.1 Emergent, or immediate, surgery is necessary for incarcerated or strangulated hernias. A general surgeona doctor who specializes in abdominal surgeryperforms hernia surgery at a hospital or surgery center, usually on an outpatient basis. Recovery time varies depending on the size of the hernia, the technique used, and the age and health of the person. Hernia surgery is also called herniorrhaphy. The two main types of surgery for hernias are - Open hernia repair. During an open hernia repair, a health care provider usually gives a patient local anesthesia in the abdomen with sedation; however, some patients may have - sedation with a spinal block, in which a health care provider injects anesthetics around the nerves in the spine, making the body numb from the waist down - general anesthesia - The surgeon makes an incision in the groin, moves the hernia back into the abdomen, and reinforces the abdominal wall with stitches. Usually the surgeon also reinforces the weak area with a synthetic mesh or screen to provide additional support. - Laparoscopic hernia repair. A surgeon performs laparoscopic hernia repair with the patient under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes several small, half-inch incisions in the lower abdomen and inserts a laparoscopea thin tube with a tiny video camera attached. The camera sends a magnified image from inside the body to a video monitor, giving the surgeon a close-up view of the hernia and surrounding tissue. While watching the monitor, the surgeon repairs the hernia using synthetic mesh or screen. People who undergo laparoscopic hernia repair generally experience a shorter recovery time than those who have an open hernia repair. However, the surgeon may determine that laparoscopy is not the best option if the hernia is large or if the person has had previous pelvic surgery. Most adults experience discomfort and require pain medication after either an open hernia repair or a laparoscopic hernia repair. Intense activity and heavy lifting are restricted for several weeks. The surgeon will discuss when a person may safely return to work. Infants and children also experience some discomfort; however, they usually resume normal activities after several days. Surgery to repair an inguinal hernia is quite safe, and complications are uncommon. People should contact their health care provider if any of the following symptoms appear: - redness around or drainage from the incision - fever - bleeding from the incision - pain that is not relieved by medication or pain that suddenly worsens Possible long-term complications include - long-lasting pain in the groin - recurrence of the hernia, requiring a second surgery - damage to nerves near the hernia

question:w to prevent Inguinal Hernia ?

answer:People cannot prevent the weakness in the abdominal wall that causes indirect inguinal hernias. However, people may be able to prevent direct inguinal hernias by maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking. People can keep inguinal hernias from getting worse or keep inguinal hernias from recurring after surgery by - avoiding heavy lifting - using the legs, not the back, when lifting objects - preventing constipation and straining during bowel movements - maintaining a healthy weight - not smoking

question:What to do for Inguinal Hernia ?

answer:Researchers have not found that eating, diet, and nutrition play a role in causing inguinal hernias. A person with an inguinal hernia may be able to prevent symptoms by eating high-fiber foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are high in fiber and may help prevent the constipation and straining that cause some of the painful symptoms of a hernia. The surgeon will provide instructions on eating, diet, and nutrition after inguinal hernia surgery. Most people drink liquids and eat a light diet the day of the operation and then resume their usual diet the next day.

question:What to do for Inguinal Hernia ?

answer:- An inguinal hernia happens when contents of the abdomenusually fat or part of the small intestinebulge through a weak area in the lower abdominal wall. - A defect in the abdominal wall that is present at birth causes an indirect inguinal hernia. - Direct inguinal hernias usually occur only in male adults as aging and stress or strain weaken the abdominal muscles around the inguinal canal. Females rarely form this type of inguinal hernia. - The first sign of an inguinal hernia is a small bulge on one or, rarely, on both sides of the grointhe area just above the groin crease between the lower abdomen and the thigh. - An incarcerated hernia happens when part of the fat or small intestine from inside the abdomen becomes stuck in the groin or scrotum and cannot go back into the abdomen. - When an incarcerated hernia is not treated, the blood supply to the small intestine may become obstructed, causing strangulation of the small intestine. - People who have symptoms of an incarcerated or a strangulated hernia should seek emergency medical help immediately. A strangulated hernia is a life-threatening condition. - Repair of an inguinal hernia via surgery is the only treatment for inguinal hernias and can prevent incarceration and strangulation.

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