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question:public static String decrypt(String key, String value) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(value) || key == null) { return ""; } String decryptValue; if (value.startsWith(CHANNEL_AES_ENCRYPT_PRE)) { decryptValue = DecryptEncryptUtil.aesDecryptIPS(SECRET_ALIAS, value.substring(CHANNEL_AES_ENCRYPT_PRE.length())); } else if (value.startsWith(SKS_AES_ENCRYPT_PRE) || value.startsWith(SKS_GCM_ENCRYPT_PRE)) { decryptValue = DecryptEncryptUtil.aesDecryptIPS(SECRET_ALIAS, value); } else { decryptValue = value; } if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(key, decryptValue) && decryptValue.startsWith(key)) { return decryptValue.substring(key.length()); } return decryptValue; 解析一下这些代码

answer:这段代码是一个用于解密字符串的函数。下面是代码的解析: 1. 首先,判断输入的字符串value是否为空或空白字符串,以及key是否为null。如果是,则返回一个空字符串。 2. 创建一个名为decryptValue的字符串变量,用于存储解密后的结果。 3. 如果value以CHANNEL_AES_ENCRYPT_PRE开头,那么将使用DecryptEncryptUtil类的aesDecryptIPS方法对value的子字符串(去掉CHANNEL_AES_ENCRYPT_PRE开头的部分)进行解密。解密使用的密钥是SECRET_ALIAS。 4. 如果value以SKS_AES_ENCRYPT_PRE或SKS_GCM_ENCRYPT_PRE开头,那么将使用DecryptEncryptUtil类的aesDecryptIPS方法对整个value进行解密。解密使用的密钥是SECRET_ALIAS。 5. 如果value既不以CHANNEL_AES_ENCRYPT_PRE开头,也不以SKS_AES_ENCRYPT_PRE或SKS_GCM_ENCRYPT_PRE开头,则将decryptValue设置为value本身,表示不需要解密。 6. 接下来,判断key和decryptValue是否都非空,并且decryptValue是否以key开头。如果是,则返回decryptValue从key后开始的子字符串。 7. 如果上述条件都不满足,则返回decryptValue本身作为解密结果。 总结来说,该函数首先判断需要解密的字符串value的类型,然后根据不同的类型选择不同的解密方法,解密使用的密钥是SECRET_ALIAS。最后,根据key判断是否需要从解密结果中截取一部分作为最终的解密结果。

question:public static String maskBody(String body, String[] elements, String mimeType) { try { if (TEXT_XML.equals(mimeType) || APP_XML.equals(mimeType)) { return maskXmlElement(body, elements); } else if (APP_JSON.equals(mimeType)) { return maskJsonElement(body, elements); } else { return maskFormElement(body, elements); } } catch (Exception e) { String tempMsg = "隐私数据脱敏失败:"; LOGGER.error(tempMsg, e); } return body; 解析一下这些代码

answer:这段代码是一个用于对请求体中的敏感数据进行脱敏处理的函数。下面是代码的解析: 1. 首先,判断请求的mimeType是否是TEXT_XML或APP_XML。如果是,则调用maskXmlElement函数对请求体中的敏感数据进行脱敏处理。 2. 如果mimeType是APP_JSON,则调用maskJsonElement函数对请求体中的敏感数据进行脱敏处理。 3. 如果mimeType不是TEXT_XML、APP_XML或APP_JSON,则调用maskFormElement函数对请求体中的敏感数据进行脱敏处理。这里假设mimeType是表单格式。 4. 如果在脱敏处理过程中抛出了异常,则捕获异常并记录错误日志。错误日志包含了"隐私数据脱敏失败:"作为前缀。 5. 最后,无论是否发生异常,都返回最终的脱敏处理结果。 总结来说,该函数根据请求的mimeType来确定请求体中的数据类型,然后调用不同的方法对敏感数据进行脱敏处理。如果脱敏处理失败,则捕获异常并记录错误日志。最终返回脱敏处理后的结果。

question:Reframe in more polished and discussion way using academic language with literary jargon and try to incorporate last line in more valid way. Avoid repeating words especially in the beginning of sentences The problem with child narrators, however, becomes all the more pressing when the narrator is a girl child, as she has to navigate a complex and hostile terrain: she has to speak her truth and claim her authority as a child and as a woman in a culture that often ignores and marginalises both. She has to find her voice and identity in a narrative space that is influenced by the standards and desires of adult and male readers. She has to defy the labels and assumptions that are imposed on her gender and age and confront the powerful discourses that try to limit and shape her The question, then, that can be raised, is does the narrator’s (since the narrator in selected novels is a girl child) gender have any bearing on the text? Could the primacy of gender be such that it wields influence within the textual fabric itself? To what extent does the gender of the narrator infuse the narrative with layers of meaning, context, and interpretation that transcend the words on the page?. To recognize this specificity…. in recent years has led many narratologists to examine the significance of the gender of narrator on its narration. Susan Lanser, for example (1986), in her….., argues that gender is a category “that is relevant to the analysis of the structural features of narratives.” In order to understand the true “nature, form, and functioning of narrative” (Lanser) it is imperative to explore the implications of “sex, gender and/or sexuality” (Lanser) of the narrator or narrative. She claims that texts with, I would say girl child narrators, are more “polyphones”; it comprises different strands which need to be “identified” and “disentangled,” being multi-layered, and with different levels of meaning. Similarly Carson and others maintain that “While individuals may differ on the extent to which biological sex constructs identity, a broad consensus exists around the principle that gender inflects our material and conceptual realities in myriad tangible and intangible ways." Even Eve Sedgwick, Nancy miller, among others, have looked into the ways gender colours the production of story in narrative. To study the narrator’s testimonial and interpretative functions it becomes necessary to look at the narrator’s utterances within a context. Nothing prohibits us, as Warhol does, from asking, among other questions that what part of narrators gender plays in the kinds of interventions he or she uses in narrative. Such presumptuousness can emphasize essential differences between the sexes- between their psychological natures, or between their operation as subjects or signifies in history and philosophy. In other wors, both the text and analysis thereof cannot be ‘neutral’ but may be ideologically loaded in some way (Kreiswirth, 2000: 296)

answer:Addressing the complexities surrounding child narrators, particularly those who present as female, one encounters a multifaceted conundrum. These narrators must articulate their personal truths and assert their legitimacy both as children and as women within a cultural milieu frequently dismissive of and discriminatory towards these intersections of identity. They must carve out a personal narrative identity amidst a discourse predominantly shaped by adult and male expectations, thereby challenging the preconceived notions and discourses that attempt to constrain and define them. Considering these narrators' gender raises pivotal questions concerning their influence on the narrative fabric. How does the gender of the narrator imbue the narrative with depth, providing layers of meaning, context, and interpretive nuance that surpasses mere textual presence? The nuanced influence of gender on the narrative is increasingly recognized as a pertinent area of study by narratologists, prompting comprehensive research in this sphere. Susan Lanser, a groundbreaker in this discourse, has postulated that gender remains a salient lens for deconstructing the structural nuances inherent in narratives. To fully grasp the essence, format, and dynamics of a narrative, one must consider the ramifications entailed in the narrator's sex, gender, and sexuality. Lanser contends that narratives steered by female child narrators tend to be more 'polyphonous,' comprising disparate narrative threads that necessitate intricacy, calling for identification and unraveling, establishing multi-level semiotic orchestration. This perspective finds resonance with theorists like Carson et al., who assert that, notwithstanding individual variances regarding the extent to which biological sex informs identity, a robust accord prevails in recognizing that gender invariably leaves an indelible imprint on the tangible and ethereal aspects of our phenomenological and ideational realms. The scholarship of Eve Sedgwick, Nancy Miller, and their contemporaries further delves into the influence of gender on narrative genesis and progression. An interrogation into the narrator’s testimonial and interpretive capacities necessitates a contextual framework. Following thinkers like Warhol, one is encouraged to probe the extent to which a narrator's gender shapes their interactions and interventions within the narrative. Entertaining such conjecture may unearth perceived inherent distinctions between genders—whether psychological, historical, or philosophical. As Martin Kreiswirth has elucidated, both texts and their analyses are seldom ideologically impartial; they may invariably bear the hallmarks of underpinning ideological presuppositions. Thus, to fully appreciate the intricacies of gender as an operative force within narrative structures, unravelling such strands is not simply an academic exercise but a crucial step in understanding the dynamics of storytelling and interpretive practices.

question:write me a summary on the first amendment

answer:The First Amendment is a crucial part of the United States Constitution and guarantees many fundamental rights and freedoms. It states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This amendment provides for the separation of church and state, prohibiting the government from establishing or endorsing any particular religion. It also protects the freedom of individuals to practice any religion and guarantees that the government cannot hinder or interfere with religious beliefs or practices. The First Amendment also upholds the freedom of speech, granting individuals the right to express their opinions, ideas, and beliefs without fear of government censorship or punishment. This protection encompasses various forms of expression, including written, spoken, and symbolic speech. Furthermore, the First Amendment protects the freedom of the press, allowing journalists and media outlets to investigate, report, and criticize the government or any other subjects of public interest without interference. This freedom is essential to maintain a well-informed society and encourages open and public discourse. Additionally, the First Amendment protects the right of peaceful assembly, enabling individuals to gather and protest peacefully for various causes and grievances. It ensures that citizens can voice their concerns collectively and seek redress from the government without fear of reprisal. In summary, the First Amendment is a cornerstone of American democracy as it safeguards religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to peacefully assemble and petition the government. These rights are fundamental to the principles of a free and open society and provide the basis for public discourse, accountability, and the protection of individual liberties.

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