question:Write a realistic, sensible, plausible, dialogue-filled, exposition-filled alternate history science fiction, high fantasy, dark fantasy, urban fantasy, magical realism, science fantasy, Japanese light novel style, Chinese wuxia epic style, military techno-thriller action drama in the form of a Japanese harem anime/manga/light novel, romantic comedy, Isekai slice of life, light fantasy style crossover of the RWBY web series, manga, anime and literature franchise, the Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku [Academy Battle City Asterisk/The Asterisk War: The Academy City on the Water |Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku|] light novel, manga, video game and anime franchise, the Deathlands book and TV movie franchise, the Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō [Magika Swordsman and Summoner |Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō|] light novel and manga franchise, the Muv-Luv visual novel, manga and anime franchise, the IS: Infinite Stratos light novel, anime, manga and video game franchise, the Hundred anime, manga and light novel franchise,t he Dragon Ball manga and anime franchise and its [Dragon Ball's] sequel series, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z's epilogue series, Dragon Ball GT, the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA series and its spin-off series, Tenchi Universe, the Handoreddo [Hundred |Handoreddo|] light novel, anime and manga franchise, the Maburavu Anrimiteddo [Muv-Luv Unliminted |Maburavu Anrimiteddo|] visual novel, literature and anime franchise and its [Maburavu Anrimiteddo's] spin-off/sequel visual novel, and literature franchise Maburavu Orutaneitibu [Muv-Luv Alternative], the Star Wars film, novel, animated series, comic book and video game series, the Halo video game, novel, animated series and comic book franchise, the Fire Force manga and anime franchise, the obscure Kishin Hōkō Demonbein [Machine God Roar Demonbane |Kishin Hōkō Demonbein|] video game, anime and manga franchise, the High School DxD light novel, manga, anime and video game franchise, the Date a Live light novel, manga, anime and video game franchise, the Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto [Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia |Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto|] light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Boku no Hero Academia [My Hero Academia |Boku no Hero Academia|] manga, anime and video game franchise, the Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei [Irregular at Magic High School |Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei|] light novel, anime and manga franchise, the Senki Zesshō Shinfogia [Superb Song of the Valkyries: Symphogear |Senki Zesshō Shinfogia|] manga, anime and mobile game franchise, the Code Geass anime, light novel, manga, video game and radio drama franchise, the Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha [Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha |Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha|] anime, manga, light novel and film franchise, the Musume Hyakka Jiten [Monster Girl Encyclopedia |Musume Hyakka Jiten|] literature and video game franchise, the Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto [Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia |Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto|] light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Hidan no Aria [Aria of the Scarlet Ammo |Hidan no Aria|] light novel, manga and anime franchise, the Fallout video game franchise, the Monmusume Kuesto! [Monster Girl Quest! |Monmusume Kuesto!|] video game franchise, the Seirei Tsukai no Bureidodansu [Blade Dance of Elementalers |Seirei Tsukai no Bureidodansu|], the Seikoku no Doragunā [Dragonar Academy/Star-Marked Dragonar |Seikoku no Doragunā|] light novel, manga and anime franchise and the Zero no Tsukaima [Familar of Zero |Zero no Tsukaima|] light novel, manga, anime and visual novel franchise the Fate/Stay Night visual novel, anime, manga and light novel franchise and Fate/Stay Night's spin-off manga, anime and video game franchise Fate/Stay Night:kalied liner Prisma Illya, set in the world of the alternate historical scenario with no references to this being an alternate history scenario or to the real world timeline at all, in which the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku [the Grand Galactic Empire of Jurai/the Great Galatic Empire of Jurai/Great Jurai/Great Galactic Juraian Empire/Great Jurai |Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku|], which [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku], is [what Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is] an absolute imperial feudal dynastic constitutional federal semi-democratic multiracial parliamentary state [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] and [what else Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is apart from being an absolute imperial feudal dynastic constitutional federal semi-democratic state] a technologically advanced hyperpower, economic powerhouse, trade and military juggernaut [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] that [what Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku does] rules [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] over [the territories ruled over by Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] a large portion of the Milky Way Galaxy, and [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] is [what happens to Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] ruled [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] by [who is the reigning family of Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] the Masaki Ouchou [Masaki dynasty |Masaki Ouchou|] also [the Masaki Ouchou] known [the Masaki Ouchou] as [the Masaki Ouchou's other name] Juraiouke [the Imperial House of Jurai |Juraiouke|] as [what the Masaki Ouchou/Juraiouke rules Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku as] its [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku's] imperial family [Juraiouke], [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] being [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] known [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] as [the other name for Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] Takamagahara [the realm |Takamagahara| of |what lives in Takamagahara| the amatsukami |heavenly gods (amatsukami)| in Shinto, Japan's unofficial state religion |Shinto|] in [where Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is known as Takamagahara] Japan, where the most dominant force in the galaxy [Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] is [what happens to Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku in Japn] treated [the public perception and popular conensus on the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku in Japan] as [how Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is viewed as in Japan] the stuff of myths and legends [Takamagahara], [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku] from [which franchise the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku is from] the Tenchi Muyo OVA, anime and manga franchise replaces [which faction Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku replaces] the Covenant, a religious theocratic absolute technocratic feudalistic multiracial imperialistic monarchy [the Covenant] which [the Covenant] rules [the Covenant] over [the territories ruled over by the Covenant] the Orion Arm of the Milky Way, from [which franchise the Covenant is from] the Halo video game, anime and book franchise [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku replacing the Covenant from Halo] along with [which other galactic faction the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku replaces] the mysterious BETA from the Muv-Luv franchise, [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku from Tenchi Muyu replacing both Halo's Covenant and Muv-Luv's BETA] with the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium [First Galactic Empire/Galactic Empire/"the Empire" |the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium|], a de jure fascist dictatorship/stratocracy [Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] but de facto constitutional imperial unitary absolute human supremacist xenophobic anti-alien monarchy [Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] that [what happened to the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] was [ the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] both a technological juggernaut [Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] and a military powerhouse [Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] as well as a hub of learning, scientific progress, finanical prosperity and stability and security [the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium], [Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] ruling [Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] over [which territories Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium controlled] the Milky Way galaxy from [which series Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium is from] Star Wars, [the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium] replacing [which faction Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium replaces] the ecumene from [which series the ecumine is from] Halo, a technologically advanced post-singularity technocratic aristocratic galactic hyperpower [the ecumine] that [the ecumine] was [what type of state the ecumine was] a constitutional democratic absolute monarchy [the ecumine] that [the ecumine] stretched across the Milky Way and [the ecumine] was [what happened to the ecumine] ruled by [who ruled the ecumine] Primoris prognatus [Forerunners |Primoris prognatus|], who [Primoris prognatus] were [what Primoris prognatus were] an ancient species [Primoris prognatus] of [what Primoris prognatus were |Primoris prognatus| an ancient species |Primoris prognatus| of] extremely technologically advanced, psychically and magically gifted, hyper-intelligent humanoid beings [Primoris prognatus] as [what Primoris prognatus ruled the ecumine as] its [the ecumine's] dominant race before the end of their [Primoris prognatus'] empire [the ecumine] in [when the ecumine ended] pre-AD times, the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku's birth, rise and [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku's] subsequent establishment and [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku's] growth into the Galaxy's hyperpower [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku's current state] starting [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku's rise to power and dominance |the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku| of the Milky Way] in the earlier stages of the latter's [the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium's] fall and [the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium's] eventual subsquent dissolution. The Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium has its [the Primum Magnum Caelum Imperium's] canon civilian and military technologies with the Star Wars humans having the same psychic and magical powers and hyper-intelligence as the Primoris prognatus in canon Halo in addition to the Primoris prognatus' canon civilian and military technologies and the same being true for the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku and the Covenant. The Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku also replaces the galaxy-spanning paramilitary force/meritocratic military organization/pirate guild lead by the infamous race of horned extraterrestrial warmongers known as the Frost Demons [Dragon Ball Z], the Planetary Trade Organization [Dragon Ball Z] in this fic, [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku in this fic] also having the PTO's technology, weapons and equipment, with the Juraians [Tenchi Muyo], a humanoid extraterrestrial race [the Jurians] of psychics and magic users good at electronics and mechanics [the Jurians], who [the Juraians] are the ruling caste and the dominant force in the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku's politics, royalty and aristocracy [the Juraians] replacing the Frost Demons [Dragon Ball Z] and [the Jurians] also having the Frost Demons' swordsmanships and qi/ki manipulation abilities in addition to their [the Juraians'] own canonical abilities and skills, [the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku replacing the PTO and the Jurians replacing the Frost Demons in this fic] thus making them [the Juraians in this story] the masters [the Juraians in this story] of the naturally aggressive warrior race descended from Great Apes who gained intelligence and took on a humanoid form who, since ancient times, have lived a violent and inhumane lifestyle, where they attack numerous planets to build up wealth and goods, the Saiyans [Dragon Ball Z], [the Juraians being the masters of the Saiyans in this fic] and [the Juraians in this fic] using the Saiyans to conquer and clean out multiple planets not just across the Milky Way, but across the various galaxies for them [the Juraians in this fic]. The Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku also maintains control of the Jikū Kanri Kyoku [Time-Space Administrative Bureau |Jikū Kanri Kyoku|], an interdimensional security force [Jikū Kanri Kyoku] and full-out military force [the Jikū Kanri Kyoku] formed [the Jikū Kanri Kyoku] jointly by a union of several worlds that [the Jikū Kanri Kyoku] also monitors cultural growth and provides disaster relief to each world under the JKK's jurisdiction especially when it involves magic and the magical items of tremendous power that are legacies of collapsed civilizations known as Lost Logia [Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha] , [the Jikū Kanri Kyoku] from Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha in this story. The descendant of low-class warrior Saiyans imprinted with only enough training to fight and conquer, Kakkarot [Dragon Ball franchise] is [Kakkarot] still [Kakkarot] sent to Earth to [Kakkarot] conquer it [Earth] sometime in the 500 AD period of human history as a baby, [Kakkarot] being [Kakkarot] adopted by Grandpa Gohan [Dragon Ball] after his [Kakkarot's] spaceship crashlanded on a hyperadvanced, semi-spacefaring version of ancient Earth, more specifically in the Han Chinese Imperial House of Yang-ruled Great Sui State/Sui dynasty ruling over Han China and [Kakkarot] being given the Chinese name of 'Sun Wukong' by Grandpa Gohan. After Gohan's death when Wukong was just a child, Wukong starts traveling the world with the heiress of the European-based megacorp, Capsule Corp [Dragon Ball franchise], the blue-haired, blue-eyed, tall, slender and buxom, highly intelligent Bulma Briefs [Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z] and the Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang during the reign of the Mongol-Manchurian Imperial House of Li-ruled absolute imperial dynastic monarchy of the Great Tang Empire/"Tang dynasty" over Han China from East Turkestan and the Hui-dominated Central China, [Wukong's adventures with Briefs and Xuanzhang] becoming [Wukong's adventures with Briefs and Xuanzhang] known as the famous "Journey to the West". After defeating the green-skinned, maniacal "demon lord" Piccolo and thus saving the world with the help of Xuanzang and Bulma, Wukong then [Wukong] decides [Wukong] to [Wukong] enter the World Martial Arts tournament to [Wukong] test his [Wukong's] strength and power as well as [Wukong] learn new skills and [Wukong] meet new people, [Wukong] eventually becoming the winner [Wukong] of the tournament. Before he [Wukong] can [Wukong] claim his [Wukong's] victory, his [Wukong's] old rival in the form of the technocratic cult/secret society/PMC possessing advanced cybernetic, plasma and genetic manipulation technology with dreams of World Domination, the Red Ribbon Army [Dragon Ball franchise] shows up, and in the chaos Wukong finds himself [Wukong] blasted into what he [Wukong] later discovers is [Wukong] the far-future of the 21th century via [Wukong] taking a energy displacement weapon meant for Bulma. The then prince of the Saiyans, the arrogant black-haired, black-eyed, tall and muscular Vegeta [DBZ] still is deployed to Earth in order to destroy it [Earth] and recover Kakarot, but [Vegeta] never meets Wukong and [Vegeta] is [Vegeta] forced to find work as a mercenary in the service of pre-shogunate Japan, the tribes of Mongolia and Manchuria and even the Germanic Holy Roman Empire-dominated Europe but [Vegeta] still meets and [Vegeta] marries Bulma, although he [Vegeta] doesn't tell her [Bulma] who and what he [Vegeta] really is. Vegeta's descendants through his [Vegeta's] first son by Bulma, the blue-haired, blue-eyed, intellectually gifted but also immensely strong Saiyan-human hybrid Trunks [Dragon Ball franchise] eventually move to Japan sometime after the fall of the Tang dynasty and [Trunks's descendants] subsequently intermarry with the Japanese, [Trunks's descendants] subsequently being absorbed into the Japanese as the centuries go on. Many centuries after Bulma's and Wukong's time, the post-1868, pre-1947 Japanese Imperial House of Great Yamato-ruled Unitary parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy of the Great Japanese Empire/Empire of Great Japan/Japanese Empire/Imperial Japan/Third Japanese Empire is [the Japanese Empire in this fic] restored [the Japanese Empire in this fanfic] as the government [the Japanese Empire] of Japan after the series of natural disasters, continent-wide wars and nuclear exchanges resulting in flames exploding around the world, devastating it [Earth] and leaving most parts of the planet uninhabitable, with continents being torn apart and some nations being utterly obliterated known as the Great Cataclysm [Fire Force], which [the Great Cataclysm in this story] is [the Great Cataclysm in this story] the same even as the global intercontinental military conflict and power bloc war within the Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei universe that lasted from 2045 to 2064 and started as a result of a military conflict between the post-Soviet successor state of the oligarch and KGB-controlled unitary presidential republic of the Russian Federation ruling over Siberia and the Russian Far East from Russia and the de jure Marxist-Leninist, socialist but de facto Han nationalist, Han supremacist, Chinese supremacist, Chinese Imperialist Chinese Communist Party ruled de jure socialist republic but de facto Han nationalist, Han supremacist People's Republic of China ruling [the PRC] over Han China, Guangdong, Guangxi, East Turkestan, Inner and Outer Mongolia, Tibet, Shanxi and Yunnan from [the PRC's stronghold and home base] Greater Manchuria over immigration due to global cooling starting around 2030 which was already worsened by advanced agricultural production becoming a solar-powered industry in 2020, leading to a temporary population boom [the conflict which lasted from 2045 to 2064 in the Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei universe] known as the Third World War [Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei] and the unprecedented catastrophe that assaulted the earth in which meteors rained down across the world, bringing severe destruction to many cities known as the Invertia [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku], [the Third World War in the Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei universe being the same as the Great Cataclysm from Fire Force and the Invertia from Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku in this story] with the ancient clan of extra-terrestial horned humanoid creatures with immense psychic and magical power known as the Ōtsutsuki clan [Naruto], which [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fic] is [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fic] descended [ the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fic] from [the Ōtsutsuki clan's parent house in this fic] the Masaki Ouchou/Juraiouke [Tenchi Muyo!] [this fic's Masaki dynasty-descended version of the Ōtsutsuki clan] acting as this neo-Japanese Empire's imperial family [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic] after [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic] fleeing [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic] from the hidden-from the rest of the world, mythical, stuck on the feudal era of Japanese and the Ming and Song dynasty era of Chinese history politically, socially and economically, having the mythical combination of ki/qi and spiritual energy known as chakra-using fake shinobi and wuxia style cultivator mega continent known as the Elemental Nations [Naruto] and [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic] setting in the ruins of post-apocalyptic Kyoto, [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic] being [what happened to the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic] mistaken for [what the members of the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic were |the members of the Ōtsutsuki clan| mistaken |the members of the Ōtsutsuki clan| for] the Japanese Imperial House of Great Yamato, the real-life Japanese Imperial family [the Imperial House of Great Yamato] by [who mistook the members of the Ōtsutsuki clan for the Imperial House of Great Yamato] the residents of post-apocalyptic Kyoto, this mistake [the residents of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto mistaking the members of the Ōtsutsuki clan for the surviving remnants of Imperial House of Great Yamato left in post-Great Cataclysm Japan] allowing it [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic] to [the Ōtsutsuki clan this fanfic] rebuild its [the Ōtsutsuki clan's in this fanfic's] new home [post-apocalyptic Kyoto] and [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this fanfic] use it [post-apocalyptic Kyoto] as a base [post-apocalyptic Kyoto] for the eventual annhilation, conquest, absorption and assmilation of the myriad warlord states, bandit hideouts and Yakuza strongholds infesting Japan after the Great Cataclysm, [the assimilation of the myriad of warlord states, bandit fiefdoms and Yakuza strongholds infesting Japan after the Great Cataclysm by the fortified, rebuilt, restructured and rejuvinated post-apocalyptic Kyoto under Ōtsutsuki rule] ending with the conquest and subsequent assmilation of the de-jure constitutional parliamentary imperial monarchy but de facto theocratic industrial theocratic city state of the Raffles-dynasty ruled Great Tokyo Empire [Fire Force] in post-Great Cataclysm Tokyo into the post-apocalyptic patchwork of states held together by the rule of post-apocalyptic Kyoto under Ōtsutsuki rule, which [the conquest of the Great Tokyo Empire by the post-apocalyptic patchwork of states held together by the rule of post-apocalyptic Kyoto under Ōtsutsuki rule] marked the reunification of Japan after the Great Cataclysm under Ōtsutsuki rule and the end of the post-Great Cataclysm warlord era in Japan. The creatures of Grimm [human and supernatural eating carnivorous monsters |Grimm| that |Grimm| do not |what the Grimm do not have| possess a soul, |the Grimm| being |what happens to the Grimm| drawn towards |what attracts the Grimms’ presence| negative emotions such as jealously, grief, loneliness, hatred and fear, |the Grimms’ attraction to negativity| causing them |the Grimms| to often congregate on the source of these emotions, |the Grimm| attacking any humans and supernatural creatures they |the Grimm| encounter on sight, |the Grimm| from |the media franchise the Grimm are (the Grimm) from| RWBY] also emerge after the Great Cataclysm all over the world along with the Infernals [former humans that spontaneous combust and |the Infernals| become |what the Infernals become after spontaneous combustion| misshapen fiery charcoal-like monsters, the Infernals being |what the Infernals are| a common feature and |the Infernals| a ever-present threat |the Infernals| in the post-Great Catalclysm world, |the Infernals| being |the Infernals| from |the franchise the Infernals are (the Infernals) from Fire Force] and the Gastrea [deadly parasites |Gastrea| that |Gastrea| transform |who Gastrea transform| their |the Gastrea’s| victims into |what the Gastrea transform their (the Gastrea’s victims) into mutated, superhuman, human-eating, powerful monsters (the endstage of a Gastrea infection), |the Gastrea| from |the media franchise the Gastrea are (the Gastrea) from| Black Bullet] Since the Ōtsutsuki clan was [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this story] mistaken [the Ōtsutsuki clan in this story] to be the surviving post-Great Cataclysm descendants of the Imperial House of Great Yamato who [the Ōtsutsuki clan in the eyes of the Japanese people in this story] had [the Ōtsutsuki clan in the eyes of the Japanese people in this story] regained their [the members of the Imperial House of Great Yamato's] supernatural abilities gained from their [the members' of the Imperial House of Great Yamato's] descent from the gods of the Shinto pantheon, nobody in the post-Great Cataclysm Japanese Empire ever finds out the truth [about the post-Great Cataclysm Japanese imperial family] and so the secret of chakra [Naruto] and the Elemental Nations is kept safe within the members of the Ōtsutsuki clan. The reunification of Japan after the Great Cataclysm under Ōtsutsuki rule allows for the quick reconstruction and rebuilding of the country [Japan after the Great Cataclysm under Ōtsutsuki rule] and pre-Great Cataclysm luxuries such as electricity, bullet trains, the internet and running water soon return to Japan due to the merger of the Great Tokyo Empire's steampunk and dieselpunk technology with the advanced extraterrestrial technology and industry from brought from Jurai and the surviving pre- Great Cataclysm Japanese, American and even Russian technology left behind. In fact, the seizure of the unimaginably powerful flame or energy that be used to bring both creation and destruction, not connected to the physical laws of Earth but connected to collective minds, emotions, and perceptions of humanity known as the Adolla Burst [Fire Force]-powered infinite energy providing thermal-powered generator located in the Central Ward of the Tokyo Empire, the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu" [Eternity-Style Thermal Power Generation "Amaterasu" |Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu"|] from [the media franchise the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu" is |the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu"| from] Fire Force, [the seizure of the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu"] during the conquest of the Great Tokyo Empire by the post-apocalyptic patchwork of states held together by the rule of post-apocalyptic Kyoto under Ōtsutsuki rule is what will prove useful in the stability of the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire. The Ōtsutsuki soon discover the presence of the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, tall, slender and buxom, very manipulative, volatile and misanthropic nature Adolla Burst having survivor of the Great Cataclysm known only as Amaterasu [Fire Force] inside the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu" after the conquest of the Great Tokyo Empire by the post-apocalyptic patchwork of states held together by the rule of post-apocalyptic Kyoto under Ōtsutsuki rule and [the Ōtsutsuki] quickly rescue Amaterasu from the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu", [ The Ōtsutsuki rescuing Amaterasu from the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu"] copying her [Amaterasu's] Adolla Burst and placing the copy [of Amaterasu's Adolla Burst] inside the the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu" to power it [ the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu"] while [The Ōtsutsuki after |The Ōtsutsuki| rescuing Amaterasu from the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu"] scanning her [Amaterasu's] memories and [The Ōtsutsuki] discovering the presence of the extraterrestrial god-like entity with immense reality warping powers known only as the Evangelist [Fire Force] and its [the Evangelist's] cult organization with the goal of recreating the Great Cataclysm, the White Clad [Fire Force] within the Great Tokyo Empire's territories. The Ōtsutsuki soon begin constructions of replicas of the Kuonshiki Karyokuhatsuden "Amaterasu" all through post-Great Cataclysm Japan. Japan's Bicameral national legislature with the ability to pass laws and also to nominate the Japanese prime minister, consisting of a lower house, called the House of Representatives and an upper house, the House of Councillors, which [the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors] are [the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors] directly elected under a parallel voting system, the National Diet, [the National Diet] also resumes operations after the reunifcation and subsequent reconstruction of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule. In fact the bill that restores the Japanese Empire as the government [the Japanese Empire] of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule is passed through the National Diet. Japan’s central coordinating law enforcement agency of the Japanese police system responsible for supervising Japan’s 47 prefectural police departments and determining their general standards and policies, though it can command police agencies under it in national emergencies or large-scale disasters, under the Japanese Cabinet Office commission responsible for guaranteeing the neutrality of the police system by insulating the force from political pressure and ensuring the maintenance of democratic methods in police administration, the National Public Safety Commission of the Japanese Cabinet Office, the Japanese National Police Agency, the elite tactical unit equivalent to the US Delta Force/US CIA SOG black ops death squads of the Japanese police force maintained by individual Japanese prefectural police forces and supervised by the Japanese National Police Agency and also national-level counterterrorism unit that cooperates with territorial-level Anti-Firearms Squads and Counter-NBC Terrorism Squads, the Special Assault Team, post-WW2's Japan's domestic intelligence agency administered by the Japanese Ministry of Justice tasked with internal security and espionage against threats to Japanese national security, contributing to Japanese government policy by providing relevant organizations with necessary foreign and domestic data (collected through investigations and intelligence activities) on subversive organizations, the Public Security Intelligence Agency and the post-WW2 Japanese intelligence agency under the Cabinet Secretariat responsible for gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information for the cabinet, reporting directly to the Japanese Prime Minister, the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, [the Japanese NPA, the SAT, PISA and CIRO] soon resume their [the Japanese NPA's, the SAT's, PISA's and CIRO's] respective operations after the reunifcation and subsequent reconstruction of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule. The unified military forces of post-WW2 Japan, controlled by the Japanese Ministry of Defense with the Japanese Prime Minister as commander-in-chief, without offensive warmaking capabilities but with an inherent right to self-defense, the Japanese Self Defence Forces, [the JSDF] along with the JSDF's special forces unit with a mission of infiltration into enemy territory, reconnaissance, sabotage, and hostage rescue, and conducting military operations against guerrillas or enemy commandos during wartime, the Special Forces Group, [the JSDF and SFG] also return to full operational capacity after the reunifcation and subsequent reconstruction of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule. SOG and SAT teams accompanied by PIRO agents with support given by CIRO under the direct supervision of the National Diet then begin covert operations against the White Clad in the Great Tokyo Empire's former territories, with White Clad members being captured in these operations being taken to black sites for processing and interrogation. Seperate teams of JSDF soliders and SOG agents along with SAT teams also begin Grimm [RWBY] and Infernal [Fire Force] extermination work within Japan. The Japanese policing organization, established within the Japanese Home Ministry for the purpose of carrying out high policing, domestic criminal investigations, and control of political groups and ideologies deemed to threaten the public order of the Japanese Empire with functions of criminal investigation and counter-espionage, the Tokkō [Special Higher Police |Tokkō|], [the Tokkō] also makes a return after the reunifcation and subsequent reconstruction of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule. Imperial Japan's combined military forces, the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces, [the IJAF] also make a return after the restoration of the Japanese Empire as the government [the Japanese Empire] of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule, with the JSDF being reduced to a defence force. After the restoration of the IJAF in post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule, special influence is placed on the reconstruction of the Japanese Empire’s ground combat force and the land warfare division of the IJAF, the Imperial Japanese Army as a professional, well-trained army [the post-Great Cataclysm restored IJA] living up to the best standards of the pre-Great Cataclysm world. the IJA’s military police with civilian secret police, espionage, and counter-intelligence roles within the Greater Japanese Empire with duties of maintaining military discipline, enforcing conscription laws, protecting vital military zones, and investigating crimes among soldiers while also issuing travel permits, recruited labor, arrested resistance, requisitioned food and supplies, spread propaganda, and suppressed anti-Japanese sentiment in areas occupied by the IJA during wartime, the Kempeitai also makes a return after the reunifcation and subsequent reconstruction of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule. The IJAF's elite Japanese special forces/airborne unit, the Teishin Shudan [Raiding Group |Teishin Shudan|], [the Teishin Shudan] is [the Teishin Shudan] also restored [the Teishin Shudan] after the reunifcation and subsequent reconstruction of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule. Imperial Japan's hereditary peerage, the Kazoku [magnificent lineage |Kazoku|] is [the Kazoku] also restored [the Kazoku] in Japan the restoration of the Japanese Empire as the government [the Japanese Empire] of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule. The restoration of the imperial system [the Japanese Empire] in post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule is [the restoration of the Japanese Empire in post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule] heavily influenced [the restoration of the Japanese Empire in post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule] by the pre-1868 Japanese Tokugawa clan-ruled de jure absolute imperial dynastic constitutional parliamentary monarchy but de facto feudal dynastic hereditary military dictatorship of the Tokugawa shogunate, with the heads of the Tokugawa clan being [the heads of the Tokugawa clan] restored [the heads of the Tokugawa clan] to their [the heads of the Tokugawa clan's] pre-1868 position as sei-i taishōgun ["Commander-in-Chiefs of the Expeditionary Force Against the Barbarians" |sei-i taishōgun|, |sei-i taishōgun| abbreviated |sei-i taishōgun| and more popularly known as shogun, |sei-i taishōgun| the hereditary military rulers |the sei-i taishōgun| of Japan during most of the period spanning from 1185 to 1868, |the sei-i taishōgun| having civil, military, diplomatic and judicial authority]. The restored Tokugawa shoguns have a position more akin to that of the constitutional monarchs of Europe or the Germanic Reichskanzlers [Imperial Chancellors] in days gone past however. The collection of various powers that supported the various shogunates of Japanese history and the hereditary military nobility and officer caste of medieval and early-modern Japan from the late 12th century until their abolition in the late 1870s with high prestige and special privileges, the buke [military families |buke|], [the buke] better known [the buke] outside of Japan and East Asia as [the buke's other, more famous name] the samurai, [the samurai] also make a return after the reunifcation and subsequent reconstruction of post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule. Thus, the restored Japanese Empire ruling over post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule is formally known as the Dai Nihon Teikoku wa Tokugawa Bakufu no ge de ari mashi ta [the Empire of Great Japan under the Tokugawa Tent Government |Dai Nihon Teikoku wa Tokugawa Bakufu no ge de ari mashi ta|] or simply the Teikoku Bakufu [Imperial Shogunate |Teikoku Bakufu|]. After rebuilding its [Japan's] sociopolitical, military and governmental institutions and [Japan] restructuring itself, post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule seeks to reclaim all of the territories outside of the Japanese Home Islands that were once ruled by the Japanese Empire before 1947: mainly the entire Korean peninsula, Taiwan and the Pengu Islands and Russia's Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. Post-Great Cataclysm Japan under Ōtsutsuki rule first starts with Korea, which [Korea] is [Korea] in a state of chaos, disarray and confusion after the joint collapse of the Soviet satellite and later on post-Soviet Russia dictatorship of the Korean nationalist, Korean supremacist, Leninist-Stalinist Worker's Party of Korea-ruled totalitarian communist dictatorship of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea occupying North Korea and the unitary presidential republic Republic of Korea occupying South Korea in the wake of the Great Cataclysm. The restored IJAF and buke quickly invades post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea and [The restored IJAF and buke] seize the area [post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea ] with ease, [The restored IJAF and buke during the invasion of post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea] putting down Korean bandit and terrorist groups along with crime gangs and anti-Japanese remnants of the ROK's combined military forces, the ROKAF [Republic of Korea’s Armed Forces] and the ROKAF's strategic-level military command responsible for its [the ROKAF's] special operations forces, its members receiving special training for various unconventional warfare missions and whose primary tasks include guerrilla warfare, special reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, direct action, collecting information in enemy territory and carrying out special missions including assassination, the Republic of Korea Army Special Warfare Command [ROKASWC] along with anti-Japanese remnants of the ROK's primary domestic law enforcement agency run under the ROK's Ministry of the Interior and Safety, divided into 18 local police agencies and having local police forces within the ROK under its command, the Korean National Police Agency, the KNPA's specialized Police tactical unit trained to perform dangerous operations whose main mission is counter-terrorism, but it also can include serving high-risk arrest warrants, performing hostage rescue and/or armed intervention, and engaging heavily armed criminals, the SOU [Special Operations Unit] and the ROK's chief intelligence agency and secret police agency, having the responsibility to supervise and coordinate both international and domestic intelligence activities and criminal investigations by all government intelligence agencies, including that of the ROK's military along with the additional duties of collecting, coordinating, and distributing information on the ROK's strategy and security, the maintenance of documents, materials, and facilities related to the nation's classified information, investigation of crimes affecting national security within the ROK, such as the Military Secrecy Protection Law and the National Security Law, investigation of crimes related to the missions of its staff, along with planning and coordination of information and classified, the National Intelligence Service. The remaining usable elements of the ROKAF and ROKASWC are absorbed into the JSDF and the SOG and the restored IJAF and the TS respectively with the same happening to the KNPA and the SOU with the Japanese NPA and SAT. The remaining usable elements of the NIS are also absorbed into both the PSIA and CIRO. The surviving descendants of the pre-1910 indigenous Korean, slave-owning, sex-slave owning, backward, afraid of progress, Han China worshipping, Confucianist and neo-Confucianist aristocracy and nobility who had immense influence in the post-1392 and pre-1898, Han-Chinese/Korean Royal House of Jeonju Yi-ruled, backward, out of touch Ming and Qing tributary state of the feudal absolute dynastic royal monarchy of the Great Joeson State/Kingdom of Great Joeson/Joeson Kingdom/Joeson, the yangaban are [the yangaban descendants] suppressed [the yangaban descendants] by the restored IJAF and buke along with anti-Japanese, pro-Korean unification elements in post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea. The PSIA and CIRO launch a campaign in Japanese-occupied post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea to identify and remove anti-Japanese elements, yangaban descendants and pro-Korean unification elements among the South Korean populace while also running a propaganda campaign that states that the return of Japan to the Korean peninsula after the Great Cataclysm and subsequent collapse of both the ROK and DPRK is a necessary measure for the salvation of the Japanese people. JSDF troops from the Japanese Home Islands pour into Japanese-occupied post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea in order to carry out disaster relief work and reconstruction efforts in Japanese-occupied post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea. The Japanese NPA also starts taking over former KNPA stations and [the Japanese NPA] training new officers in Japanese-occupied post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea while also building new stations, with the SAT doing the same. The JSDF takes control of Japanese-occupied post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea from the restored IJAF and [the JSDF] starts taking over former ROKAF bases and US military bases located in South Korea, and [the JSDF] also begins constructing new bases in Japanese-occupied post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea while training and recruiting new servicemen. After the pacification of post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea, the restored IJAF and buke then assault the former DPRK territory in North Korea from the DMZ border, [the restored IJAF and buke] seizing the former DRPK territory in North Korea with ease due to the DPRK's combined armed forces, the Korean People's Army [KPA] and the elite special forces of the KPA performing military, political, and psychological operations, to create a "second front" in the enemy's rear area, and to conduct battlefield and strategic reconnaissance during open war, the Korean People’s Army Special Operations Forces, the DPRK’s secret police and concentration camp management agency with special authority to investigate political and economic crimes within the DPRK, the Ministry of State Security, the Reconnaissance General Bureau, the KPA’s military intelligence bureau that [the RGB] manages the DPRK’s clandestine operations and [the RGB] is the DPRK's primary intelligence and clandestine operations organ, the DPRK's domestic law enforcement agency in charge of the DPRK's police system along with operating the prison system in the DPRK, monitoring the public distribution system and providing bodyguards to important persons, the Ministry of Social Security, along with the DPRK's paramilitary force subordinate to the ministry which performs various internal security and border security tasks within the DPRK while being in charge of guarding the Military Demarcation Line, borders, and coasts, as well as major strategic facilities such as government offices, the Central Committee Yongbyon nuclear facilities, power plants and broadcasting facilities, being the DPRK's combined national gendarmerie and civil defense organization organized in military lines, the Social Security Forces [the KPA, KPASOF, the DPRK's MSS, the RGB and the SSF] essentially being [the KPA, KPASOF, the DPRK's MSS [State and Social], the SSF and the RGB] unable to [the KPA, KPASOF, the MSS [State and Social] and the RGB] control the DPRK's population after the Great Cataclysm and [the KPA, KPASOF, the DPRK's MSS [State and Social], the SSF and the RGB] essentially unable to hold off the Japanese invaders. After the conquest of the former DPRK territory in North Korea by the restored IJAF and buke, the restored Japanese Empire takes steps to reintergrate the people of both North and South Korea into Japan. The usable elements of the KPA and KPASOF are [the usable elements of the KPA and KPASOF] absorbed [the usable elements of the KPA and KPASOF] into the restored IJAF, JSDF, SOG and the TS respectively after the conquest of the former DPRK territory in North Korea by the restored IJAF and buke, with the same happening to the MSS [Social] and the Japanese NPA and the SSF and the SAT. The usable elements of the RGB are absorbed into both the PSIA and CIRO. The concentration camps within the DPRK's territory once ran by the Ministry of State Security are dissolved by the restored IJAF and buke and the political prisoners in these concentration camps freed. Like in South Korea, the PSIA and CIRO both run a propaganda campaign while JSDF troops pour into the former DPRK from the Japanese Home Islands, doing disaster relief and reconstruction efforts while putting down Russian loyalists and remnants of the WPK and former DPRK government in South Korea. The JSDF also takes over former KPA bases in the former DPRK and [the JSDF] begins constructing new bases in the former DPRK, [the JSDF] training ethnic North Korean recruits. The Japanese NPA also takes over police stations formerly run by the Ministry of Social Security and begins constructing new ones. After the conquest of both post-Great Cataclysm, post-DPRK North Korea and post-Great Cataclysm, post-ROK South Korea by the restored IJAF and buke, the Japanese restore the post-1910, pre-1947 Japanese province of Chōsen as the government [Chōsen] of the entire Korean peninsula. Sometime after the reconquest of Korea and the restoration of Chōsen as its [ post-Great Cataclysm, post-DPRK and post ROK Korea's] government, the Japanese then turn their [the Japanese's] attention to the Sakhalin and Kuril Islands which they [the Japanese] conquer with ease. The post-1907, pre-1947 Japanese province of Karufuto is [Karufuto] restored [Karufuto] as the government [Karufuto] of the Sakhalin and Kuril Islands after their [the Sakhalin's and Kuril Islands's] joint reconquest by the Japanese. After the reconquest of Korea, the Sakhalin and Kuril Islands, Japan turns its [Japan's] attention towards Taiwan and the Pengu Islands, which [Taiwan and the Pengu Islands] have [Taiwan and the Pengu Islands] been [Taiwan and the Pengu Islands] in chaos ever since the fall of the Han nationalist, Han supremacist, Chinese nationalist, Chinese imperialist, Marxist-Stalinist political party/militant group/secret society of the KMT/Kuomingtang and the joint American-Soviet satellite state the KMT ruled with an iron fist, the Unitary, adhering to Sun Yat Sen's three principles of the people, nationalism, democracy and socialism [social welfare] one-party ruled and dominated directorial republic under a military dictatorship of the Second Republic of China/Nationalist China/National Government of the Republic of China which [Nationalist China] had [Nationalist China] been in exile [Nationalist China] on Taiwan since 1949 after the latter [the KMT and Nationalist China] lost the Chinese Civil War of 1947-1949 to [the political party and geopolitical entity the KMT and Nationalist China jointly lost the Chinese Civil War to] the de jure Marxist-Leninist, socialist but de facto Han nationalist, Han supremacist, Chinese supremacist, Chinese Imperialist Chinese Communist Party ruled de jure socialist republic but de facto Han nationalist, Han supremacist People's Republic of China ruling [the PRC] over Han China, Guangdong, Guangxi, East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Shanxi and Yunnan from [the PRC's stronghold and home base] Manchuria, [the collapse of Nationalist China in exile in Taiwan and the Pengu Islands since 1947] as a result of the Great Cataclysm. The Cantonese-Han Chinese secret societies/criminal organizations known as the Triads taking up residence in post-Great Cataclysm, post-KMT and Nationalist China Taiwan and the Pengu Islands along with the post-Great Cataclysm surviving renmants of the ROCAF's elite special forces unit tasked with carring out special operations, including decaptation strikes in the events of a war, the Airborne Special Service Company, the Nationalist Chinese National Police Agency which [the Nationalist Chinese NPA] falls under the Nationalist Chinese Ministry of the Interior and [the NPA] oversees all all police forces within National China on a national level, the Nationalist Chinese National Police Agency's specialist unit and highly trained police tactical unit conducting high-risk arrests and other dangerous law enforcement duties, the Thunder Squad along with Nationalist China's principal intelligence agency created to supervise and coordinate all security-related administrative organizations, military agencies and KMT organizations in Taiwan, gathering, International intelligence, Intelligence within the area of People's Republic of China, Intelligence within the area of Taiwan, Analysis of the nation's strategic intelligence, , Scientific and technological intelligence and telecommunications security, Control and development of secret codes (the matrix) and facilities, Armed Forces Internet Security while also taking charge of planning special tasks and is responsible for guiding, coordinating, and supporting the intelligence affairs in military and civil categories in addition to managing intelligence relevant to national security, the National Security Bureau are no match for the restored IJAF and buke and Taiwan and the Pengu Islands are [Taiwan and the Pengu Islands] quickly reintergated [Taiwan and the Pengu Islands] into the Japanese imperial fold. The usable elements of the ROCAF and the ASSC are [the usable elements of the ROCAF and the ASSC] quickly integrated [the usable elements of the ROCAF and the ASSC] into the restored IJAF and the JSDF along with the restored TS and the SOG with the useable elements of the Nationalist Chinese NPA and Thunder Squad being absorbed into the Japanese NPA and Thunder Squad. The usable elements of the NSB are [the usable elements of the NSB] absorbed into both the PSIA and CIRO. Like in the Korean peninsula, JSDF troops from the Japanese Home Islands come down to Taiwan to engage in disaster relief and reconstruction and rebuilding work, while [the JSDF] taking over former US military bases and former ROCAF bases in Taiwan and the Pengu Islands and [the JSDF] constructing new bases [in Taiwan and the Pengu Islands]. After the reconquest of Taiwan and the Pengu Islands, the Japanese take special measures to reintergrate the majority population in Taiwan and the Pengu Islands and also the main indigenous group in Taiwan and the Pengu Islands the Taiwan-based sub-branch of the Han Chinese subgroup who speak Hokkien and/or trace their ancestry to southeastern Fujian in China, the Hoklo Taiwanese along with the other indigenous groups in Taiwan and the Pengu Islands into the Japanese social, political and economic structure. With Japan united under the Ōtsutsuki clan and [Japan in this story] ruling over Korea, Taiwan, Sahlakin and the Kurils once more, the large, powerful villain organization turned secret society and paramilitary underworld group that follows the philosophy that the free usage of Quirks is a basic human right, emphasizing liberation over-regulation [of Quirks], the Inō Kaihō-gun [Meta Liberation Army |Inō Kaihō-gun|] from [the media franchise the Inō Kaihō-gun is |the Inō Kaihō-gun| from] Boku no Hero Academia and its [the IKG's] Quirk supremacist agenda are [the IKG and its Quirk supremacist agenda] quickly crushed by the post-Great Cataclysm restored IJAF and the post-Great Cataclysm restored Kempeitai and so the Hero system [My Hero Academia] , in which individuals who are licensed to use their Quirks to protect civilians from Villains, natural disasters, and/or any other kind of harm as a profession, [the Hero System] never takes off in Japan, with the Butei [Armed Detective |Butei|] system of [what the Butei is] national qualification which [the Butei system] allows those with the title of, or training to be an Butei to be allowed to bear arms, use supernatural abilities, and have the authority to arrest people, as long as they [the persons training to be or currently being Butei] have an Butei license, [the Butei system] from [the media franchise the Butei system is from] Hidan no Aria, which [the Armed Detective system] had been indefinitely suspended after the Great Cataclysm in this story, [the Butei System] instead being revived [the Butei System] to [the reason for the revival of the Butei system] manage the superhuman abilities sorted into multiple categories, though limited to only developing one ability and are thus unable to achieve any other through natural means known as Quirks [Boku no Hero Academia], the pyrokinetic known as Generations [Fire Force] as well as the young girls and women who form contracts with the Divas [another word |Diva| for |what a Diva is also called| a contracted spirit which |a contracted spirit/‘Diva’| is |what a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ is|a manifestation | a contracted spirit/‘Diva’| of |what a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ is a manifestation ( a contracted spirit/‘Diva’) of| a creature, a concept, or a character from some mythology or folk belief |a contracted spirit/‘Diva’| that |what a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ does| forms |what a Diva forms| a contract with |the human or supernatural entity a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ forms a contract with| a chosen human or supernatural creature, |the human or supernatural creature a ‘Diva’/contracted spirit forms a contract with| usually being a female between the ages of 13-29 |the contract between a Diva and its chosen human or supernatural creature| being represented by |what the contract between a Diva and its chosen human or supernatural creature is represented by| a mark known as |what the mark that represents the contract between a Diva and its chosen human or supernatural creature is known as| a Stigima that |the Stigma| usually |the Stigma| is |what normally happens to a Stigma| on the contractor’s right hand, |the contract between a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ and its chosen human or supernatural creature being known as a Stigma| and |what else the contract between a contracted spirit/‘Diva’ and its chosen human or supernatural creature does apart from the contractor recieving a stigma| giving the contractor |what the contractor gets from the contract between herself and the contracted spirit/‘Diva’ she has formed a contract with| the ability to |the supernatural ability the contractor gets from the contract between herself and the contracted spirit/‘Diva’ she has formed a contract with| materliaize and use a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux |Oblique Neckline/Magical Dress/“Cleavage required” (Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux), a special set of armor (Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) that (Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) most of the time resembles (what a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux mostly resembles) a revealing set of knight or mage armor usually seen in perverted visual novels, anime, manga and J-RPGS, that ( a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) can (a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) only be used by (who are the only persons who can use Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) female humans and supernatural creatures that (the female humans and supernatural creatures who can use Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) have (the female humans and supernatural creatures who can use Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) formed contracts with (what supernatural entity the female humans and supernatural creatures who can use Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux have formed contracts with) contracted spirits/‘Divas’, that (a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) only appears (a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux) when (the time when a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux appears and can be used) the contractor is in battle or (the contractor) otherwise using more than a small percentage of the contracted spirit/‘Diva’‘s power| as well as |the supernatural ability the contractor gets from the contract between herself and the contracted spirit/‘Diva’ she has formed a contract with apart from receiving a Stigma and gaining the ability to use a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux| the ability to use the the contracted spirit/‘Diva’‘s she has formed a contract with’s magic, |Divas| from |the media franchise Divas are (Divas) from| Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō]. The reemergence of magic, albeit in a form polished through advances in modern technology [Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei] occurs at the same time as the emergence of Generations [Fire Force] and the reemergence of Diva [Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō] contractors after the Great Cataclysm in this story. Quirk users are in fact a sub-set of the sub-branch of the human species born from the etherous element that reacts to the will of those that have fulfilled certain requirements, linking with the elements in the surroundings to change into phenomenon and materials known as mana [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku], overturning previous common sense with their enhanced physical ability along with an aura known as prana known as Genestellar [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] who [the Genestellar] are [the Genestellar] divided [the Genestellar] into Strega [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] if female and Dante [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] if male in this story. The discovery of the smelting process for the ore that is created through mana [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] crystallizing By giving a certain amount of pressure, it has a property able to memorize and fixate a certain element pattern known as Manadyte [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] and high-quality Manadyte known as Urm Manadyte [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] within the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire in this story allows for further technological advancement and development, including the development of the weapons utilizing space-time technology to fold and unfold into the physical world, with a green Manadyte [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] located somewhere in the weapon, using Manadyte [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] as a power source, the weapon's form materializes using mana when activated and divided sword, bow, spear, or gun with the ammunition of both gun and bow types made entirely out of mana and dissipate soon after being fired, removing the need for new ammunition entirely, the Lux [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] and the advanced Lux [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] that consist of a base weapon that manipulates multiple other weapons via telepathically controlled terminals, greatly boosting reaction speeds and close combat ability, with the transmission of prana [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] through said terminals allowing for faster attacks, though it requires a high understanding of space in order to be used effectively, the Rect Lux [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku]. The Special Fire Force [Fire Force] is [the Special Fire Force in this story] instead a elite division of the post-Great Cataclysm restored Imperial Japanese Army due to the Great Tokyo Empire's conquest by the Ōtsutsuki clan's forces during the reunification of post-Great Cataclysm Japan, [the Special Fire Force in this story] being given authority to kill Infernals [Fire Force] as well as rouge Generations and Quirk users. Like its [the Special Fire Force's] canon counterpart in canon Fire Force, its [the Special Fire Force's] members often disguise themselves as firemen while carrying out missions. Also to deal with the rise of the Seirei [Spirits |Seirei|, extraordinary beings |Seirei| from |where the Seirei come from| a different dimension who |Seirei| create |what Seirei create| a Spacequake that |the Spacequake created by a Seirei| is |a Spacequake| similar to |what a Spacequake resembles| a nuclear bomb explosion which |a Spacequake| destroys everything that it |a Spacequake| engulfs whenever they |the Seirei| come through to this world, |the Seirei| from |the media franchise Seirei are (Seirei) from Date a Live] and prevent a mass panic among the Japanese people, the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu [Anti-Spirit Team |Anchi Supiritto Chīmu|, a special, top secret division of the JSDF dedicated to |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s purpose| hunting down and killing Seirei, which |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu| consists of |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s demographics| young female mages equipped with |what the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s members have| skintight, sexy combat body suits as well as mechanical blades, overpowered plasma-powered assault rifles as well as machine guns, |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s members being| between the ages of |the average age limit of the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu’s members| 14-25, |the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu| from |the media franchise the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu is (the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu) from| Date a Live], [the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu] is formed and [the Anchi Supiritto Chīmu] given training from both ex-US Armed Forces personel stranded in Japan after the Great Cataclysm and shinobi brought over to Japan by the Ōtsutsuki clan. Fusion of chakra with the world outside the Elemental Nation's pre-Great Cataclysm industrial processes allows for the mass production of Tactical Surface Fighters [oversized fighter planes |TSF|, |TSFs covered in| the substance TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| an anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| has |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| further treated |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| with |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in| been |the anti-projectile and heat-resistant composite that TSFs are (TSFs) covered (TSFs) in’s further treatment| anti-laser coating with |what TSFs have| the ability |TSFs| to |what TSFs can (TSFs) do| operate |TSFs| in every sort of condition, |TSFs| having |what TSFs possess| particle beam cannon and plasma blaster weaponry, |TSFs| being |what TSFs are| able |TSFs| to |TSFs| operate in space in addition to |TSFs| flying in the skies of Earth, |TSFs| being |what TSFs are| near impossible to destroy |TSFs| with conventional weaponry, |TSFs| possessing |what else TSFs have| the ability |TSFs| to |what else TSFs can (TSFs) do| transform into |what TSFs can (TSFs) transform (TSFs) into| oversized humanoid mechs |TSFs’ other forms| with |TSFs’ mech forms| all-purpose manuvarabilty, |TSFs’ mech forms| moving via |the means of movement for a TSF’s mech form| a combination of bipedal locomotion and rocket thrust, |TSFs’ mech forms| using stealth and superior mobility to |what TSFs’ mech forms utilize stealth and superior mobility for| outmanuering any opponent on the battlefield, |TSFs| from |which media franchise TSFs are (TSFs) from| the Muv-Luv franchise] were [TSFs] still [TSFs] developed in [when the TSFs were |the TSFs| created] the 1970s and [TSFs] used [TSFs] in warfare, although [TSFs] never [TSFs] been [TSFs] shown to the public, but the BETA never invaded Earth from the moon like in canon Muv-Luv, so there was no real need for them [TSFs] in East Asia until after the Great Catalysm, and also mass production of the IS units [Infinite Stratos |IS| units, |an IS unit| a powered exoskeleton |an IS unit| originally created |the IS units| for |what the IS units were (IS units) originally created (the IS units) for| space exploration, that |an IS unit| possess |what an IS unit possesses| technology and combat capabilities far more advanced than any other weapon system while |an IS unit| possessing |the specific capabilities, equipment and weapons of an IS unit| a nigh-invulnerable shield barrier, 100% optical camouflage, hypersonic speeds, and capable of pulling off insane high G maneuvers while seemingly unaffected by gravity-induced blackout/red-outs and also space flight an |an IS unit| can |an IS Unit| only be used by pre-teen girls, teenage girls and young to early middle aged women, |the IS unit| from |the media franchise the IS unit is (the IS Unit) from] IS: Infinite Stratos], with the post-Great Cataclysm restored Imperial Japanese Army also having a rather large non-magical conventional ground warfare force. The IS units in this story are [the IS units in this story] developed from the Hāto Haiburiddo Gā [Heart Hybrid Gear |Hāto Haiburiddo Gā|, a magic armor |a Hāto Haiburiddo Gā| which |a Hāto Haiburiddo Gā| provides a wide variety of abilities, including increasing in the strength, speed and reflexes of its respective users and the ability fly over long distances and even into outer space when equipped, along with |a Hāto Haiburiddo Gā| creating a protective barrier that surrounds the pilot's body protecting the pilot from any kind of harm, even from being in space and entering a planet's atmosphere when known as a Life Saver and |a Hāto Haiburiddo Gā| providing all the necessary things to preserve the pilot's life, which coupled with Life saver allows the Pilot to survive in both underwater and even in free space, along with giving the pilot special abilities when equipped along with its |a Hāto Haiburiddo Gā's| own weapons and armor which come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, purpose and colors and possess a special ability, |a Hāto Haiburiddo Gā| from Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto] as a means of manifesting a Décolleté Oblique/Decorteo Brigieux [Magika Kenshi to Shōkan Maō] through technological instead of the usual arcane means. Development of an indigenous Japanese version of the Century Armament [a skintight combat bodysuit and weapon combination |a Century Armament| that |a Century Armament| enhances its |a Century Armaments’| users’ strength, speed and agility a hundredfold and |a Hundred| can |what happens to a Hundred| be |a Hundred| activated as will with its |a Century Armament’s| dormant state normally being a large jewel of some sort, |a Century Armament| from |the media franchise a Century Armament is (a Century Armament) from| Handoredd] from the prototype IS units as a means of [what the Century Armament is (the Century Armament) developed for in this timeline]combatting the relentless Savages [giant biomechanical automated insectoid war machines |the Savages| that |the Savages| have |what the Savages have| an extraterrestial origin, |the Savages| from |the media franchise the Savages are (the Savages) from| Handoredd] is [the development of Century Armaments] hidden from the global public along with the existence of [what else apart from Savages are hidden from the global public in this timeline] the Variants [a human |a Variant| who |a Variant| has |a Variant| survived |what a Variant has survived| being infected with |the patheogon a Variant survived getting sick from| a near incurable deadly virus transmitted from the Savages from the humans, which |a Variant’s survival from the sickness given by the virus| grants him or her |a Variant| enhanced reaction time, speed and agility and various potent psychic powers in exchange for going berserk from the power they |a Variant| have, |a Variant| from |which series a Variant is (a Variant) from Handoredd]. Development on the superconductive, extremely unstable and extremely explosive, radioactive, supermineral of Sakuradite [Code Geass franchise]-powered humanoid war machine mechs standing at an impressive height of four to five meters, equipped with Landspinners, ingenious self-propelled roller skates [Landspinners] affixed to their ankles, [the land spinners] enabling agile mobility and rapid speeds across diverse terrains, capturing data via the remarkable Factsphere Sensors encased within a protective layer of armor,[the Factsphere Sensors] can [the Factsphere Sensors] be [the Factsphere Sensors] retracted to heighten system sensitivity, ensuring the utmost precision and accuracy,[the Factsphere Sensors] endowed with thermographic capabilities and an array of other data-collection functions, all seamlessly collated in real-time, along with having the respective units' respective cockpits in the respective units' prominent 'hump back', a self-contained control center [the cockpit] from which the mech is expertly piloted, [the cockpit] having the ability to be ejected in case of an emergency known as [the name of the mechs] Knightmare Frames, [Code Geass] [the Knightmare Frames in this story] initially developed by the absolute parliamentary constitutional royal imperial monarchy of the German Royal House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-ruled British Empire in exile known as the Holy Brittanian Empire [Code Geass franchise] ruling [the Holy Brittanian Empire] over the Southern United States, all of the Lesser Antilies, French Guyana, Suriname, Egypt, Sudan, Somalialand, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, northwestern Somalia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, and Malawi, Malyasia, Brunei, Singapore, Greater India [Pakistan, Bangladesh and India], Oman, Yemen, and Oceania [Australia and New Zealand] from [the Holy Brittanian Empire's homebase] Canada and Greater Jamaica [Jamaica, the Turks and Caicos, Belize and the Cayman Islands], [the Holy Brittanian Empire in this story] coexisting alongside its [the Holy Brittanian Empire's] parent state of the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord [the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord|], a unitary parliamentary constitutional democratic monarchy [the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord] which [the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord] consists [the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord] of [the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord’s territories] Les Iles Britanniques/Britannica Ostrova [the British Isles |Les Iles Britanniques/Britannica Ostrova|, which |Les Iles Britanniques/Britannica Ostrova| consist |Les Iles Britanniques/Britannica Ostrova| of |the territories in Scandinavia that are part of Les Iles Britanniques/Britannica Ostrova| |Le Royaume d’Angleterre |Kingdom of England/England (Le Royaume d’Angleterre)|, Le Duché de Galles/Dugiaeth Cymru |the Dutchy of Wales/Wales (Le Duché de Galles/Dugiaeth Cymru)|, Le Royaume d’Écosse/Rìoghachd na h-Alba |the Kingdom of Scotland/Scotland (Le Royaume d’Écosse/Rìoghachd na h-Alba)|, and Ríocht na hÉireann |the Kingdom of Ireland/Ireland (Ríocht na hÉireann)|], [the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord] ruled [the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord] by [the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord’s reigning family] the Deutsche [German |Deutsche|]-Russkye [Russian |Russkye|] Königshaus Sachsen-Gotha-Romanow [Royal House of Saxe-Gotha-Romanov |Königshaus Sachsen-Gotha-Romanov |Königshaus Sachsen-Gotha-Romanow|] as [what the Königshaus Sachsen-Gotha-Romanow rules the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord as] its [the Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord’s] famille royale [royal family |famille royale|] and the USA before the Great Catalysm in this story, [development of Knightmare Frames in this story] by the post-Great Catalysm restored Imperial Japanese government from the oversized, towering humanoid war machines and war steeds once used by the ancients in war, the Deus Machina [God Machines |Deus Machina|] from [the media franchise the Deus Machina are |the Deus Machina| from] Kishin Hōkō Demonbein. The transformation of wounded soliders into Kikai-Ka Heishi [Mechanical Solider |Kikai-Ka Heishi|, a formerly human cybernetic organism |a Kikai-Ka Heishi|, that |a Kikai-Ka Heishi| is |a Kikai-Ka Heishi| enhanced |a a Kikai-Ka Heishi| with |what makes a Kikai-Ka Heishi no longer a flesh and blood organism| immensely strong, durable, cybernetic replacement body parts that |a Kikai-Ka Heishi’s cybernetic body parts| enhance its |a Kikai-Ka Heishi’s| strength, speed, agility as well as |what else a Kikai-Ka Heishi has| rather strong psychic powers, |a Kikai-Ka Heishi| from |which series a Kikai-Ka Heishi is (a Kikai-Ka Heishi) from| Black Bullet] also begins in earnest. In response to the growing threat of rouge Diva contractees, Generations and Quirk users within Japan, the restored Japanese imperial government [the Japanese Empire] transforms a section of the sword-wielding miko [Shinto shrine maidens |miko| serving |which East Asian deities miko serve| the kami |the gods (kami) of (which East Asian religion kami belong to) Shinto|, |miko being| located |miko| in |which East Asian nation miko are (miko) normally located in| Japan] called Toji, who [the Toji] attend school while [the Toji] improving their [the Toji's] extermination skills and [the Toji] serve as a unit in the Japanese NPA to exorcise rouge supernatural creatures within Japan, [the Toji] being [the Toji] authorized [the Toji] to wear swords and [the Toji] serve as government officials, although its [the Toji's] members live ordinary school lives, while [the Toji's members] occasionally performing their [the Toji's members] duties, [the Toji's members] wielding their [the Toji's members] swords and using various powers to fight and protect the people of Japan from supernatural threats, [Japan making a section of the Toji] into a elite all-female unit of the SOG, formally known as the 501st Joint Fighter Wing of the JSDF but called the "Strike Witches". The Strike Witches' members consist of Diva contractees/IS unit pilots, Generations, Quirk users, TSF pilots, Century Armament users and Strega along with regular Toji and magic users. The Onmyōji [Ying and Yang Masters |Onmyōji|] people [Onmyōji] who [Onmyōji] practices [Onmyōji] Onmyōdō [The Way of Yin and Yang |Onmyōdō|, a traditional Nihon-jin |Japanese (Nihon-jin)| esoteric cosmology |Onmyōdō|which |Onmyōdō| is |Onmyōdō| a mixture |Onmyōdō| of |what Onmyōdō combines| natural science, exorcist style services |Onmyōdō|, |Onmyōdō| and East Asian occultism |Onmyōdō|] also return [the Onmyōji] to their [the Onmyōji's] status as government officials [the Onmyōji] in the post-Great Cataclysm Japanese Empire. The hōshi [monk/s |hōshi|, Buddhist priests |hōshi| capable of |the hōshi's/s'| using spiritual powers that |the hōshis' spiritual powers| are |the hōshis' spiritual powers'| quite different from those of miko, |the hōshi|, using a variety of weapons and magical artifacts, such as a shakujō |sounding staff (shakujō), a a pilgrim's staff (a shakujō) that (a shakujō) is (a shakujō) imbued (a shakujō) with (what a shakujō is a shakujō imbued a shakujō with) low-level Buddhist/spiritual powers and (a shakujō) has (what a shakujō has) sacred properties, (a shakujō) being (a shakujō) used for magic and exorcism along with special ceremonies|, sutras, and prayer beads], [the hōshi] make a return in the post-Great Cataclysm Japanese Empire. In addition, to manage the Cursed Children [young girls |the Cursed Children| who |the Cursed Children| were |the Cursed Children| infected |the Cursed Children| with |the pathogen that infected the Cursed Children| Gastrea during or before gestation, |the Cursed Children having Gastrea inside of them| but |the Cursed Children| surviving |the Gastrea infection| and |the Cursed Children| gaining superhuman powers and animalistic traits from the disease |the Gastrea infection|, although they |the Cursed Children| remain mostly human, |the Cursed Children| from |the media franchise the Cursed Children are (the Cursed Children) from| Black Bullet], the Promoter [an individual |a Promoter| that |a Promoter| is |what a Promoter is| a person |a Promoter| who |a Promoter| is, |a Promoter| being |what a Promoter is| the supervisor |a Promoter| of |what a Promoter supervises| a 2-man combat team their |a Promoter’s| partner normally being |what is normally paired with a Promoter| one of the Cursed Children, |a Promoter| in charge of |what a Promoter is (a Promoter) in charge (a Promoter) of| analyzing battle situations, |a Promoter| from |the franchise a Promoter is (a Promoter) from| Black Bullet] and Initiator [one of the Cursed Children who | an Initiator| is | an Initator| paired with |who an Initiator’s partner is| a Promoter, | an Initator| from |the media franchise an Initator is (an Initiator) from| Black Bullet] system is [the Promoter and Initiator system] implemented in the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire. The post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire is the entity that constructed, or rather discovered and rebuilt and enchanced the academy for people who use Hāto Haiburiddo Gā, regular students and a research institute for developing advanced weapons on a self-supporting floating, technologically advanced megacity with a diameter of three kilometers equipped with unmanned city defense systems just off the coast of the Japanese Home Islands, the Senjutsu Bouei Gakuen Atalaksia [Tactical Defense Academy Ataraxia |Senjutsu Bouei Gakuen Atalaksia|], [Senjutsu Bouei Gakuen Atalaksia] from [the media franchise the Senjutsu Bouei Gakuen Atalaksia is |the Senjutsu Bouei Gakuen Atalaksia| from] Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto in this story, with the upper echelons of the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire's government discovering that the Great Cataclysm in this story was [the Great Cataclysm in this story] caused [the Great Cataclysm in this story] by the attempts of the female-dominated, magic-using and magic dependent, clockpunk steampunk and dieselpunk tech level, extradimensional Draconic Imperial House of Synclavia-ruled absolute imperial feudal dynastic monarchy of the Batlantis Empire [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto] to [the Batlantis Empire in this fic] invade Earth utilizing the Evangelist's [Fire Force's] schemes as a proxy, with the Earth's powers in this story managing to hold off the invasion from the Batlantis Empire's [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto] combined armed forces, the Batlantis Imperial Armed Forces [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto], only through superior technology and nuclear weapons due to the BIAF ultizing a large amount of Hāto Haiburiddo Gā, which [the Hāto Haiburiddo Gā] the Batlanis Empire calls magitech armor [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto] users, poweful Dragons and other magical creatures in its [the BIAF's] ranks. The upper echelons of the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire's government also discovers that the pre-Great Cataclysm post-WW2 Japanese government, military and police force, along with some Japanese and Americans that were rescued from the Japanese Home Islands before the Great Cataclysm in this story, remain in exile after the attempted invasion of Earth on one of the giant floating, technologically advanced megacities created above the sea known as Megafloats [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto] with the size of a megafloat representing the national power of that country and each country is wandering the seas of the world with its respective unique megafloat, with the megafloat each respective country had being the country itself all over the world which lost their territory to the Batlantis Empire's conquest with that megafloat being all the territory that they had, with things like territorial waters holding no meaning for megafloats that sailed the seas throughout the world, [pre-Great Cataclysm post-WW2 Japan's individual Megafloat] being [pre-Great Cataclysm post-WW2 Japan's individual Megafloat] known [pre-Great Cataclysm post-WW2 Japan's individual Megafloat] as Megafloat Japan [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto]. They [the upper echelons of the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire] also discover that Megafloat Japan [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto] and the other Megafloats [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto] are [Megafloat Japan and the other Megafloats] in a shadow war/hidden Cold War with the Batlantis Empire for control over the Earth after the Great Cataclysm, with the Megafloats funding, arming and backing resistance groups/terror groups in areas of the post-Great Cataclysm Earth occupied by the Batlantis Empire. The combination of multiple companies that banded together after the Invertia [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] and an economic entity that was created after the Invertia [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] to help support the world economy, taking measures to get rid of things or projects that don't produce results, such as slowly changing the public opinion on certain things, having all its executives undergo mental readjustment program in order prevent failures due to human factors and ensure all its executives all share its philosophy, being more powerful than many countries, holding three different two week long battle tournaments once every three years with 256 pairs/teams/participants each in which Strega and Dante fight each other for a wish it will grant [the tournaments] being [the tournaments] known as the Festa [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] known as the Integrated Enterprise Foundation [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] still exists and [the Integrated Enterprise Foundation in this story] still rises to power however in much of the rest of the world. the Tableau D’éclat Lumineux [Aura |Tableau D’éclat Lumineux|, the manifestation of one’s soul |Tableau D’éclat Lumineux|, which |Tableau D’éclat Lumineux| can |Tableau D’éclat Lumineux| be used for |what Tableau D’éclat Lumineux can be used for| a wide range of abilities, |Tableau D’éclat Lumineux| from |the media franchise Tableau D’éclat Lumineux is (Tableau D’éclat Lumineux) from RWBY] and Semblant [Semblance |Semblant|, a power |Semblant| developed from |where a Semblant evolves from |the user of a Semblant’s| Tableau D’éclat Lumineux and |Semblant| typically helps in |what Semblant typically helps in| battle against Grimm, |Semblant| from |the media franchise Semblant is (Semblant) from RWBY] reliant and Dust [a nearly all-purpose, crystalline and powdered highly explosive energy source |Dust| with |what Dust has| four basic types: Fire, Water, Electricity, and Wind which |Dust’s four basic types| can |Dust’s four basic types| be fused into |what Dust’s four basic types can be fused into| other types of Dust if they |Dust’s four basic types| form next to each other |Dust’s four basic types| either naturally or unnatural, |Dust| from |the media franchise Dust is (Dust) from| RWBY] dependent Chasseurs [Huntsmen |Chasseurs|, licensed elite warriors |Chasseurs| dedicated to |the Chasseurs’ dedication| slaying the Grimm and whose |the Chasseurs’| duty is |the Chasseurs’ duty| to |what the Chasseurs’ duty is| “uphold the peace” of their |the Chasseurs’| world, |the Chasseurs| from |the media franchise the Chasseurs are (the Chasseurs) from| RWBY] also emerge in the rest of the world in this story along with the Faunus [members of a mostly-human species |Faunus| who |Faunus| have |what Faunus have| animalistic traits and abilities, |Faunus| from |the media franchise Faunus are (Faunus) from| RWBY]. There are Tableau D’éclat Lumineux and Semblance users along with Chasseurs in the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire but they mostly end up joining the Butei [Aria of Scarlet Ammo], the Toji, the Strike Witches or the JSDF. The construction of the floating metropolis/academic city in the middle of the Pacific Ocean whose main purpose is hold the Festa [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] known as Rikka/Asterisk [Gakusen Toshi Asutarisuku] is a peace offering from Intergated Enterprise Foundation to the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire after they [the Intergrated Enterprise Foundation and the post-Great Cataclysm restored Japanese Empire] discover each other's presence. Like in canon Code Geass, the supernatural ability/potent psychic wish doing with the very existence of humankind which may be used to destroy, control, or transform just about anything which the immortal, regenerating, indestructable psychics known as Code Bearers [Code Geass] can [the Code Bearers] grant to others known as Geass [Code Geass] plays an important role in the geopolitics and history of the world. The plan to use ancient advanced structures linked with the Geass ability constructed by some long-forgotten ancient civilization known as the Thought Elevators [Code Geass] to destroy the gods of all mythologies and unite all humans, living and dead into one being, known as the Ragnarök Connection [Code Geass] is [the Ragnarök Connection in this story] still [the Ragnarök Connection in this story] carried out by the upper echelons of the Brittanian imperial family and military like in canon Code Geass but these rouge elements have help from rouge elements of the Soviet Armed Forces and KGB with the unwitting cooperation of the CIA and US Armed Forces The failure of the Ragnarök Connection in this story to fully materialize allowed for Batlantis [the Kyokujitsu-ki] to invade Earth and the Great Cataclysm to happen in this story. The regions of the USA and the former Russian Federation that were affected by the Great Cataclysm and the subsequent nuclear holocaust but were too remote to be reached or had collapsed from the aftermath of the post-WW2 civilization's end became known as "the Deathlands" [Deathlands franchise]. The form of civilization that has begun to reappear in these places ["the deathlands"] is brutal, short lived, morally confused, and crazed from mutation, [the form of civilization in the deathlands] mostly being small plague pits ruled by warlords who [the warlords ruling the plague pits] have no limits to establish their [the warlords'] rule and [the warlords'] expand their influence, [the warlords] being [the warlords] known as the Barons [Deathlands franchise]. Their [the Barons'] rabble pits are [the Barons' rabble pits] known as [what the Barons' rabble pits are called] villes and baronies. The Hidden Villages [Naruto franchise] of the mystical combination of physical energy/ki/qi [Dragon Ball franchise] and the supernatural power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user used by spiritual beings to provide power for their various abilities known as reiyoku [Bleach franchise] called chakra [Naruto franchise] using fake shinobi are [the Hidden Villages in this story] merely [the Hidden Villages in this story] a more developed form of villes and baronies with the Kage [Shadow |Kage|] of each Hidden Village acting as a combination of Town Mayor and Baron. The Hidden Cloud Village is hidden within Germany, the Hidden Rain Village is located within the ruins of NYC, the Hidden Leaf Village is located in Sacramento and the Greater Era, the Land of Tea is the general name given to Southeast Asia by fake shinobi, the Hidden Mist Village is located within Han China, the Hidden Sand Village is located in Riyadah and the Land of Samurai is the name given to Japan by fake shinobi. Neither the wider world nor the rest of the villes or baronies have any idea the Hidden Villages actually exist. During the Cold War both the USSR and the USA developed hidden underground complexes, known as redoubts, that [the redoubts] contain teleportation technology known as MAT-TRANS [Matter Transfer]. The excerpt should focus on the Ōtsutsuki clan's arrival from the Elemental Nations [Naruto franchise] and its [the Ōtsutsuki clan's] subsequent arrival in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto, how and why it [the Ōtsutsuki clan] got mistaken for the surviving remnants of the Japanese imperial family [the Imperial House of Great Yamato] by the residents of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto upon its [the Ōtsutsuki clan's] arrival in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto, and how the mistake [that the Ōtsutsuki clan was a collection of survivors from the Imperial House of Great Yamato] in the minds of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto's remained uncorrected, and how it [the Ōtsutsuki clan] consolidated power in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto, both via advanced technology from Jurai [Tenchi Muyo] and the mythical chakra of the Elemental Nations [Naruto franchise] more specifically its [the Ōtsutsuki clan's] two main DNA anomalies that allow their wielders to use unique methods of manipulating chakra [Naruto franchise] known as Kekkei genkai [Bloodline Limit |Kekkei genkai|] [Naruto franchise], [the Ōtsutsuki clan's Kekkei genkai of] the Byakugan [All Seeing White Eye |Byakugan|], which [the Byakugan] grants its [the Byakugan's] users a near-360º field of vision around themselves, save for a small blindspot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra, whether it [the Byakugan] is active or inactive, whose [the Byakugan's] vision can [the Byakugan's vision] penetrate almost any object, allowing users to see through walls, peer underground, or even examine the contents of a person's body when it [the Byakugan] is [the Byakugan] active, with users [of the Byakugan] being [Byakugan users] able to [Byakugan users] focus their [the Byakugan users'] vision on anything and everything within the Byakugan's range, allowing them [the Byakugan users] to monitor individuals from afar or to quickly survey a vast area and pinpoint specific locations within that area when it [the Byakugan] is [the Byakugan] active, having the ability to actively see chakra when [the Byakugan] active, enabling users to distinguish certain types of clones from their original and even identify specific individuals' chakra signatures [when the Byakugan is active] along with the ability to [the Byakugan] see into a target's mind to determine their [the targets'] thoughts and feelings, even to look through their memories and also with the ability to [the Byakugan] detect targets through infared, read the fate of others, determine chakra development and if one can mould chakra and even detect illusions, [the Byakugan] taking the form of a white iris with no distinguishable pupils when [the Byakugan] activated, [the Byakugan] from [the franchise the Byakugan is from] Naruto and [the Ōtsutsuki clan's other Kekkai genkai] the Shikotsumyaku [Dead Bone Pulse |Shikotsumyaku|], which [the Shikotsumyaku] allows its [the Shikotsumyaku's] users to [what the Shikotsumyaku allows its |the Shikotsumyaku's| users to |the Shikotsumyaku's users| do] manipulate their own bones, more specifically via controlling their osteoblasts (cells responsible for producing bones); the ability to control their osteoclasts (cells responsible for breaking down bones); the ability to regulate their bones' calcium density, along with [the Shikotsumyaku] allowing its [the Shikotsumyaku's users] to [the Shikotsumyaku's users] grow new bones anywhere in their [the Shikotsumyaku's users'] bodies along with manipulating their bones after or even as they're being formed, causing them to break through the skin, [the Shikotsumyaku] giving its [the the Shikotsumyaku's] users a huge advantage in combat, as they [the Shikotsumyaku's users] can [the the Shikotsumyaku users'] produce an endless number of bones to suit any conceivable circumstance, [the Ōtsutsuki clan using both the Byakugan and the Shikotsumyaku in consolidating power in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] along with [the Ōtsutsuki clan in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] seizing the Imperial House of Great Yamato's Kyoto Imperial Palace and [the Ōtsutsuki clan in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] making it [Imperial House of Great Yamato's Kyoto Imperial Palace] into its [the Ōtsutsuki clan's] new clan compound and HQ for managing its [the Ōtsutsuki clan's] new stronghold [post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] even as Japanese NPA, SAT, JSDF, SFG and National Diet remnants in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto start pledging loyalty to the supposed survivors of the imperial family [the Ōtsutsuki clan in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] and the Japanese NPA, SAT, JSDF and SFG remnants in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto start getting to work in restoring order in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto, [ the Japanese NPA, SAT, JSDF and SFG remnants in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] killing bandits and warlords both within post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto and outside post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto as the Ōtsutsuki clan starts doing research on its [the Ōtsutsuki clan's] new home [post-Great Cataclysm Japan] as well as the wider world outside of its [the Ōtsutsuki clan's] former home [the Elemental Nations]. Please Note: There is no multiverse, alternate worlds, multiple worlds, dimensional crossing, or any other stuff of that sort in this story. All the events in this story take place within the same world and occur in chronological order. No canonical characters from any of the franchises must be used in this excerpt, only original characters, albiet with detailed backstories and motivations unless otherwise mentioned.
answer:In the shadow of a world forever altered by the events known as the Great Cataclysm, the remnants of humanity struggles to rebuild from the ashes of its former glory. The great cities of old lay in ruins, overtaken by forests or deserts, depending on their fate during the Cataclysm. From the Elemental Nations, a clan of otherworldly beings, the Ōtsutsuki, found themselves transported to this changed world, their arrival masked by the chaos that followed the Great Cataclysm. The Ōtsutsuki, led by the astute and enigmatic figure known only as Toneri, landed near what was once Kyoto. The city, now a patchwork of feudal territories ruled by warlords and bandits, was unaware of the power that had just arrived on its doorstep. Toneri, aware of the need to establish a secure base for his people, saw this as an opportunity. "We must consolidate our power here," Toneri addressed his kin, his gaze sweeping over the ancient capital. "The humans believe us to be descendants of their lost imperial family. We shall use this misconception to our advantage." His sister, Hinata, a master of the Byakugan and Shikotsumyaku, nodded in agreement. "Our abilities will ensure no one can oppose us. But brother, we must also understand this world and its inhabitants." Using their Kekkei Genkai, they swiftly brought the neighboring warlords under control, either through displays of power or by more subtle means of manipulation. The Byakugan allowed them to see through any deceit or ambush, while the Shikotsumyaku proved to be an invincible weapon in close combat. Soon, the Ōtsutsuki had established a realm of peace and order in a world that had forgotten what those words meant. Meanwhile, remnants of Japan's governmental and military forces, witnessing the feats of the Ōtsutsuki, pledged allegiance to what they believed to be the surviving members of the Imperial House. The Japanese NPA and JSDF, adapting to this new era, began working under the Ōtsutsuki's banner, aiding in restoring order within Kyoto and beyond. Toneri, wise in his leadership, understood the importance of knowledge. Under his guidance, the Ōtsutsuki began researching not just post-Cataclysm Japan but the world as a whole. This research led to discoveries of other factions and powers that had emerged in the wake of the Cataclysm, including the existence of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation and the Brittanian Empire's struggles. "In this new era, knowledge and alliances will be our greatest assets," Toneri explained to his council. "We must engage these newfound entities, understanding their goals and motivations, and, if possible, unite them under a common cause." As the Ōtsutsuki expanded their influence, they brought with them advancements from Jurai technology mixed with the mystical powers of chakra. This combination led to a renaissance of sorts in post-Cataclysm Kyoto. Electricity, running water, and even internet access slowly returned to the city, making it a beacon of hope in a world still darkened by the shadows of the past. Under the pretense of being the true Imperial family, the Ōtsutsuki also rekindled the traditions of the Onmyōji and miko, integrating their skills with the newfound magical and technological advancements. This blend of old and new helped solidify their rule, presenting a model of governance that was both innovative and deeply rooted in Japan's heritage. "We are not just rebuilding what was lost; we are creating something that has never been seen before," Toneri proclaimed, looking out over the thriving city of Kyoto. "A world where magic and technology coexist, where the old ways are not forgotten but enhanced by the new." Yet, Toneri knew that their mission was far from complete. Beyond the borders of their newfound kingdom lay a world still struggling to rise from the ashes of the Cataclysm. A world where friend and foe were not easily distinguishable, and the Ōtsutsuki clan's true origins remained a secret. But with their unmatched power and vision for the future, there was hope that they could lead humanity into a new age. As Kyoto thrived, so did the tales of its mysterious rulers, their true nature known only to a few. In a world searching for hope, the Ōtsutsuki clan stood as a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit, even if they themselves were far from human. The world, forever changed, watched and waited to see what this new power would bring.
question:Staying and continuing with the crossover fanfic prompted and generated in the previous entries, remembering to stick to the novel chapter format: The next chapter should be an dialogue-filled, exposition-filled excerpt of a post-apocalyptic, science fantasy, science fiction, cyberpunk with elements of steampunk and dieselpunk, Japanese science fiction light novel, manga, anime and video game from the 1960s-mid 2010s style, Fist of the North Star post-apocalyptic urban fantasy style award-winning, well-written novel that takes place within the world of the crossover fanfic prompted and generated within the previous entry, focusing on how the Ōtsutsuki clan arrived in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto from the Elemental Nations and [the Ōtsutsuki clan] subsequently [the Ōtsutsuki clan] set up shop there [post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] and how it [the Ōtsutsuki clan] was able to bring over advanced civilian, military, industrial and even starship technology from the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku [Tenchi Muyo/Tenchi Universe] that [the advanced Jurian technology] had [the advanced Juraian technology] previously been kept in the Elemental Nations [Naruto franchise] to its [the Ōtsutsuki clan’s] new home [post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] and how its [the Ōtsutsuki clan’s] immense psychic and [the Ōtsutsuki clan’s] magical powers along with the power of the Byakugan [Naruto franchise] helped it [the Ōtsutsuki clan] quickly decimate a few Yakuza clans, Cantonese-Han Chinese triad cells and other criminal organizations working in post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto and [the Ōtsutsuki clan] subsequently become a major, through hidden power [the Ōtsutsuki clan] in the city [post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] before [the Ōtsutsuki clan] taking over the Kyoto Imperial Palace and [the Ōtsutsuki clan] making it [the Kyoto Imperial Palace] into its [the Ōtsutsuki clan’s] new clan compound.
answer:# Chapter 7: Shadows Over Kyoto The Arrival The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving the skies over post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto painted in shades of scarlet and purple. It was during this twilight hour that the Ōtsutsuki clan, emerging from the shadows of an era forgotten by time, set foot onto the soil of a world much changed from the one they had known. Toneri Ōtsutsuki, flanked by his most trusted kin, Hinata and Momoshiki, surveyed the sprawling city before them. The streets below were a mosaic of light and darkness, reflecting a city caught between eras—ancient shrines and temples standing defiant amid the creeping vines of a world retaken by nature. "It is here that we shall establish our new dominion," Toneri announced, his voice imbued with a potent mix of determination and otherworldly power. "But first, we must integrate the advancements from Jurai with the chakra-infused techniques of our homeland." The Integration The process was both meticulous and swift. Secret vaults hidden within the Elemental Nations had safeguarded advanced Jurian technology—starships capable of interstellar travel, energy weapons that could cut through steel as if it were paper, and devices that could manipulate the very fabric of reality. These were now unearthed and transported to post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto through an intricate network of space-time portals, overseen by Hinata. "Our Byakugan sees all," Hinata mused as she directed the positioning of a Jurian energy generator amidst the ruins of what was once a bustling shopping district. "It will guide the integration seamlessly." The streets of Kyoto, once dark and silent, began to hum with the promise of rebirth as Jurian lights flickered to life, bathing the city in an ethereal glow. Unseen by human eyes, the Ōtsutsuki clan worked tirelessly, weaving together threads of technology and magic to rebuild and enhance. The Cleansing However, not all welcomed the newcomers with open arms. Yakuza clans and triad cells, which had carved out their territories in the chaos following the Cataclysm, saw the Ōtsutsuki clan as a threat to their reign. A meeting among the underworld leaders was hastily convened. "These outsiders, they meddle in affairs they do not comprehend," declared the head of a once-powerful Yakuza family, his voice echoing through the derelict warehouse that served as their meeting place. Their decision was swift but foolish. A coordinated attack on the Ōtsutsuki was launched under the cloak of night, a move that would seal their fate. As the first of the attackers approached the Kyoto Imperial Palace, now the clan's compound, they were met not by guards but by Momoshiki, his figure shrouded in the dim moonlight. "You trespass on sacred ground," he stated, his voice cold as the steel of the Ninjato he didn't need to wield. With a mere wave of his hand, the assailants were thrown back by an unseen force, their weapons crumbling to dust. Those that looked directly into Momoshiki's eyes found themselves paralyzed, trapped in an illusion that mirrored their deepest fears. The battle—or rather, the cleansing—was over before it truly began. The remaining members of the criminal underworld watched in horror as their comrades were effortlessly subdued, their resolve shattering. The Coronation In the aftermath, the Ōtsutsuki's position as the unseen rulers of Kyoto was cemented. No longer hidden shadows, they became benevolent if distant, overseers—guiding the city into a new era of prosperity and order. On the day they officially took residence in the Kyoto Imperial Palace, Toneri addressed the assembled remnants of the city's former leadership, now pledged to serve the clan. "We do not seek dominion for its own sake," he declared. "Under our guidance, Kyoto will once again shine as a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness." As the audience bowed, acknowledging their new reality, the sky above the palace shimmered with an aurora of chakra-infused light—a testament to the new power that held sway over the city. The Ōtsutsuki clan, with their mastery of ancient magic and advanced technology, had not only secured their place in this new world but had also begun to reshape it in their image. And beneath the watchful gaze of the Byakugan, Kyoto embarked on its journey towards rebirth, its streets alive with the pulsating energy of a civilization reborn from the ashes of the old. The chapter closed with Kyoto standing resilient, a city reborn under the aegis of celestial beings, its future unwritten but filled with the promise of possibilities.
question:Staying and continuing with the crossover fanfic prompted and generated in the previous entries, remembering to stick to the novel chapter format: The next chapter should be an dialogue-filled, exposition-filled excerpt of a post-apocalyptic, science fantasy, science fiction, cyberpunk with elements of steampunk and dieselpunk, Japanese science fiction light novel, manga, anime and video game from the 1960s-mid 2010s style, Fist of the North Star post-apocalyptic urban fantasy style award-winning, well-written novel that takes place within the world of the crossover fanfic prompted and generated within the previous entry, focusing on how the Ōtsutsuki clan got mistaken for the surviving remnants of the Japanese Imperial family [the Imperial House of Great Yamato] who had regained the Japanese imperial royals’ [the members of the Imperial House of Great Yamato’s] divine powers gained from their [the members’ of the Imperial House of Great Yamato’s] descent from the Shinto Gods, [the Ōtsutsuki clan being mistaken for the surviving remnants of the Imperial House of Great Yamato] by the residents of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto after [the Ōtsutsuki clan] taking over the Kyoto Imperial Palace and why this mistake [the people of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto, and later all of post-Great Cataclysm Japan, thinking that the Ōtsutsuki clan were |the Ōtsutsuki clan| the surviving remnants |the Ōtsutsuki clan| of the Imperial House of Great Yamato] wasn’t corrected by those remnants of the Japanese NPA, SAT, JSDF, SOG and even the National Diet who knew that the post-WW2, pre-Great Cataclysm Japanese government had [the post-WW2, pre-Great Cataclysm Japanese government] survived the Great Cataclysm and [the post-WW2, pre-Great Cataclysm Japanese government] subsequently escaped and [the post-WW2, pre-Great Cataclysm Japanese government] established a government in exile along with a Japanese state in exile on Megafloat Japan [Masō Gakuen Haiburiddo Hāto] even as the others in remnants of the Japanese NPA, SAT, JSDF, SOG and even the National Diet celebrated the “survival” and “return” of the imperial royals [the Ōtsutsuki clan mistaken by post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto’s and later all of post-Great Cataclysm Japan to be the surviving remnants of the Imperial House of Great Yamato] with those in the National Diet [unaware of the post-WW2, pre-Great Cataclysm Japanese government and state surviving the Great Cataclysm and escaping to Megafloat Japan] managed to hold an impromptu session of the National Diet, with members of the pre-1868 Japanese royal family [the Tokugawa clan] in attendance along with the “surviving members” of the Japanese Imperial family [the Ōtsutsuki clan mistaken by post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto’s and later all of post-Great Cataclysm Japan to be the surviving remnants of the Imperial House of Great Yamato], with the decision that restored the Tokugawa shogunate as the government of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto being made there [the impromptu session of the National Diet] albiet with the restored Shoguns effectively only controlling local government and local defence forces within post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto and later all of Japan due to [why the Tokugawa shogunate was |the Tokugawa shogunate| restored as the government |the Tokugawa shogunate| of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto] the breakdown of order and civilization in Kyoto and all of Japan after the Great Cataclysm and the need for a strong, stable form of government to stabilize things until order and civilization could be restored to post-Great Cataclysm Japan, and even the post-WW2 “lost provinces” of Japan [Karufuto, Formosa and Chōsen] and then the pre-1947 imperial system of government could be restored in Japan, albiet with influences from the shogunate era.
answer:# Chapter 8: Echoes of the Divine The Illusion of Return In the shadowed halls of the ancient Kyoto Imperial Palace, now reclaimed and refurbished beyond its former glory through the melding of Jurai technology and the mystical chakra from the Elemental Nations, a meeting was underway that would shape the future of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto—and indeed, all of post-Cataclysm Japan. Toneri Ōtsutsuki, alongside Hinata and a council of their kin, sat in an assembly that included esteemed members of what remained of Kyoto's governance, several figureheads from the Tokugawa family, and key military leaders of the reformed society. The air was charged with a palpable tension, a mixture of awe and disbelief at the turn of events that had led to this moment. "It is a miracle, truly, that the Imperial Family, the descendants of Amaterasu Omikami, have returned to us in our time of greatest need," declared a dignitary, a noted scholar in Shinto rituals, his voice echoing off the ornate walls. The Ōtsutsuki, for their part, maintained a dignified silence, allowing the belief to stand uncorrected. It was a strategic decision, as Toneri had explained to his inner circle prior to the meeting. "Let them believe we are their lost deities returned. It will unify them under our leadership and hasten the restoration of Kyoto, and eventually, all of Japan." The Unspoken Truth Despite the joyous cries of the return of divine royalty, there stood a silent minority among the assembly who knew the truth—or at least suspected it. Among them was General Yamato, a high-ranking officer of the JSDF who had seen the world before it had crumbled. He exchanged a knowing glance with Masako, a member of the National Diet, who had been among the first to encounter the Ōtsutsuki upon their arrival. Both understood the potential fallout should the truth emerge that the Ōtsutsuki were not, in fact, divine beings returned but rather powerful aliens from another world. Yet, in private discussions, they, alongside a select few others, had come to an unwritten agreement: the myth of the Ōtsutsuki as resurrected gods was a necessary facade. It fostered unity and hope among the populace, and under the Ōtsutsuki's guidance, Kyoto had begun to thrive once more. "The stability and order they've brought are undeniable," Masako confessed during one of their clandestine meetings. "To reveal the truth now would only sow discord and fear." General Yamato nodded in agreement, adding, "Our priority must be the peace and prosperity of Kyoto, and then reclaiming our lost territories. For now, at least, the ends justify the means." The Foundation of a New Era Unbeknownst to the mass of humanity, the decision to reinstate the Tokugawa shogunate came as a stroke of genius from within the ranks of the Ōtsutsuki themselves. By adopting a form of governance that resonated with Japan's historical and cultural identity, they ensured seamless integration of their leadership within the societal fabric. The Shogunate, albeit in a markedly different form from its historical predecessor, would primarily control local governance and defense forces, serving as the bedrock for the transitioning society. "This will provide a structure familiar to the people, easing the integration of our advanced technologies and practices into their daily lives," Toneri explained, his gaze sweeping over the assembled council. The Assembly's Pledge As the meeting drew to a close, a declaration was made, reinforcing the shogunate's restoration and the Ōtsutsuki's place at the heart of Kyoto's—and Japan's—renewal. The attendees, some swayed by belief and others by pragmatism, gave their solemn pledge to support this new order. "To the restored Shogunate, and to the divine benefactors who have graced us with their presence," echoed the chamber, a chorus of unity against the backdrop of a world rising from its own ashes. In the days that followed, as the news of the restoration and the miraculous return of the 'Imperial Family' spread throughout post-Great Cataclysm Japan, a renewed sense of purpose and hope began to take root. And though the Ōtsutsuki knew the truth of their origins, they also recognized the weight of the duty they had undertaken—to shepherd this fractured world into an era of unprecedented prosperity. Even as the Ōtsutsuki worked tirelessly to stabilize and elevate their newfound domain, they remained vigilant, aware that the illusion they had woven was fragile. Yet, in their wisdom, they saw this not as a deceit but as a noble lie—a necessary mythos to unite a people and rebuild a civilization from the brink of oblivion. The chapter closed with Kyoto alight, not merely with the physical luminescence of Jurai technology but with the metaphorical glow of a civilization reborn, guided by beings of unimaginable power who had, whether by fate or fortune, become the gods of a new age.
question:Staying and continuing with the crossover fanfic prompted and generated in the previous entries, remembering to stick to the novel chapter format: The next chapter should be an dialogue-filled, exposition-filled excerpt of a post-apocalyptic, science fantasy, science fiction, cyberpunk with elements of steampunk and dieselpunk, Japanese science fiction light novel, manga, anime and video game from the 1960s-mid 2010s style, Fist of the North Star post-apocalyptic urban fantasy style award-winning, well-written novel that takes place within the world of the crossover fanfic prompted and generated within the previous entry, focusing on how the Japanese NPA, SAT, JSDF, SOG remnants within post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto along with Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office and Public Security Intelligence Agency agents that had survived the Great Cataclysm and made their way to post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto began taking out the major criminal, bandit and warlord factions within post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto after the restoration of the Tokugawa shogunate as the government [the Tokugawa shogunate] of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto and their encounters with and subsequent defeat of the White-Clad [Fire Force] within post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto as the reconstruction of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto using pre-Great Cataclysm Japanese and American technology, both conventional and advanced and the advanced technology from the Julay no Dai Ginga Teikoku [Tenchi Muyo/Tenchi Universe] brought by the Ōtsutsuki clan begins in advance, more specifically focusing on the spec-ops missions launched against the remaining criminals, warlords, and bandits within Post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto by the JSDF and the SOG in collaboration with the NPA and SAT with CIRO and PISA providing overwatch and the weapons and tactics used by both sides during the operations.
answer:# Chapter 9: The Cleansing Shadow The Gathering of Shadows In the dimly lit war room, beneath the ancient yet now technologically revamped Kyoto Imperial Palace, leaders of the JSDF, SOG, NPA, SAT, CIRO, and PSIA convened. The air was charged with a somber yet determined resolve. At the head of the table stood General Yamato, his expression grave as he surveyed the maps and dossiers scattered across the surface. "The restoration of order within post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto is paramount," General Yamato began, his voice resonating with authority. "The criminal factions that have plagued our streets in the wake of the Cataclysm will be eliminated. We begin tonight." To his side, Satoshi Tanaka, a skilled tactician from the Special Assault Team, laid out the strategy. "We've identified three major strongholds of the remaining criminals, bandits, and warlords," he explained, pointing to the locations on the digital map, glowing faint blue with Jurai technology integration. "Moreover, our intelligence indicates a potentially larger threat—the White-Clad." The Arsenal of the New Age The room shifted attention to Captain Hiroto, the CIRO agent renowned for his expertise in unconventional warfare. He began detailing the armament for the mission—a seamless blend of pre-Great Cataclysm technology and advanced Jurai weaponry brought by the Ōtsutsuki clan. "Our operatives will be equipped with Jurai Energy Blades," Hiroto detailed, showcasing the sleek, glowing weapons capable of slicing through steel as if it were air. "For long-range engagement, we utilize the N-SAT5 sniper rifles with Manadyte-enhanced rounds for enhanced accuracy and penetration." From the shadows, a figure emerged—Masako, representing the Public Security Intelligence Agency. "Our overwatch teams will utilize Byakugan-enhanced drones for real-time battlefield intelligence," she added, her tone imbued with the confidence of one who had seen the effectiveness of such synergy in action. The Operation Unfolds As darkness enveloped the city, the operation, codenamed "Shadow Sweep," commenced. Teams of elite operatives moved like wraiths through the ruins and rebuilt sectors of Kyoto, their movements ghostly silent thanks to Jurai stealth technology cloaking their advance. Team Alpha, led by Tanaka, approached the eastern stronghold, rumored to be under the control of the most formidable warlord faction. The Jurai Energy Blades hummed softly, their radiant blue hue the only light in the shadowed alleys. Without warning, the stronghold's defenses activated, revealing not just conventional weapons but also individuals exhibiting powers reminiscent of the White-Clad's Pyrokinetic abilities. "Engage with caution," Tanaka commanded, as his team adapted their formation, the advanced Jurai weaponry in their hands responding seamlessly to the threat. The Clash with the White-Clad Midway through the operation, an unexpected development unfolded. Amid the chaos, the distinct, ominous presence of the White-Clad emerged, their motives unclear but their threat undeniable. General Yamato, overseeing the operation from the command center, recognized the escalation. "This changes the calculus. Deploy the Byakugan drones—we need full situational awareness." As the drones relayed images back to the command center, the operatives on the ground engaged in a fierce confrontation. The White-Clad, cloaked in their signature garb and exhibiting fire manipulation abilities, proved formidable adversaries. Yet, the combined might of the JSDF and SOG, armed with their advanced arsenal and tactical ingenuity, began to turn the tide. The N-SAT5 rifles, in the hands of sharpshooters, took out key targets, while the frontline operatives, wielding their Jurai Energy Blades, engaged in close-quarters combat with an efficiency honed by relentless training and enhanced weaponry. The Aftermath As dawn broke over the city, the operation's success became evident. The major strongholds lay in ruins, their leaders either captured or neutralized. The threat of the White-Clad, while not entirely eradicated, was significantly diminished. In the aftermath, the leaders of the operation convened once more, this time in the light of day. "Today, we have demonstrated that even in the face of supernatural adversaries, our resolve will not waver," General Yamato declared, his voice resonant with pride and determination. The chapter closed on a note of cautious optimism. While challenges remained, the successful operation signaled a turning point in the restoration of post-Great Cataclysm Kyoto. With the combined might of JSDF, SOG, NPA, SAT, CIRO, and PSIA, bolstered by the advanced technology from the Ōtsutsuki clan, the path ahead seemed a little less daunting—a testament to the resilience of humanity and its unwavering spirit to reclaim its future from the ashes of the past.