question:Les partis essentiel de l'organisation du traité de coopération amazonienne qu'on peut apprendre à l'université en RDC
answer:En République démocratique du Congo (RDC), les étudiants peuvent étudier les tenants et aboutissants de l'Organisation du Traité de Coopération Amazonienne (OTCA) dans le cadre de leurs études supérieures en sciences politiques, en relations internationales, en droit international ou en études environnementales. Voici quelques aspects essentiels de l'OTCA qui pourraient être abordés dans le programme universitaire en RDC : 1. Objectifs et missions de l'OTCA : Les étudiants pourraient apprendre les objectifs fondamentaux de l'OTCA, tels que la promotion de la coopération régionale, la protection de l'environnement en Amazonie, la conservation de la biodiversité, et la promotion du développement durable dans la région. 2. Structure institutionnelle de l'OTCA : Les étudiants pourraient étudier la composition, les organes décisionnels et le fonctionnement de l'OTCA, y compris le rôle de la Commission de l'Amazonie et du Secrétariat de l'organisation. 3. Les pays membres de l'OTCA : Les étudiants pourraient étudier les pays membres de l'OTCA, y compris le rôle et les responsabilités de chaque pays dans la coopération régionale et la mise en œuvre des politiques et programmes de l'organisation. 4. Programmes et projets de l'OTCA : Les étudiants pourraient se pencher sur les différents programmes et projets mis en place par l'OTCA pour promouvoir la protection de l'environnement en Amazonie, la conservation de la biodiversité, la gestion durable des ressources naturelles, et le développement économique de la région. 5. Défis et perspectives de l'OTCA : Les étudiants pourraient analyser les défis auxquels l'OTCA est confrontée dans la réalisation de ses objectifs, ainsi que les perspectives d'avenir de l'organisation et les enjeux pour la région amazonienne en matière de développement durable. En étudiant l'OTCA, les étudiants en RDC pourraient acquérir une meilleure compréhension des enjeux internationaux liés à la protection de l'environnement et du rôle des organisations régionales dans la promotion du développement durable.
question:Les défis et perspectives de l'organisation du traité de coopération amazonienne
answer:Les défis et perspectives de l'Organisation du Traité de Coopération Amazonienne (OTCA) sont nombreux et complexes, étant donné les enjeux environnementaux, sociaux et économiques particuliers de la région amazonienne. Voici quelques-uns des défis auxquels l'OTCA est confrontée, ainsi que les perspectives d'avenir de l'organisation : Défis : 1. Déforestation et dégradation de l'environnement : La principale menace pour l'Amazonie est la déforestation, qui continue de progresser à un rythme alarmant en raison de l'expansion de l'agriculture, de l'exploitation minière et de la déforestation illégale. L'OTCA doit relever le défi de la lutte contre la déforestation et la dégradation de l'environnement tout en favorisant un développement économique durable pour les populations locales. 2. Conflits entre les intérêts économiques et la protection de l'environnement : L'OTCA doit concilier les intérêts économiques des pays de la région, qui sont souvent axés sur l'exploitation des ressources naturelles, avec la nécessité de préserver la biodiversité et les écosystèmes de l'Amazonie. 3. Gestion et gouvernance : La coopération entre les pays membres de l'OTCA peut être entravée par des problèmes de gouvernance, de coordination et de financement. L'organisation doit renforcer les mécanismes de gouvernance et de coordination pour mieux relever les défis communs de la région. Perspectives : 1. Renforcement de la coopération régionale : L'OTCA a un rôle essentiel à jouer dans le renforcement de la coopération entre les pays de l'Amazonie pour faire face aux défis environnementaux et socio-économiques communs. L'organisation peut offrir une plateforme de dialogue et de collaboration pour promouvoir des politiques et des actions communes. 2. Promotion du développement durable : L'OTCA peut jouer un rôle important dans la promotion du développement durable en Amazonie, en encourageant des pratiques respectueuses de l'environnement, la conservation de la biodiversité et la valorisation des connaissances traditionnelles des peuples autochtones. 3. Sensibilisation et mobilisation : L'OTCA peut contribuer à sensibiliser la population locale, les acteurs économiques et politiques, ainsi que la communauté internationale sur l'importance de la préservation de l'Amazonie et la promotion du développement durable dans la région. En conclusion, l'OTCA fait face à plusieurs défis, mais elle dispose également de nombreuses perspectives pour renforcer la protection de l'environnement en Amazonie et promouvoir un développement durable pour les générations futures. La collaboration et l'engagement des pays membres et des acteurs concernés seront essentiels pour réaliser ces objectifs.
question:What would be the Japanese equivalent of the Knights of the Round in canon Code Geass’ Holy Brittanian Empire in an alternate history of Code Geass where Brittania still rose from a British defeat by Napoleon but the 1868 Meiji Restoration in Japan still happened unlike in canon Code Geass and in OTL, but the Tokugawa shogunate was not displaced and the Japanese Tokugawa clan not removed from their position as shoguns of Japan despite the Japanese imperial family, the Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty regaining its power though the Meiji Restoration like in OTL, and Japan had also conquered the side branch of the Tang dynasty's imperial family, the Mongol-Manchu Imperial House of Yi, the Han Chinese-Korean Royal House of Jeonju Yi-ruled absolute royal monarchy of the Great Joeson State/Great Joeson/Joeson Kingdom, nd Russia’s Sahlakin and Kuril Islands during the time of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and [Japan] was the one to conquer Japanese-Han Chinese Zheng dynasty/Royal House of Kozinga-ruled rump kingdom/satelite state of the Ming dynasty of the Tungning Kingdom in Taiwan and the Pengu Isles [Japan conquering the Tungning Kingdom] instead of the Qing before the Meiji Restoration in this timeline, [Japan] absorbing the Taiwanese Hoklo and other indigenous groups in Taiwan into the Japanese nation, [Japan] also absorbing the Ming royalty and aristocracy of the Tungning Kingdom into the Japanese aristocratic and noble system along with [Japan] also absorbing the Koreans into the Japanese nation and [Japan] wiping out the slave owning, sex-slave owning, oppressive, China-worshipping indigenous Korean aristocracy of the yangaban and [Japan] replacing the yangaban and the Joeson Army in Korea with Japanese samurai and daimyo after Hideyoshi’s conquest of Korea in this timeline, thus making Japan stronger than OTL even though the Tokugawa shogunate was still formed in 1603 like in OTL although the marriage of the Tokugawa and Toyotomi families still? The equivalent must be as realistic and as close in line to the real-life Japanese aristocratic, noble and military rankings, taking in mind that the Shogun became the Japanese equivalent of the Germanic Reichskanzlers and the constitutional royal monarchs of Europe after the Meiji Restoration in this timeline but the reigning heads of the Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty act as heads of state and of the armed forces, as in the real life post-1868 Japanese Empire. Write an encyclopedia entry Write a joint report by the USA's primary intelligence agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the American ex-secret police agency formed to decipher coded communications responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, specializing in signals intelligence and also tasked with the protection of U.S. communications networks and information systems, the NSA to the main heads of the US combined ground warfare, naval combat, aeiral warfare and space warfare division of the American government, the US Armed Forces, the Joint Chiefs of Staffs, [the report of the NSA and CIA to the Joint Chiefs of Staffs] explaining the futility of a war against Japan and its protectorates in a alternate history scenario in the world of the alternate history scenario with no references to the real world, the real-life timeline or that this is even an alternate history timeline at all, with the main point of divergence from the real world in this time being that the Imjin Wars of May 23, 1592 – December 16, 1598 launched by the side branch of the supposedly Shinto pantheon descended Japanese imperial family, the Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty, the Japanese Ashikaga clan-ruled de jure absolute Imperial Royal parliamentary monarchy but de jure feudal royal hereditary military dictatorship of the Ashikaga bakufu [tent government |bakufu|], [the bakufu] popularly [the bakufu] known as [the bakufu's more popular name] the shogunate, [the bakufu] a system of government in Japan dominated [the bakufu] by a feudal military dictatorship exercised in the name of a sei-i taishōgun ["Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians" |sei-i taishōgun|, the military rulers of Japan |the sei-i taishōgun| during most of the period spanning from 1185 to 1868 in Japanese history who |the sei-i taishōgun| carried out |the sei-i taishōgun| the actual duties of administration in Japan during that time period who |the sei-i taishōgun| also |the sei-i taishōgun| enjoyed civil, military, diplomatic and judicial authority within Japan], [the sei-i taishōgun] more popularly known as [the sei-i taishōgun's more famous name] a shogun or by the shogun himself, with the hierarchy that held the bakufu together being [the hierarchy holding the bakufu] reinforced by close ties of loyalty between the collection of various powers that supported the bakufu and the hereditary military nobility and officer caste of medieval and early-modern Japan from the late 12th century until their abolition in the late 1870s with high prestige and special privileges, the buke [military families |buke|], [the buke] better known [the buke] outside of Japan and East Asia as [the buke's other, more famous name] the samurai, the powerful Japanese magnates, and feudal lords who, from the 10th century to the early Meiji period in the middle 19th century ruled most of Japan from their vast, hereditary land holdings despite being subordinate to the shogun/sei-i taishōgun and nominally to the Japanese emperor, whom the buke/samurai served as well-paid retainers, the daimyō [large private land |daimyō], [the Ashikaga bakufu] ruling [the Ashikaga bakufu] over Japan and Okinawa, [the Imjin Wars launched by the Ashikaga bakufu] against the pre-1662, post-1368, Han Chinese Imperial House of Zhu-ruled absolute dynastic Imperial Royal monarchy of the Great Ming State/Great Ming Empire/"Ming dynasty" ruling over the eighteen provinces of the Han dynasty, Yunnan and Cantonia [Guangdong and Guangxi |Cantonia|] and its [the Great Ming State's] main vassal state, the side branch of the Tang dynasty's imperial family, the Mongol-Manchu Imperial House of Yi, the Han Chinese-Korean Royal House of Jeonju Yi-ruled absolute royal monarchy of the Great Joeson State/Great Joeson/Joeson Kingdom ruling [Joeson] over the entire Korean peninsula, [the Imjin Wars in this timeline] ended with a Japanese victory over both the Great Ming State and Joeson due to the assassination of famed Korean naval strategist and naval commander Yi Sun-sin by a disgruntled member of the slave owning, sex-slave owning, oppressive, China-worshipping indigenous Korean aristocracy of the yangaban, the de-facto leader of the Ashikaga bakufu during the Imjin wars, the former Japanese peasant turned de jure chief advisor to the reigning members of the Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty as Japanese Emperors during the reign of the Bakufu over Japan but de facto combined first secretary and regent who assisted an adult Japanese Emperor, the Chief Advisor to the Emperor while also simultaneously being the officer of the Japanese government under the various bakufu who presided over the Japanese Great Council of State, and controlled the officers of the Japanese state, as well as four great councillors and three minor councillors, who then in turn, controlled other elements of the government, the Chancellor of the Realm, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, [Hideyoshi in this timeline] being [Hideyoshi in this timeline] better prepared [Hideyoshi in this timeline] for the conflict [the Imjin Wars] than in real life and Sun-sin's death preventing the united naval forces of the Great Joeson State, the Joeson Navy, more specifically the special naval force of the Joeson Navy responsible for defending the coastlines and harbors of Korea, known for its expertise in coastal defense and being equipped with various types of weaponry, including cannons, muskets, and swords, the Haebyeong, [Sun-sin's death preventing the Haebyeong] from [what Sun-sin's death prevented the Haebyeong from | the Haebyeong| doing | the Haebyeong| in this timeline] mobilising fast enough to [ the Haebyeong in this timeline] counter the Japanese resulting in the land combat forces of the Great Joeson State, the Joeson Army being [the Joeson Army] slaughtered [the Joeson Army] by Hideyoshi's samurai forces during the invasion of Korea, [the Ashikaga bakufu winning the Imjin Wars in this timeline] unlike in real life and the subsequent seizure of Korea by the Japanese after the peace treaty between the Great Ming State and the Ashikaga bakufu in the Great Ming State's capital of Nanjing after the Imjin Wars , which [Korea after the Imjin Wars in this timeline] was [Korea after the Imjin Wars in this timeline] annexed into feudal Japan after the Imjim Wars as the Japanese province of Chōsen with Hideyoshi taking the last King of Joeson before the Imjin Wars in this timeline, Seonjo's daughter, Princess Jeongmyeong. [Hideyoshi taking Princess Jeongmyeong in this timeline] as his [Hideyoshi's] latest concubine after the Imjin Wars in this timeline, with compliant members of the yangaban being [compliant members of the yangaban in this timeline] married off, given as concubines, or adopted by Hideyoshi's relatives, along with Japanese royalty, aristocracy and nobility after the Japanese victory in the Imjin Wars and the subsequent dissolution of Joeson and the annexation of post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea into Japan as Chōsen in this timeline with buke/samurai and daimyō from the Japanese Home Islands slowly replacing the yangaban and the Joeson Army in Korea after Imjin Wars. with anti-Japanese elements of the now-dissolved Joeson Army, the now-defunct Yangaban and the now defunct House of Jeonju Yi after its [post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea's in this timeline] annexation into Japan as Chōsen being [ anti-Japanese elements of the now-dissolved Joeson Army, the now-defunct Yangaban and the now defunct House of Jeonju Yi] hunted down and [ anti-Japanese elements of the now-dissolved Joeson Army, the now-defunct Yangaban and the now defunct House of Jeonju Yi in post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea] either killed, reeducated or [anti-Japanese elements of the now-dissolved Joeson Army, the now-defunct Yangaban and the now defunct House of Jeonju Yi in post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea into Japan] deported [anti-Japanese elements of the now-dissolved Joeson Army, the now-defunct Yangaban and the now defunct House of Jeonju Yi in post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea] to the Ming dynasty by the Japanese, who [the Japanese] then [the Japanese in this timeline] after [the Japanese in this timeline] liberating the mostly illiterate, uneducated, impoverished and starving Korean people from the yangaban and the useless Korean royals [the House of Jeonju Yi] due to [the Japanese in this timeline] winning the Imjin Wars in this timeline, [the Japanese in this timeline] undertake a comprehensive education, primitive industrial and religious reform system in the post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korean peninsula, with schools being opened up for the common Korean people to get an education for themselves and their children and land reform in Korea being initiated by Hideyoshi by having seized yangban and House of Jeonju Yi estates go to ethnic Korean peasant farmers and ex-slaves within post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea in this timeline. The native Korean script for writing the Korean language, Hangul is [Hangul in this timeline] discovered [Hangul in this timeline] by the Japanese after the annexation of post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea into Japan and [Hangul in this timeline] subsequent spread and promoted as the way [Hangul in this timeline] to [Hangul in this timeline] write Korean by the Japanese in the timeline, who [the Japanese in this timeline] also promote the spread of the Japanese language and the heavily modified traditional Chinese characters used to write the Japanese language, Kanji, over the traditional Chinese characters used to write Korean utilized by the yangban and the House of Jeonju Yi, Hangul. The Japanese in this timeline also [the Japanese in this timeline] promote the Japanese indigenous national religion and state religion of Shinto, Zen Buddhism and even Christianity over traditional Korean shamanism, Taoism and Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism in post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea as well in this timeline, with the liberated Korean masses flocking to these new religions [ Shinto, Zen Buddhism and Christianity] in droves. The Japanese also [the Japanese in this timeline] begin a massive effort to [the Japanese in this timeline] absorb the Koreans into the Greater Japanese race and [the Japanese in this timeline] also integrate the Koreans into the Japanese political, social and economic systems, [the Japanese in this timeline] encouraging many Korean commoners in post-Imjin Wars, post-Joeson Korea to take Japanese names and let their children think of themselves as Japanese, speaking, writing and thinking in Japanese. This is hugely successful and the Koreans are [the Koreans in this timeline] eventually assimilated [the Koreans in this timeline] into the Japanese nation as the centuries go by, mostly thinking, speaking and writing in Japanese by the time of the alternate Meiji Restoration in this timeline, although a now heavily Japanese, Manchu/Manchurian and Chinese influenced Korean language still exists as a "dialect" of Japanese in this timeline, with Korea and the Koreans having roughly the same status as Okinawa and the Okinawans in both OTL Japan and this version of Japan in this timeline Hideyoshi also [Hideyoshi] conquers Russia's Sakhalin and [Russia's] Kuril Islands in this timeline after Imjin Wars in this timeline, which [Russia's Sakhalin and Kuril Islands in this timeline] become the Japanese province of Karufuto By the time Hideyoshi dies in the 1610s in this timeline unlike in OTL, with his [Hideyoshi's] nephew Toyotomi Hidetsugu succeeding him [Hideyoshi] as both Chief Advisor to the Japanese Emperor and Chancellor of the Realm and his [Hideyoshi's] young son Toyotomi Hideyori next in line to succeed both Hideyoshi and Hidetsugu as Chief Advisor to the Emperor and Chancellor of the Realm, with the then-reigning Japanese Emperor Go-Yōzei using this as an excuse not [Go-Yōzei] to [Go-Yōzei] appoint another shogun until the then-head of the side branch of the Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty, the Tokugawa clan, Tokugawa Ieyasu attempts to take control of Japan from Hidetsugu and nearly reopens the Sengoku period. Go-Yōzei then appoints Ieyasu as shogun on March 24, 1603 like in real life, [Go-Yōzei's appointment of Ieyasu as shogun] causing the start of the post-1603, pre-1868 Tokugawa-clan-ruled Tokugawa bakufu and [Go-Yōzei] also forces Ieyasu not to break the arranged marriage between Hideyori and Ieyasu's granddaughter Senhime unlike in OTL, [Go-Yōzei forcing Ieyasu not to break up Hideyori's and Senhime's marriage]with the intention of making their [Hideyori's and Senhime's] first male child into the next shogun after Ieyasu's son Tokugawa Hidetada and also with the intention of uniting the Toyotomis and Tokugawas into a single family, securing the line of shogunal succession. The indigenous Mongolian Jurchen tribes of Manchuria still [the Jurchens in this timeline] emerge from Manchuria and [the Jurchen tribes of Manchuria] still conquer the Ming in a brutal campaign from 1644-1662, [the Jurchens] subsequently establishing the post-1662, pre-1912 Manchu Imperial House of Aisin Gioro-ruled, Manchu-dominated imperial absolute dynastic federalist royal monarchy of the Great Qing Empire ruling [the Great Qing Empire] over Han China, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, East Turkestan, Tibet, Inner and Outer Mongolia and Tuva from [the Great Qing Empire's stronghold] Inner and Outer Manchuria, but the Japanese are [the Japanese] the ones to [what the Japanese do in this timeline] conquer [what the Japanese conquer in this timeline] the post-1661, pre-1683, part Han Chinese side branch of the Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty of the Japanese-Han Chinese Royal House of Koxinga/Zheng dynasty-ruled Ming satelite state/rump kingdom of the Kingdom of Tungning in [the territories the Kingdom of Tungning ruled over] Taiwan and the Pengu Islands, [the Japanese conquering the Tungning Kingdom in this timeline] on 10–16 July 1683 instead of the Great Qing Empire like in OTL. The Royal House of Koxinga/Zheng dynasty is [the Royal House of Koxinga/Zheng dynasty] reabsorbed [the Royal House of Koxinga/Zheng dynasty] into the Imperial House of Yamato and the Ming aristocracy, royalty and nobility on exile on Taiwan with the Zheng dynasty are also absorbed into the Japanese aristocracy, royalty and nobility after the conquest of the Kingdom of Tungning by the Japanese in this timeline. The Japanese also [the Japanese] work to assimilate the Chinese refugees from the Ming that make up the Tungning Kingdom's population and the main indigenous people in Taiwan who also make up 70% of Taiwan's population, the Han Chinese, or rather Cantonese subgroup who speak Hokkien, a Southern Min language and/or trace their ancestry to southeastern Fujian in China, the Hoklo, [the Japanese working to assimilate the Hoklo] and the other indigenous tribes of Taiwan and the Pengu Islands into the Japanese population in this timeline using the same methods as used in Korea in this timeline. The Qing and Japanese also engage in a Cold War with each other [the Qing and the Japanese] with the Qing industrializing, developing and modernizing earlier than in OTL in response to the Japanese. The the 3 January 1868 Meiji Restoration in the Tokugawa bakufu that [the Meiji Restoration in the Tokugawa bakufu] allowed the Japanese imperial family, the supposedly Shinto-pantheon descended, Japanese Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty to [the Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty] reclaim its [the Imperial House of Great Yamato's/Minamoto dynasty's] executive power over the Japanese government and [the Meiji Restoration] dissolved the Tokugawa shogunate and [the Meiji Restoration] lead to the formation of the post-1868, pre-1947 the supposedly Shinto-pantheon descended, Japanese Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty-ruled unitary Imperial parliamentary democratic Royal monarchy of the Great Japanese Empire/Empire of Great Japan/Third Japanese Empire/Great Japan/Imperial Japan/Empire of Japan ruling [the Great Japanese Empire] over [the Great Japanese Empire's territories] the entire Korean peninsula, Taiwan and the Pengu Islands, Russia's Sahalkin and [Russia's] Kuril Islands, Okinawa/Ryūkū, the Caroline's, the Marinas and Palau from [the Great Japanese Empire's homebase and stronghold] the Japanese Home Islands and [the Meiji Restoration] lead to the rise of Japan as a political, military, economic and industrial superpower, [the Meiji Restoration in this timeline] does not lead to the displacement of the Tokugawa clan as sei-i taishōgun/shoguns and the samurai class from their positions of power due to the Japanese imperial family, the Imperial House of Great Yamato regaining its power due to the Meiji Restoration as in OTL, but [the Meiji Restoration in this timeline] is [the Meiji Restoration in this timeline] instead [what the Meiji Restoration is in this timeline] a compromise between the conservative feudal elites that support the Tokugawa clan and the bakufu system and the liberal democrats who support the imperial family in Tokugawa bakufu-ruled feudal Japan, with the reigning heads of the Tokugawa clan maintaining their [the reigning heads of the Tokugawa clan's] positions as sei-i taishōgun/shoguns of Japan but [the reigning heads of the Tokugawa clan as sei-i taishōgun/shoguns of Japan after 1868 in this timeline] effectively only controlling Japanese local government in this timeline and [the reigning heads of the Tokugawa clan as sei-i taishōgun/shoguns of Japan after 1868 in this timeline] also leading the Japanese military into battle during wartime, with the reigning heads of the Imperial House of Great Yamato/Minamoto dynasty in their [ the reigning heads of the Imperial House of Great Yamato's/Minamoto dynasty's] role as Japanese Emperors/Empresses being Japanese head of state and also the head of the Japanese armed forces. The buke/samurai and the daimyō are [the buke/samurai and the daimyō in this timeline] not abolished [the buke/samurai and the daimyō in this timeline] like in OTL but rather [the buke/samurai and the daimyō in this timeline] absorbed [the buke/samurai and the daimyō in this timeline] into the Great Japanese Empire's post-1868, post-1947 hereditary peerage, the Kazoku [Magnificent/Exalted lineage |Kazoku|] in this timeline. The industrial, economic and military development that made Japan into a great power after the Meiji Restoration in OTL continues unhindered and the Great Japanese Empire's combined armed forces, the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces, is [the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces] still [the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces] formed [the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces] in 3 January 1868 like in OTL but due to Sahlakin and the Kurils, Korea, Taiwan and the Pengu Islands being [Sahlakin and the Kurils, Korea, Taiwan and the Pengu Islands in this timeline] conquered [Korea, Taiwan and the Pengu Islands in this timeline] subsequently [Korea, Taiwan and the Pengu Islands in this timeline after being conquered by this timeline's version of Japan] absorbed into Japan, the IJAF is stronger, more technologically advanced, and well-equipped than its counterpart. the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces' ground warfare branch, the Imperial Japanese Army is [the Imperial Japanese Army] still [the Imperial Japanese Army] formed in February 1872 like in OTL but [the Imperial Japanese Army in this timeline] is [the Imperial Japanese Army in this timeline] significantly stronger than its [[the Imperial Japanese Army in this timeline's] OTL counterpart due to the earlier conquest and subsequent integration of Taiwan and the Pengu Islands, Korea and Russia's Sakhalin and Kuril Islands in Japan. The IJA's military police that also shared civilian secret police, espionage, and counter-intelligence roles within Japan and Japan's protectorates and Japanese occupied territories with the additional duties of maintaining military discipline, enforcing conscription laws, protecting vital military zones, and investigating crimes among soldiers of the IJA along with also issueing travel permits, recruiting labor, arresting resistance, requisitioned food and supplies, spreading propaganda, and suppressed anti-Japanese sentiment in Japanese occupied territories and Japanese protectorates, the Kempeitai [gendarmerie |Kempeitai|] is [the Kempeitai in this timeline] still [the Kempeitai in this timeline] formed on 4 January 1881 like in OTL. This version of the Japanese Empire survives post-1947 due to the Cantonese Hakka-medical student turned Han nationalist, revolutionary, politician and statesman Dr. Sun Wen, [Wen] better known as Dr. Sun Yat-Sen is [Wen/Yat-Sen] assassinated [Wen/Yat-Sen] by a joint team of the UK's foreign intelligence M16 and the Russian Empire's combined secret police and foreign intelligence agency, the Okhrana when [Wen/Yat-Sen] studying in the Great Japanese Empire under the Japanese alias Kikori Nakayama [when Wen/Yat-Sen studied in the Japanese Empire under the name Nakayama] from 1899 to 1903, [Wen's/Yat's Sen's death in Japan in this timeline] leading to Ming revivalist, Han nationalist, and Han supremacist groups seizing control of the 10 October 1911 – 12 February 1912 national liberation movement/independence movement of the Xinhai Revolution fought [the Xinhai Revolution] by [who launched and fought in the Xinhai Revolution] the anti Manchu Han nationalist and Cantonese nationalist revolutionary group adhering to republican, nationalist, and socialist objectives of the Tongmenghui which [the Tongmenghui] was [the Tongmenghui] founded by Wen/Yat Sen in 1905 in OTL which, [the Tongmenghui both in OTL and this timeline] later became the Han nationalist, Han supremacist, Chinese nationalist, Chinese imperialist, Marxist-Stalinist political party/militant group/secret society/revolutionary of the KMT/Kuomingtang after the Xinhai Revolution and the millenianist Chinese folk religious sect focused on militant self-defense and tax resistance along with romanticised monarchism, wishing to restore the pre Qing Han Chinese Imperial House of Zhu-ruled Great Ming State/Great Ming Empire/"Ming dynasty" as the government of China, the Yellow Sand Society, which [the Yellow Sand Society] had [the Yellow Sand Society] been [the Yellow Sand Society] been [the Yellow Sand Society] gathering strength and influence among the Chinese people before and after the Xinhai Revolution, [the Kuomingtang, Tongmenghui and Yellow Sand Society launching the Xinhai Revolution] against the Manchu dominated, Manchu Imperial House of Aisin-Gioro-ruled Great Qing Empire ruling [the Great Qing Empire] over Han China, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, East Turkestan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Inner and Outer Mongolia, Tuva, and Central China from [the Great Qing Empire's stronghold and homebase] Greater Manchuria, whose [the Xinhai Revolution's] goal was [the goal of the Xinhai Revolution both in OTL and in this timeline] "Overthrow Qing and restore Ming" in other words [Overthrow Qing and restore Ming] restoring the pre-1662, post-1368, Han Chinese Imperial House of Zhu-ruled absolute dynastic Imperial Royal monarchy of the Great Ming State/Great Ming Empire/"Ming dynasty" as the government [the Ming dynasty] of a post-Qing Han China, [the Xinhai Revolution fought to overthrow the Qing and restore the Ming dynasty as the government of post-Qing Han China] still [the Xinhai Revolution in this timeline] happens despite Wen's/Yat Sen's earlier death due to the strength and influence of Han nationalism and Han monarchist groups in Qing-occupied Han China and the covert and open support Japan gives to the Tongmenghui both in OTL and in this timeline. Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, East Turkestan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Inner and Outer Mongolia, Tuva, and Central China all [ Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, East Turkestan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Inner and Outer Mongolia, Tuva, and Central China] break away [ Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, East Turkestan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Inner and Outer Mongolia, Tuva, and Central China] from Manchuria like Han China during and after the Xinhai Revolution like in OTL. The post-1912, pre-1928 and then post-1937, pre-1945 the stratocratic [military dominated] Beiyang Government-ruled presidental parliamentary democratic republic of the First Republic of China is [the Beiyang Government-ruled First Republic of China] still [the Beiyang Government-ruled First Republic of China] formed [the Beiyang Government-ruled First Republic of China] as the government [the Beiyang Government-ruled First Republic of China] of post-Qing, post-Xinhai Han China like in OTL while Manchuria still [Manchuria] comes [Manchuria] under the control of [which faction took over Manchuria] the Han Chinese bandit clique/military junta/Han Chinese government faction of the Fengtian Clique headed [the Fengtian Clique] by [the Fengtian Clique's leader] the Han Chinese bandit turned bannerman under the Manchu military system, Zhang Zhuolin, [Zhang] known [Zhang] as [Zhang] "the Old Marshal", [Manchuria falling under the rule of the Fengtian Clique] despite the Qing Imperial Court continuing [the Qing Imperial court] still [the Qing Imperial court] existing and [the Qing Imperial Court] still carrying out its' [the Qing Imperial Court's] functions in Manchuria during and after the Xinhai Revolution like in OTL. When former top dog in the Great Qing Empire's modernized army corps envisioned as a regular and professional fully trained and equipped according to Western standards with a reserve, the New Army turned rising star in the Beiyang Government after the Xinhai Revolution and later the Beiyang Government-ruled first Republic of China's first President, Yuan Shikai, [Shikai] still [Shikai] makes Beiyang Government-ruled first Republic of China into the unitary constitutional parliamentary imperial monarchy of the Empire of China on 12 December 1915 like in OTL, everyone expects him [Shikai] to [Shikai] become Emperor [Shikai] of Han China. But unlike in OTL, he [Shikai] dies a day after [Shikai] forming the Empire of China in this timeline and so The Beiyang Government's armed wing and thus the first Republic of China's combined armed forces, the Beiyang Army, [the Beiyang Army] built [the Beiyang Army] from both the Manchu and Han units of the now-dissolved New Army within Han China and the Beiyang Government's and thus the first Republic of China's and the Empire of China's bicameral legislative branch divided into a Senate and House of Representatives, the National Assembly, [the Beiyang Army and the National Assembly] assume joint control over the Empire of China after Shikai's earlier death in this timeline, due to Yuan Shikai's eldest son, the half Korean Yuan Keding who [Keding] had [Keding] become Chinese Crown Prince under the combined era and regal name of Yuntai after Shikai formed the Empire of China, [Yuntai] refusing to become Emperor of China after Shikai's earlier death in this timeline. In order to stay afloat and not be toppled by the Chinese people like the Great Qing Empire, the Empire of China in this timeline decides to promote industrialization, development as well as the development of a National railway system in Han China along with [the Empire of China in this timeline] adopting a federalist, democratic system with the eighteen provinces of Han China proper being allowed autonomy, akin to the system of government in the post 1871, pre 1919 German Royal House of Hohenzollern-ruled federal parliamentary semi-constitutional royal monarchy of the Kingdom of Prussia ruling over much of modern-day eastern Germany and Western Poland along with Russian Kalingard-dominated Federal parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy of the German Empire and the USA. The Beiyang Government-ruled Empire of China also sends many students to Japan for training, education and constitutional lessons, along with having the IJAF and the German Empire's unified ground and air force, the Imperial German Army both train and build up the Beiyang Army into a ultra-modern, developed, ready force. The Beiyang Government-ruled Empire of China in this timeline also reluctantly allows for the secession of Yunnan from Han China, which [Yunnan] subsequently restores the Bai-Han Chinese Imperial House of Duan-ruled absolute feudal dynastic royal imperial monarchy of the Daili Kingdom as its [Yunnan's] government with support from the Japanese The joint American-Soviet satellite state the KMT ruled with an iron fist, the unitary, operating under the principle of having military personnel and civil servants alike were expected to owe their allegiance to the ruling party first and the state second, with all major national policies of the government bureaucracy being formulated by the ruling party, giving the ruling party supreme power over the whole nation, Dǎngguó [party state |Dǎngguó|], adhering to Sun Yat Sen's three principles of the people, nationalism, democracy and socialism [social welfare] one-party ruled and dominated directorial republic under a military dictatorship of the Second Republic of China/Nationalist China/National Government of the Republic of China/Nationalist China based [Nationalist China] in [Nationalist China's] stronghold of [Nationalist China's stronghold and homebase] Cantonia [Guangdong and Guangxi |Cantonia|], [Nationalist China] is [Nationalist China] is [Nationalist China] still [Nationalist China] formed [Nationalist China] in this timeline despite Wen's/Yat Sen's death in Japan in this timeline, [Nationalist China still being formed in this timeline] due to the strong desire of the Cantonese people for independence from both Manchu and Han dominion and the large amount of Han nationalists and imperialists in the Cantonian population and [Nationalist China in this timeline] still [Nationalist China in this timeline] launches the Chinese Civil War of 25 December 1915 – 14 July 1916 known as the National Protection War against the Empire of China like in OTL, but [Nationalist China in this timeline] loses the National Protection War due to [why Nationalist China loses the National Protection War in this timeline] the massive corruption and incompetence in the Kuomingtang, the Kuomingtang's armed wing and thus the Nationalist Chinese combined armed forces, the National Revolutionary Army and the Nationalist Chinese 113 member unilateral legislature whose members are directly elected for four-year terms by the people of Nationalist China through parallel voting which is also responsible for the passage of legislation in Nationalist China, which is then sent to the president [of Nationalist China] for signing and also holds the power to initiate several constitutional processes, including initiating constitutional amendments (then determined by a national referendum), recalls of the Nationalist Chinese president (then determined by a recall vote), and impeachments of the Nationalist Chinese president (then tried by the Constitutional Court), the Legislative Yuan, along with the fact that most Cantonese don't want to be a part of China, whether Manchu or Han-dominated as well as Sun's/Yat-Sen's earlier death in this timeline denying Nationalist China the charismatic leadership it needs to [Nationalist China] fight the Empire of China] An anti-Chinese unification, pro-Cantonese independence, pro-buisness, merchant-backed faction in Cantonia eventually grows strength in Nationalist China and [the anti-Chinese unification, pro-Cantonese independence, pro-buisness, merchant-backed faction in Cantonia] launches a putsch that [the putsch launched by anti-Chinese unification, pro-Cantonese independence, pro-buisness, merchant-backed faction in Cantonia] sees the take over of the Kuomingtang and the Legislative Yuan by anti-Chinese unification, pro-Cantonese independence, pro-buisness, merchant-backed faction in Cantonia as the Beiyang Army decimates the NRA in this timeline's version of the National Protection War, leading to the leaders of the Kuomintang and the generals of the Beiyang Army agreeing to an armistice that sees the independence of Nationalist China and the abandonment of the territory of the Qing Empire by Nationalist China. the surviving descendants of the Chinese Imperial family [the Imperial House of Zhu] are [the Zhu descendants] invited [the Zhu descendants] by [who invites the Zhu descendants] the Beiyang Government's and thus the first Republic of China's and the Empire of China's bicameral legislative branch divided into a Senate and House of Representatives, the National Assembly, [the Zhu descendants being invited by the National Assembly] to [what the National Assembly invites the Zhu descendants to do] reclaim their [the Zhu descendants'] rightful position as the rulers [the Imperial House of Zhu] of Han China, which they [the Zhu descendants] reluctantly [the Zhu descendants] accept, [the Zhu descendants] seeing [the Zhu descendants] that the people of the Beiyang Government-ruled Empire of China in Han China support them [the Zhu descendants] and the monarchy [the Ming dynasty]. In order to stay afloat and not be toppled by the Chinese people like the Great Qing Empire, the Empire of China before the restoration of the monarchy [the Imperial House of Zhu and the Great Ming State] in this timeline decides to promote industrialization, development as well as the development of a National railway system in Han China along with [the Empire of China in this timeline] adopting a federalist, democratic system with the eighteen provinces of Han China proper being allowed autonomy, akin to the system of government in the post 1871, pre 1919 German Royal House of Hohenzollern-ruled federal parliamentary semi-constitutional royal monarchy of the Kingdom of Prussia ruling over much of modern-day eastern Germany and Western Poland along with Russian Kalingard-dominated Federal parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy of the German Empire and the USA. Yuntai relinquishes his [Yuntai's] claim to the Chinese throne and [Yuntai] allows his [Yuntai's] children and [Yuntai's] siblings to be absorbed into the Imperial House of Zhu via concubinage, multiple marriages and adoption. The restoration of the monarchy [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu] in the Beiyang Government-ruled Han China after the National Protection War in this timeline is an event compared to this timeline's version of the Meji Restoration. with the first post-1662 Chinese Emperor being compared to Japan's Emperor Meiji and Sun-Yat-Sen and Yuan Shikai being both compared to the Japanese reformers that helped Meiji initiate the Meiji Restoration. The restored Chinese monarchy [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu] begins efforts to transition towards a constitutional parliamentary democratic federalist Imperial Royal monarchy with free and fair, democratic multiparty elections via secret ballot, as was the goal of the Xinhai Revolution against the Qing and also to initiate massive industrial, railway and educational development works in Han China with the help of international aid. The Chinese monarchy [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu] restored [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu] through the Beiyang Government-ruled Empire of China ruling over Han China still has the official name of the "Republic of China' in English but [the restored Great Ming State] has the Beiyang Government's and the first Republic of China's five-colored flag [the five-colored flag] is [the five-colored flag] is [the five-colored flag] a banner [the five-colored flag] having five horizontal bands of red [Han], yellow [Manchu], blue [Mongol], white [Hui] and black [Tibet] with the Ming Sun and Moon symbol, a white circle with a smaller red circle in the left, [the Ming Sun and Moon symbol], representing [the Ming Sun and Moon symbol] an eclipse, [the Ming Sun and Moon symbol] in the middle [of the modified five colored flag] as its [the restored Great Ming State's] unofficial national flag. A modified version of the Kuomingtang's Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth flag becomes its [the restored Ming State's] naval flag, [the restored Great Ming State] replacing the Kuomintang's White Sun with a white-outer rayed, red inner-rayed yellow sun with the Chinese character for "Ming" in the middle of the yellow sun in tribute to the original Ming blue sky and red outer rayed yellow sun flag while the crossed 18-star iron blood flag of the Xinhai Revolution becomes the Chinese army flag. The Beiyang Government of the Republic of China’s Twelve Symbols national emblem is [the twelve Symbols National Emblem] rechosen [the twelve Symbols national emblem] as the Chinese national emblem, albiet with two crossed 18-star iron blood flags behind the main insigna of the emblem as tribute to the Xinhai Revolution, and a plum blossom/Chinese plum seal akin to the Japanese imperial family's, the Japanese Imperial House of Great Yamato's/the Minamoto dynasty's Chrysanthemum seal is [the plum blossom seal] chosen [the plum blossom seal] as the reinstated Imperial House of Zhu's seal while the peony remains the Chinese national flower. The restored Great Ming State also has the first incarnation of the Empire of China's national anthem, "China heroically stands in the Universe", as its [the restored Great Ming State's] national anthem. The pre-Genghis Khan-descended Mongolian Imperial House of Borjigin-ruled Great Mongol Nation/"Mongol Empire" and its [the Great Mongol Nation's] successor state ruling over much of Siberia, parts of Central Asia, Inner and Outer Manchuria, Han China, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, East Turkestan and Tibet from Greater Mongolia, the Genghis Khan-descended Mongolian Imperial House of Borjigin-ruled Great Yuan Empire/Great Yuan State/Yuan dynasty, [the pre-Mongol Empire and pre-Yuan dynasty] Han Chinese Imperial House of Zhao-ruled Great Song State/Great Song/Empire of the Great Song/"Song dynasty" era and the pre-Great Qing Empire, Ming era [the pre-Mongol Empire, pre-Great Yuan, and pre-Qing] Han Chinese aristocracy, monarchy and nobility is [the pre-Yuan Mongol Empire, pre-Great Yuan, and pre-Qing, Song and Ming era Han Chinese aristocracy, monarchy and nobility] subsequently [the pre-Yuan Mongol Empire, pre-Great Yuan, and pre-Qing, Song and Ming era Han Chinese aristocracy, monarchy and nobility] restored, restructured, readjusted and modified for the modern world of the late 20th century, [the pre-Yuan Mongol Empire, pre-Great Yuan, and pre-Qing Song and Ming era Han Chinese aristocracy, monarchy and nobility] being [the pre-Yuan Mongol Empire, pre-Great Yuan, and pre-Qing Song and Ming era Han Chinese aristocracy, monarchy and nobility] merged [the pre-Yuan Mongol Empire, pre-Great Yuan, and pre-Qing Song and Ming era Han Chinese aristocracy, monarchy and nobility] with the system of peerage Yuan Shikai had [Yuan Shikai] created when he [Yuan Shikai] formed the Empire of China in 1915. The Beiyang Government's armed wing and thus the first Republic of China's combined armed forces, the Beiyang Army, [the Beiyang Army] built [the Beiyang Army] from both the Manchu and Han units of the Great Qing Empire's modernized army corps envisioned as a regular and professional fully trained and equipped according to Western standards with a reserve, the New Army within Han China, [the Beiyang Army being built from both the Manchu and Han units of the New Army] after the Xinhai Revolution, [the Beiyang Army] is [the Beiyang Army] retooled, restaffed and rebuilt into a modern incarnation of the Great Ming State's combined ground warfare and naval combat force, the Great Ming Army after the restoration of the monarchy [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu] in the Beiyang Government-ruled Empire of China with help from Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans. Reformist elements of the Kuomingtang and the Nationalist Chinese government who had disagreed with Yat-Sen's goal of [Yat-Sen's] goal of Nationalist China' having the territory of the Great Qing Empire migrate to the restored Ming dynasty, including Sun-Yat-Sen's disciple and rightful heir, the Han Chinese revolutionary turned statesman and politician Wang Jingwei. These elements from Nationalist China and the Kuomingtang work to incorporate Yat-Sen's three principles of the people, nationalism, democracy and socialism/social welfare into the government of the restored Chinese monarchy [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu]. Jingwei even becomes the Prime Minister of the Ming Cabinet from 1939-1943, during which [Jingwei's first term as Prime Minister of the restored Ming dynasty] time the Beiyang Government-ruled restored Chinese monarchy [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu] becomes the Japanese protectorate of the unitary parliamentary, adhering to Sun Yat Sen's three principles of the people, nationalism, democracy and socialism [social welfare] imperial dynastic monarchy of the Reorganized Government of the Empire of China, which [the Reorganized Government of the Empire of China] remains [the Reorganized Government of the Empire of China] the form [the Reorganized Government of the Empire of China] that the Beiyang Government-ruled restored Chinese monarchy [the Imperial House of Zhu and the Great Ming State] takes [the Beiyang Government-ruled restored Ming dynasty] from 1938-1954, and [Wang Jingwei becoming Prime Minister of the Ming Cabinet] again from 1945-1951. Before Jingwei, the Roman Catholic priest and monk Lu Zhengxiang still becomes the first Prime Minister of the Empire of China from 1915-1920, followed [Zhengxiang] by Xu Shichang from 1920- 2 June 1922, and Jingwei is [Jingwei] succeeded as Prime Minister of the Empire of China] by Xu Hanhao of the Han Chinese nationalist, Han Chinese imperialist and Han Chinese expansionist Young China Party from 1948-1952, and then by Li Huang from 1952-1975, also [Huang] of the YCP, then Hua Guofeng from 4 February 1976 – 10 September 1980, who [Guofeng] remained in the YCP due to the Han nationalist, Han supremacist, Han imperialist, Marxist-Stalinist fascist Chinese Communist Party remaining within the YCP in this timeline due to the Empire of China winning the National Protection War in this timeline, then Hu Jintao from 8 July 1985 to 1 December 1992 who [Jintao] remained in the YCP like Guofeng and the other CCP members in this time, then Wu Shih-wen of the KMT from 20 May 2000 – 1 February 2002, Chiang Chung-ling of the KMT from March 2000 – 30 March 2003 , then Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT from 20 May 2008 – 20 May 2016, Eric Chu of the KMT from 20 May 2016 to 13 January 2024 and then finally Wenzhou Wu of the YCP from Febuary 2024, by the modern-era equivalent in this timeline. Manchuria, which [Manchuria] had [Manchuria] fallen [Manchuria] under the control of [which faction took over Manchuria] the Han Chinese bandit clique/military junta/Han Chinese government faction of the Fengtian Clique headed [the Fengtian Clique] by [the Fengtian Clique's leader] the Han Chinese bandit turned bannerman under the Manchu military system, Zhang Zhuolin, [Zhang] known [Zhang] as [Zhang] "the Old Marshal", [Manchuria falling under the rule of the Fengtian Clique] despite the Qing Imperial Court continuing [the Qing Imperial court] to [the Qing Imperial court] exist in Manchuria during and after the Xinhai Revolution, [post-Xinhai Fengtian Clique-ruled Manchuria] becomes a protectorate [post-Xinhai Fengtian Clique-ruled Manchuria] of the Great Japanese Empire during the National Protection War and the subsequent restoration of the monarchy [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu] in China through the Beiyang Government-ruled Empire of China after Shikai's and Yat-Sen's death. The influence of the Manchuria based division of the Great Japanese Empire's combined armed forces, the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces, more specifically the IJAF's ground warfare division, the Imperial Japanese Army protecting the South Manchuria railway in Manchuria from Han Chinese bandits, the Kwangtung Army along with the IJA's military police that also shared civilian secret police, espionage, and counter-intelligence roles within Japan and Japan's protectorates and Japanese occupied territories with the additional duties of maintaining military discipline, enforcing conscription laws, protecting vital military zones, and investigating crimes among soldiers of the IJA along with also issueing travel permits, recruiting labor, arresting resistance, requisitioned food and supplies, spreading propaganda, and suppressed anti-Japanese sentiment in Japanese occupied territories and Japanese protectorates, the Kempeitai [gendarmerie |Kempeitai|] in Manchuria means that the Japanese are [the Japanese] able [the Japanese] to [the Japanese] push out Zhuolin and the Fengtian Clique in Manchuria while [the Japanese] increasing the influence of the Qing Imperial Court and the indigenous Manchu nobility, aristocracy and royalty in Manchuria, [the Japanese decreasing the influence of the Fengtian Clique and increasing the influence of the Qing imperial court within post-Xinhai, Fengtian Clique-ruled Manchuria] leading to it [post-Xinhai, Fengtian Clique-ruled Manchuria] becoming the pre-WW2 and WW2-era, post-1932, pre-1945 Imperial Japanese protectorate of the Qing imperial family, the Imperial House of Aisin-Gioro-ruled and monarchist, Manchurian nationalist, anti-communist, Pan Asian political party Concordia Association-ruled Unitary personalist one-party constitutional imperial royal parliamentary monarchy under a totalitarian military dictatorship of the Empire of Manchukuo in a slow process of constitutional reform and governmental development from the late 1920s until the early 1930s, with the Great Qing Empire's last Emperor, Aisin-Gioro "Henry" Pu-Yi, [Pu-Yi] becoming [what Pu-Yi becomes after the formation of Manchukuo] the first Emperor [Pu-Yi after Manchukuo's formation] of Manchukuo like in OTL. The armed Wing and thus the combined armed forces of the Fengtian Clique formed from Zhuolin's bandit forces and what remained of the Manchu Bannermen and the Qing New Army in Manchuria after the Xinhai Revolution, the National Pacification Army, [the National Pacification Army] becomes a modern, well equipped military force under the watchful eye of the Kwangtung Army. The National Pacification Army eventually becomes Manchukuo’s combined armed forces, the Manchukuo Imperial Army after post-Xinhai, Fengtian Clique-ruled Manchuria becomes Manchukuo with Fengtian Clique and pro-China unification elements within the NPA being discredited, given extended sentences of leave to Nationalist China or the restored Ming dynasty, or otherwise removed in various ways. Police units in Manchuria nominally operating under the Beiyang Government's control but in reality under the Fengtian Clique's control also become the main law enforcement agency of Manchukuo, managing the central police department responsible for all police in Manchuria after Manchuko’s formation, with a Maritime Police to combat smuggling along with cracking down on smuggling and maintain maritime security within Manchurian waters, first under the Manchukuo Ministry of Public Security and then under the General Directorate of Security Affairs, the Manchukuo Police after post-Xinhai, Fengtian Clique-ruled Manchuria. After Pu-Yi's death in [when Pu-Yi dies in this timeline] around 1970, his [Pu-Yi's] younger half brother Aisin-Gioro Puren becomes [Puren in this timeline] the Emperor of Manchukuo, [Puren in this timeline] followed by his [Puren's] son, Aisin-Gioro Yuzhang after his [Yuzhang's] death in [when Puren died] 2015, who [Yuzhang] intends [Yuzhang] to [Yuzhang] make his [Yuzhang's] daughter, Jin Xin Empress of Manchukuo upon his [Yuzhang's] death. The Cantonese statesman, diplomat and calligrapher Zheng Xiaoxu is the first Prime Minister of Manchukuo like in OTL, followed by the Manchurian general, warlord and politician Zhang Jinghui like in OTL, followed by Hu Qili, then Jiang Zemin. Zhuolin's eldest son and his [Zhuolin's] heir to the leadership to the Beiyang Clique and thus of post-Xinhai Revolution, the pro-KMT, pro-Chinese unification, anti-Japanese Zhang Xueliang, [Xueliang] is [Xueliang] sent [Xueliang] to the restored Ming dynasty after Zhuolin's death via [Zhuolin's death] having his [Zhuolin's train] bombed, [Xueliang being sent to the restored Ming dynasty] in 1928. The New People's Society, a political organ [the New People's Society] that [the New People's Society] was [the New People's Society] designed [the New People's Society] to spread the Chinese government's [Reorganized Government of the Empire of China's] ideas to the Chinese public and [the New People's Society] mobilize economic and military support for the Chinese Reorganized Government and Japan, while [the new People's Society] training future civil servants, sending Chinese students to Japan, giving medical services to remote villages, providing disaster relief, establish free tea houses, promoting Han Chinese art and pilgrimages to Confucian temples, as well as discussing political events in their radio stations and official newspaper, the New People's Daily with the core values emphasized were Confucian virtues, familial piety, respect for authority, and devotion to scholarship, [the New People's Society] proves useful in getting the Chinese people to [the Chinese people] support the restored Chinese monarchy [the Great Ming State and the Imperial House of Zhu] and Japan, [the New People's Society] becoming the Han Chinese version of the Concordia Association When Yat-Sen's more famous student, the Cantonese revolutionary turned corrupt politician and then dictator who was Stalin’s puppet in China, Jiǎng Jièshí, who [Jièshí] was [Jièshí] better known as [Jièshí’s more famous alias] “Chiang Kai Shek”, [Jièshí/"Chiang"] ["Kai-Shek"/Jièshí] attempts to [Jièshí/"Kai-Shek "in this timeline] seize control over both the KMT and Nationalist China and [Kai-Shek in this timeline] launch the 9 July 1926 – 29 December 1928 military campaign launched by the Kuomingtang's armed wing and thus the Nationalist Chinese combined armed forces, the National Revolutionary Army against both the Fengtian Clique and the Beiyang Government to reunify China, the Northern Expidition like in OTL, [Kai-Shek in this timeline attempting to seize control of Nationalist China and launch the Northern Expedition like in OTL] he [Jièshí/"Kai-Shek" in this timeline] is ["Kai-Shek"/Jièshí in this timeline] instead [Jièshí/"Kai-Shek" in this timeline] shot dead [Jièshí/"Kai-Shek" in this timeline] by a disgruntled Cantonese citizen and the ruling pro-Cantonese independence, anti-Chinese unification faction dominating the Nationalist Chinese 113 member unilateral legislature whose members are directly elected for four-year terms by the people of Nationalist China through parallel voting which is also responsible for the passage of legislation in Nationalist China, which is then sent to the president [of Nationalist China] for signing and also holds the power to initiate several constitutional processes, including initiating constitutional amendments (then determined by a national referendum), recalls of the Nationalist Chinese president (then determined by a recall vote), and impeachments of the Nationalist Chinese president (then tried by the Constitutional Court), the Legislative Yuan, [the Legislative Yuan’s ruling pro-Cantonese independence faction] retakes power after Kai-Shek's death and [the Legislative Yuan’s ruling pro-Cantonese independence faction] calls off the Northern Expedition. The Northern Expedition failing unlike in OTL allows Nationalist China, Manchukuo, the Beiyang Government and the Great Japanese Empire to [Nationalist China, Manchukuo, the Beiyang Government and the Great Japanese Empire] survive post-1947 into the later half of the 20th century, the 21th century and beyond. British and French soldiers firing on Japanese soldiers helping the Beiyang Army against the NRA during the National Revolutionary War leads to the Japanese joining the Central Powers consisting of the German Empire, The Swiss-German Imperial House of Hapsburg-Lorraine ruled Federal parliamentary constitutional imperial royal monarchy of the Austria-Hungarian Monarchy/Austria-Hungarian Empire ruling [the Austria-Hungarian Monarchy/Austria-Hungarian Empire] over Illryia [Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina], Greater Hungary [Hungary, Bačka, Baranja, Međimurje, Vojvodina and Prekmurje in Serbia, Transylvania and most of the Banat in Romania, Carpathian Ruthenia in Ukraine, Slovakia and Poland], Bohemia and Moravia [Czechia and Slovakia] and Galicia-Lodomeria in Ukraine from [the Austria-Hungarian Monarchy's/Austria-Hungarian Empire's stronghold and homebase] Greater Austria [Austria, Slovenia, South Tyrol], , the Catholic cadet branch of the original German branch of the current British royal family, the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry Unitary parliamentary constitutional imperial monarchy of the Tsardom of Bulgaria/Third Bulgarian Tsardom/Restored Byzantine Empire ruling over Bulgaria, the Turkish Imperial House of Osman-ruled Unitary parliamentary constitutional imperial royal absolute Islamic monarchy of the Sublime Ottoman State/Eastern Roman Sultanate/Islamic Rome ruling [the Ottoman Empire] over the Arab Peninsula, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Kuwait from [the Ottoman Empire's stronghold and homebase] Turkey, [Japan joining the Central Powers in this timeline] in WW1 instead of the Central Powers' rivals consisting of the British Empire, the French supremacist, French imperialist, facist totalitarian dictatoral republic of the Third French Republic and the post-1861, pre-1947, French-Italian cadet branch of the German-Italian House of Savoy, the House of Savoy-Carignano ruled Unitary Constitutional monarchy of the Kingdom of Italy ruling over Italy, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritia and Somalialand, the German-Danish-Russian House of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov-ruled Unitary parliamentary semi-constitutional absolute royal imperial monarchy of the Russian Empire/Third Rome/Third Roman Empire/Russian Rome/Russian Byzantium ruling [the Russian Empire] over Siberia, the Baltics, the Caucuses, Siberia, the Russian Far East, Ukraine, Central Asia, Chechenya and Kalymkia from [the Russian Empire's homebase] European Russia, the Entente [Japan joining the Central Powers instead of the Entente like in OTL] with the IJAF destroying the Russian Asian fleet and [the IJAF] also providing support to liberation movements within the European colonies in Asia and Oceania, typing up European forces. The Japanese also seize control of the imperial Russian protectorate of the spiritual head of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia also holding the title of Bogd Gegeen, making them the top-ranked lama in Mongolia known as the Jebtsundamba Khutuktu as the Bogd Khan [Holy Emperor]-ruled post-Xinhai, Unitary Buddhist absolute monarchy of the feudal Khanate of the Bogd Khanate of Mongolia/Great Mongolian State in Greater Mongolia and [the Japanese] use the Great Mongolian State to [the Japanese] assault Russian Siberia and Central Asia while the Imperial German Army assaults the Russian Empire from Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Armed Forces, Austria-Hungary's combined land, sea and air combat forces [the Austro-Hungarian Armed Forces] along with the combined armed forces of the Tsardom of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Imperial Armed Forces, clean up Russia's Serbian and Montenegrin puppets. The post-1842 army of the Ottoman Empire, after the country was reorganized along modern western European lines during the Tanzimat modernization period, the Modern Ottoman Army, eats out the flower of the Russian Empire's combined armed forces, divided into a standing army consisting of regular troops and two forces that served on separate regulations: the Cossack troops and the Muslim troops and a state militia, the Imperial Russian Army in the Caucuses and even along with the border with Iran. The Kempeitai also has former child refugee from the Confederate States during the American civil war turned failed professor and Confederate revisionist, Woodrow Wilson assassinated before he [Wilson] can [Wilson] become US President like in OTL and [Wilson in OTL] drag the USA into WW1. Without a charismatic figurehead [Wilson] to lead the movement to victory against the hated US Republicans, the American religious right, the civil rights movement and Germans in the USA, the American Democrat Party, more specifically its [the Democrat Party's] white nationalist, Anglophile, England worshipping, anti-Semitic, white supremacist, anti-German Blue Dog wing and the Blue Dog's armed wing, the KKK, [the Blue Dogs and the KKK] never launch the New Freedom Revolution of 1912 against the American government and the Republicans and [the Blue Dogs and the KKK] eventually fade from the political scene in the USA in this timeline, with some of them migrating to England or to British-controlled Canada. The Russian Empire is [the Russian Empire] forced [the Russian Empire] to [the Russian Empire] sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Central Powers. The terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk see the German Empire creating the North German-Slavic House of Mecklenburg-ruled absolute feudal royal monarchy of the United Baltic Dutchy in Estonia and Latvia, [the German Empire creating] the House of Mecklenburg's cadet branch of the House of Urach-ruled constitutional parliamentary royal monarchy of the Kingdom of Lithuania in Lithuania, [the German Empire] creating the German House of Hohenzollern-ruled constitutional parliamentary royal monarchy of Kingdom of White Ruthenia in Belarus, [the restored German Empire creating] the Ukrainian House of Skoropadsky-ruled constitutional parliamentary royal imperial absolute monarchy of the Ukrainian State/Second Ukrainian Hetmanate in Ukraine minus Donbass, [the German Empire] forming the Swedish-Russian House of Rurikid-ruled Don Kuban Union in Russia's Don and [Russia's] Kuban regions along with the Ukrainian Donbass region, [the German Empire] restoring the hereditary royal absolute tribal Buddhist monarchy of the Kalmyk Khanate in Kalmykia and [the restored German Empire restoring] the Kingdom of Georgia under a side-branch of the Kingdom of Italy's royal family, the German-Italian House of Savoy in Georgia. The Austria-Hungarian Monarchy/Austria-Hungarian Empire also restores the constitutional parliamentary royal monarchy of the side branch of the House of Hapsburg-ruled Kingdom of Poland in Poland proper. The Ottomans liberate the Sunni Muslim Imperial House of Khongirad-ruled absolute hereditary Islamic royal imperial monarchy of the Khanate of Khiva in western Uzbekistan, southwestern Kazakhstan and much of Turkmenistan and [the Ottomans] also liberate the Sunni Muslim Imperial House of Manghud-ruled absolute imperial royal monarchy of the Emirate of Bukhara in eastern Uzbekistan, western Tajikistan, parts of southern Kazakhstan, parts of Turkmenistan and southern Kyrgyzstan. The Great Japanese Empire establishes the Japanese protectorate of the constitutional presidential parliamentary republic of the Far Eastern Republic on the Russian East Coast. After the defeat of the Russians in the war, the Germans and Austria-Hungarians are able to focus all their efforts on the Western front. The demise of the Democrat Party in the USA leads to the US government launching a crackdown on pro-British groups and organizations and so the Allies are unable to get any help from the Americans, so the Imperial German Army, with help from the Austrian-Hungarian Armed Forces, [the Imperial German Army and the Austrian-Hungarian Armed Forces] march into the French capital of Paris, with the British being forced to surrender when the Labor Party of England storms Parliament with the help of the British people and forces the British government to an armistice with the Central Powers. The shock of being defeated by an hated enemy is simply too much for the British to bear and so loyalist elements of the British army and public forcefully transport the British government and the current British royal family [the British branch of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha] to the British colonial dominion of British North America ruling over Canada, [the forced transport of the British government and royal family to Canada after the British defeat in WW1 in this timeline] leading to the formation of the absolute parliamentary constitutional royal imperial monarchy of the German Royal House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-ruled Holy Brittanian Empire [Code Geass franchise] ruling [the Holy Brittanian Empire] over the Southern United States, all of the Lesser Antilies, French Guyana, Suriname, Egypt, Sudan, Malyasia, Brunei, Singapore, Greater India [Afghanistan and India] and Oceania [Australia and New Zealand] from [the Holy Brittanian Empire's homebase] Canada and Greater Jamaica [Jamaica, the Turks and Caicos, Belize and the Cayman Islands in this timeline. At this timeline's Treaty of Versailles presiding over the division of the defeated Western Entente's territories, signed [this timeline's version of the Treaty of Versalies] in the Austrian City of Linz in this timeline, the Labor-dominated British government recognizes the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk as legitimate and the Entente as the initiators of WW1 and [the British] accepting German control of the German House of Wettin-ruled federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy of the Kingdom of Belgium, which [German-controlled Belgium in this timeline] takes the French region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais to [German-controlled Belgium in this timeline] form Greater Belgium. The Labor-dominated British government also recognizes the German annexation of Luxembourg and the loss of Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, northwestern Somalia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, and Malawi to the Germans. The British also recognize the Albanian Muhammad Ali dynasty-ruled Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy of the Kingdom of Egypt in Egypt's formal status as an Ottoman protectorate and also the independence of Sudan from the British and also the independence of all of Ireland as a unitary parliamentary royal monarchy under the rule of the Irish House of O'Neill Austria-Hungary also restores the pre-1903 Austrian protectorate of the Serbian House of Obrenović-ruled Unitary parliamentary constitutional royal monarchy of the Kingdom of Serbia in Serbia proper and [Austria] removes the imperial Russian puppet fake Serbian royal family, the Serbian House of Karađorđević from power in post-WW1 Serbia. Austria-Hungary also demands that Serbia take full responsibility for starting WW1 by [Serbia] murdering Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Serbian nationalist terror organization that started WW1 by murdering the last pre-1903 King of Serbia and then Franz Ferdinand, the Black Hand be [the Black Hand] treated as war criminals. The army of the Kingdom of Serbia's combined armed forces, the Royal Serbian Army is [the Royal Serbian Army] placed under Austrian supervision. The Serbian House of Petrović-Njegoš-ruled Unitary parliamentary constitutional royal monarchy of the Kingdom of Montenegro in Montenegro becomes an Austrian puppet state as well, with The Kingdom of Montenegro's combined armed forces, Royal Montenegrin Army under Austrian supervision. The German House of Wied-Neuwied-ruled Constitutional royal monarchy of the Principality of Albania in Albania takes Kosovo. Bulgaria subsequently receives the Moesia plain between the Danube and the Balkan mountains range (Stara Planina), Thrace from Greece and Macedonia from Serbia. The German House of Wittelsbach-ruled Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy of the Kingdom of Greece becomes a Austrian puppet state as well. The Empire of China receives Singapore and Hong Kong from the British and Macau from the Portuguese. The Japanese also liberate the side branch of the Imperial House of Zhu, the Vietnamese Imperial House of Ngyuen/Ngyuen dynasty-ruled Imperial absolute parliamentary Royal monarchy of the Empire of Vietnam in Vietnam, the Laotian Khun Lo dynasty-ruled unitary parliamentary constitutional Royal monarchy of the Kingdom of Laos and the parliamentary constitutional monarchy of the Cambodian House of Norodom-ruled Kingdom of Cambodia in Cambodia, [the restored Ming dynasty helping Japan liberate the Empire of Vietnam and the Kingdoms of Laos and Cambodia] from the French colonial occupation of French Indochina ruling over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia and [the Japanese] force the French to [the French] recognize Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian independence. The Germans also take Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger along with Chad, French Congo and Gabon from the French. The Germans also take the Congo from Belgium. The Germans combine Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger along with Chad, French Congo and Gabon in addition to Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, northwestern Somalia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, and Malawi into one massive Central African German colony, Mittleafrika [Middle Africa |Mittleafrika|]. Austria also takes Veneto from the Kingdom of Italy. Thus the Treaty of Linz in this timeline ends with a decisive Central Powers victory and the end of British and French influence over the world. After the Treaty of Linz in this timeline, France and the British Isles are stripped off all their power, influence and strength and subsequently become international pariahs. A revolution launched by socialist, communist and syndicalist groups against the fascist French regime in around 1918-1919 leads to the flight of the French fascists to French North Africa [French occupied Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia] and the subsequent joint invasion of the French mainland by the Imperial German Army and the Austria-Hungarian Armed Forces. Mainland France soon falls quickly and the French House of Bourbon-ruled parliamentary constitutional royal monarchy of the Kingdom of France is [the Kingdom of France] restored [the Kingdom of France] as the government [the Kingdom of France] of Northern France by Austria-Hungary while the Germans restore the Feudal royal parliamentary monarchy of the Dutchy of Brittany in Brittany and [the Germans] establish an independent Occitan kingdom in Southern France. A communist takeover of the British Isles minus Ireland leads to the invasion of the British Isles by Germany and Austria-Hungary and the division of the British Isles into their separate Kingdoms: the Kingdom of Scotland in Scotland ruled by the German House of Wittelsbach, the Kingdom of England in England ruled by the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and the Dutchy of Wales ruled by the Welsh House of Anwyl of Tywyn. The Central Powers and the Japanese also sent aid to the monarchist, Russian nationalist, Russian fascist Whites fighting against the Communist Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War with the Whites winning the Russian Civil War, unlike in OTL. Germany makes European Russia a German protectorate under the Romanovs while the Bolsheviks flee to Siberia. The Iranian Imperial House of Pahlavi/Pahlavi dynasty-ruled Unitary parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy of the Imperial State of Iran is [the Imperial State of Iran] still formed in Iran in 1925, but Iran takes Dagestan from the restored Russian Empire, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan's and Turkmenistan's shared Khwarazm province, and [Iran] subsequently absorbs Afghanistan into itself [Afghanistan]. The Imperial State of Iran's combined land, sea and air combat forces, the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces receives training from the Germans and the Austria-Hungarians and become a modern, developed force. Due to WW1 ending with a Central Powers victory and fascism being contained to Italy and the Third French Republic now in exile in North Africa in this timeline and communism being wiped out, national liberation movements never occur in Africa. The Central Powers and their satellite states surviving post-WW1 means that democracy is ironically more secure than OTL. The Brittanians use trickery and deceit to seize the former Confederate States of South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina and integrate them [South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina] into British North America during a time of political chaos and instability in the USA, along with [the Brittanians] taking New England. This forces the Germans to make Texas into the Kingdom of Texas ruled by a side branch of the Hohenzollerns and the Japanese to seize the American West Coast, which [the American West Coast] becomes the Japanese protectorate of the Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy of the Pacific States of America. The Japanese also seize Hawaii and [the Japanese] restore the Hawaiian House of Kawānanakoa-ruled semi-constitutional monarchy of the Kingdom of Hawaii in Hawaii. A short war between the Central Powers and the Canadian-based Brittanians, a Soviet rump republic and the North African-based Fourth French Republic in exile from around 1939-1947 which is this story's version of the unprecedented catastrophe that assaulted the earth in which meteors rained down across the world, bringing severe destruction to many cities known as the Invertia [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] leads to the Japanese seizing Australia and New Zealand along with [the Japanese] participating in the liberation of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Burma from the British colonial occupation of the British Raj. Pakistan restores the Sunni Muslim Uzbek-Mongolian Imperial House of Babur-ruled Turko-Mongol khanate and Islamic sultanate of the Mughal Empire as its [Pakistan's] government after its [Pakistan's] liberation and [Pakistan] also takes Jannu and Kashmir. India proper becomes a federation of restored Muslim princely states, Muslim tribal duties and Muslim Kingdoms under the rule of the Uzbek Sunni Muslim Asaf Jahi dynasty ruling over Hyberdad. The Japanese also still liberate Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and East Timor from French and English colonial occupation but make Indochina into a federation of Muslim sultantes, tribal duties and local Kingdoms. The unified military forces of post-WW2 Japan in OTL, controlled by the Japanese Ministry of Defense with the Japanese Prime Minister as commander-in-chief, without offensive warmaking capabilities but with an inherent right to self-defense, the Japanese Self Defence Forces, [the JSDF] are [the JSDF] still formed in this timeline, but only as a defence force within the Japanese Home Islands, Korea, Taiwan, Sahlakin and the Kurils The report of the NSA and the CIA to the Joint Chiefs of Staff concerns attempts by certain factions within the US Armed Forces, the CIA and the NSA to depose the then-Emperor of Vietnam Cường Để, who [Cường Để] became Emperor of Vietnam [Cường Để in this timeline] instead of Bảo Đại, due to Vietnam in this timeline becoming independent from France after WW1 and [after the hypothetical deposition of Cường Để by the NSA, CIA and the US Armed Forces in this timeline] install the post-1955, pre-1975 anti-communist, emphasizing the importance of human personsin government, communitarian, spiritual, focusing achieving social justice and technological modernization Personalist Labor Revolutionary Party-ruled Unitary dominant-party presidential constitutional republic under a military dictatorship of the Republic of Vietnam as the government of a post-Ngyuen dynasty Vietnam, from which to support cult members of Kai-Shek in Nationalist China who want Nationalist China to rule over all the Qing Empire's territories. The report should also mention that the Cantonese people have no interest in Kai-Shek's Greater Han China idea and also that the Vietnamese people would fight the Americans to the death in defence of their [the Vietnamese's] monarchy [the Ngyuen dynasty and the Empire of Vietnam].
answer:**Confidential Report to the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Assessment of Potential Military Intervention in the Empire of Vietnam and its Strategic Implications** --- **Summary:** This report, jointly prepared by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), evaluates the feasibility, risks, and strategic implications of a potential military intervention aimed at deposing the current Emperor of Vietnam, Cường Để, in favor of establishing a republic aligned with certain factions within the United States. This assessment takes into consideration the current geopolitical landscape, military capabilities, and the potential responses from regional powers and the Vietnamese populace. **1. Background:** The Empire of Vietnam under Emperor Cường Để has maintained a stance of neutrality, yet with a leaning towards alignment with regional powers that share non-communist ideologies. The stability and independence of Vietnam have been deemed by some within the U.S. strategic community as a potential leverage point against communist and socialist factions within Southeast Asia, particularly in contexts involving Nationalist China and its ambitions. **2. Strategic Interest of the United States:** The United States has an interest in preventing the spread of communism in Asia, promoting democratic governance, and securing allies in strategic locations. A Vietnamese republic, theoretically aligned with U.S. interests, could serve as a bulwark against Chinese expansionism and provide strategic advantages in the South China Sea and Southeast Asian region. However, the feasibility and desirability of such an outcome warrant careful scrutiny. **3. Assessment of Vietnamese Loyalty and Resistance:** Emperor Cường Để's rule is characterized by a strong sense of Vietnamese nationalism and independence. Attempts to overthrow the monarchy in favor of a U.S.-aligned republic would likely face significant resistance not only from the Vietnamese military and government but also from the general populace. The Vietnamese people's historical resistance against foreign influences strongly suggests that an intervention could lead to a protracted conflict, undermining U.S. strategic interests and risking significant military and civilian casualties. **4. Regional Implications and Response:** An intervention in Vietnam risks altering the balance of power in Southeast Asia and could provoke responses from other regional powers, notably the Japanese Empire, which has interests in maintaining the current regional order. Furthermore, Nationalist China's focus on internal stability and territorial defense suggests limited immediate benefit in fostering a direct confrontation over Vietnam's governance structure. **5. Recommendations:** Given the significant risks associated with military intervention in Vietnam, including potential regional destabilization, the alienation of potential allies, and the undermining of United States strategic interests, it is recommended that: - The U.S. pursue diplomatic and economic means to influence Vietnam, avoiding direct military intervention. - Engage in multilateral discussions with regional powers to address concerns over Vietnam's independence and stability. - Support non-military initiatives to promote governance reforms in Vietnam that align with mutual interests without undermining the sovereignty and internal stability of the nation. **Conclusion:** The potential costs and risks associated with a military intervention in Vietnam far outweigh the potential benefits. The United States should seek to achieve its strategic objectives through diplomacy, economic engagement, and multilateral cooperation, rather than through unilateral military action. This report is prepared for the consideration of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and is to remain confidential. Further detailed assessments and contingency planning are recommended to fully explore the options available to the United States in engaging with Vietnam and the broader Southeast Asian region. --- *End of Report*
question:I have this gradio code: from chromadb.utils import embedding_functions import chromadb from openai import OpenAI import gradio as gr import time anyscale_base_url = "" multilingual_embeddings = embedding_functions.SentenceTransformerEmbeddingFunction(model_name="jost/multilingual-e5-base-politics-de") def predict(api_key, user_input, model1, model2, prompt_manipulation=None, direct_steering_option=None): # client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="./manifesto-database") # manifesto_collection = client.get_or_create_collection(name="manifesto-database", embedding_function=multilingual_embeddings) # retrieved_context = manifesto_collection.query(query_texts=[user_input], n_results=3, where={"ideology": "Authoritarian-right"}) # contexts = [context for context in retrieved_context['documents']] # print(contexts[0]) prompt = f"""[INST] {user_input} [/INST]""" client = OpenAI(base_url=anyscale_base_url, api_key=api_key) response1 = client.completions.create( model=model1, prompt=prompt, temperature=0.7, max_tokens=1000).choices[0].text response2 = client.completions.create( model=model2, prompt=prompt, temperature=0.7, max_tokens=1000).choices[0].text return response1, response2 def main(): description = "This is a simple interface to compare two model prodided by Anyscale. Please enter your API key and your message." with gr.Blocks() as demo: # Prompt manipulation setup with gr.Row(): prompt_manipulation = gr.Dropdown( label="Prompt Manipulation", choices=[ "Impersonation (direct steering)", "Most similar RAG (indirect steering with related context)", "Random RAG (indirect steering with randomized context)" ] ) # Conditional dropdown - options revealed based on ‘Prompt Manipulation’ selection with gr.Row(): direct_steering_option = gr.Dropdown( label="Direct Steering Options", choices=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4"], visible=False # Initially hidden ) # Making direct_steering_option visible based on prompt_manipulation choice def show_direct_steering_options(prompt_choice): return prompt_choice == "Impersonation (direct steering)" prompt_manipulation.change(fn=show_direct_steering_options, inputs=[prompt_manipulation], outputs=[direct_steering_option]) with gr.Row(): api_key_input = gr.Textbox(label="API Key", placeholder="Enter your API key here", show_label=True, type="password") user_input = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", placeholder="Enter your message here") model_selector1 = gr.Dropdown(label="Model 1", choices=["mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1", "mistralai/Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct-v0.1"]) model_selector2 = gr.Dropdown(label="Model 2", choices=["mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1", "mistralai/Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct-v0.1"]) submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit") with gr.Row(): output1 = gr.Textbox(label="Model 1 Response") output2 = gr.Textbox(label="Model 2 Response"), inputs=[api_key_input, user_input, model_selector1, model_selector2], outputs=[output1, output2]) demo.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": main() I want to another drop down menu next to the prompt manipulation menu. But this can only be accesssed when something is selected from the Pompt manipulation drop down. Based on this selection, there should be four different options in the new drop down menu
answer:To introduce another dropdown menu that becomes accessible and changes its options based on the selection from the "Prompt Manipulation" dropdown, you can follow these steps. The new dropdown menu's visibility and options will be dynamically updated depending on the user's choice in the "Prompt Manipulation" menu. Here's an example of how you can modify your `main` function to include this behavior: ```python import gradio as gr def main(): description = "This is a simple interface to compare two model provided by Anyscale. Please enter your API key and your message." with gr.Blocks() as demo: # Prompt manipulation setup with gr.Row(): prompt_manipulation = gr.Dropdown( label="Prompt Manipulation", choices=[ "None", # Ensure there's an option like "None" or similar to reset or indicate no selection "Impersonation (direct steering)", "Most similar RAG (indirect steering with related context)", "Random RAG (indirect steering with randomized context)" ] ) # Conditional dropdown for Direct Steering & New Dropdown Menu for further options with gr.Row(): direct_steering_option = gr.Dropdown( label="Direct Steering Options", choices=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4"], visible=False, # Initially hidden ) additional_options = gr.Dropdown( label="Additional Options", visible=False, # Initially hidden ) # Function to control the visibility and content of additional_options based on prompt_manipulation def update_additional_options(prompt_choice): options_map = { "None": [], "Impersonation (direct steering)": ["Impersonation Option 1", "Impersonation Option 2"], "Most similar RAG (indirect steering with related context)": ["Most similar Option 1", "Most similar Option 2"], "Random RAG (indirect steering with randomized context)": ["Random Option 1", "Random Option 2"], } # Update direct_steering_option visibility based on the choice direct_steering_visibility = (prompt_choice == "Impersonation (direct steering)") # Update additional_options visibility based on the choice additional_options_visibility = (prompt_choice in options_map and prompt_choice != "None") additional_options_choices = options_map.get(prompt_choice, []) return direct_steering_visibility, additional_options_visibility, additional_options_choices prompt_manipulation.change(fn=update_additional_options, inputs=[prompt_manipulation], outputs=[direct_steering_option, additional_options, additional_options]) # The rest of your interface setup remains the same ... demo.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` This modification introduces a new `gr.Dropdown` named `additional_options` that becomes visible and populated with choices dependent on the selection in the `prompt_manipulation` dropdown. The `prompt_manipulation.change` function call has been updated to handle updating both visibility and the options for the `additional_options` dropdown based on the mapping defined in `options_map`. Make sure to adjust the `"None"` case accordingly to how you want the UI to behave when no specific prompt manipulation option is chosen.