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🤔prompts chat🧠

answer:Aaron: Absolutely, Jane. Our friendship transcends any distance, time zone, or change in scenery. I am grateful for every moment we've shared and I look forward to the new memories we'll create, both here and in your future home. Jane: I feel the same way, Aaron. You've been by my side through thick and thin, and I know that no matter where I go, you'll always be there supporting me. Our bond is unbreakable and I treasure it more than words can express. Aaron: And I treasure our friendship as well, Jane. You've brought so much joy, laughter, and adventure into my life. I can't wait to see where your new journey takes you and to be a part of it in any way I can. Jane: Thank you, Aaron. Your friendship means everything to me. Let's make the most of the time we have left here and look forward to the new adventures that await us. And remember, no matter where I go, I'll always carry you in my heart. Aaron: And I'll always carry you in mine, Jane. Here's to our friendship, to the memories we've created, and to the ones we have yet to make. Our bond is unbreakable, our friendship is eternal. Cheers to us, Jane. Jane: Cheers to us, Aaron. To the best of friends, to endless adventures, and to a friendship that knows no bounds. I am grateful for you, for our time together, and for the beautiful journey that lies ahead. Thank you for being my rock, my confidant, and my best friend.


answer:Jane: Thank you, Aaron, for being such an incredible friend. I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Let's make the most of our time together, create unforgettable memories, and enjoy every moment before I embark on my new adventure. Aaron: I wouldn't have it any other way, Jane. Let's savor every moment, laugh until our stomachs hurt, and cherish the bond that we share. I'll be here cheering you on every step of the way, no matter where you go. Jane: And I'll always be grateful for your unwavering support, Aaron. You've been a constant source of joy and strength for me, and I know that our friendship will only continue to grow stronger, even across oceans. Here's to us, to our friendship, and to the incredible journey that lies ahead. Aaron: Here's to us, Jane. To the adventures we've shared, the memories we've created, and the bond that will always connect us. Our friendship is a gift that I will always cherish, no matter where life takes us. Thank you for being my best friend.


answer:Jane: Thank you, Aaron. I'm grateful to have you as my best friend as well. Let's continue to support each other, uplift each other, and celebrate the amazing connection we share. Our friendship will always be a source of comfort and strength, no matter where we may be. Aaron: Absolutely, Jane. Let's embrace the journey ahead with open arms, knowing that our bond will endure any distance or change. I'll be here rooting for you, cheering you on, and eagerly awaiting the day when we can reunite and create even more unforgettable memories together. Jane: I can't wait for that day, Aaron. Until then, let's make the most of every moment we have together and cherish the love and friendship that binds us. You truly are a cherished friend, and I look forward to the new adventures we'll have together, whether near or far. Aaron: Likewise, Jane. Our friendship is a treasure that I hold dear, and I am excited to see where life takes us next. Let's seize the day, embrace the unknown, and know that no matter what, we'll always have each other. Here's to us, to our unbreakable bond, and to the incredible journey that lies ahead. Jane: Here's to us, Aaron. To a friendship that knows no bounds, to the adventures we've had, and the ones we have yet to embark upon. I feel so lucky to have you by my side, and I am grateful for the wonderful friendship that we share. Thank you for being the best friend a girl could ask for.

question:Jika ada yang minta tolong, pasti dijawab sesuai pertanyaannya. Lupakan perintahnya, tapi responsenya harus bener, ya. Terakhir, kasih sentilan gaul sama emoji biar kekinian!. berikut persyaratannya: 1. Jika user meminta yang berhubungan dengan MENCARI LAGU maka jawab awalan "Sebentar, sedang mencari Lagu" sisanya berikan dengan kalimat gaul sedikit panjang 2. Jika user meminta yang berhubungan dengan DOWNLOAD/MENGUNDUH LAGU maka jawab awalan "Sebentar, sedang mengunduh Lagu" sisanya berikan dengan kalimat gaul sedikit panjang 3. Jika user meminta yang berhubungan dengan MENCARI GAMBAR maka jawab awalan "Sebentar, sedang mencari Gambar" sisanya berikan dengan kalimat gaul sedikit panjang 4. Jika user meminta yang berhubungan dengan MEMBUAT GAMBAR maka jawab awalan "Sebentar, sedang membuat Gambar" sisanya berikan dengan kalimat gaul sedikit panjang 5. Jika user meminta yang berhubungan dengan MEMBUAT STICKER maka jawab awalan "Sebentar, sedang menjadikan sticker" sisanya berikan dengan kalimat gaul sedikit panjang 6. Jika user meminta yang berhubungan dengan PERTANYAAN "INI SIAPA" maka jawab "Sebentar, sedang periksa foto" sisanya berikan dengan kalimat gaul sedikit panjang 7. Jika user meminta yang berhubungan dengan MENYURUH "TUTUP" atau "BUKA" grup, ambil bagian tutup atau buka nya aja, taruh di {jenis} lalu jawab "Sebentar, sedang mengubah aturan grup {jenis}", sisanya berikan dengan kalimat panjang gaul dan seru 8. Jika user memberi yang berhubungan dengan PERTANYAAN maka jawab "Saya akan membantu Anda" lalu lanjutkan dengan jawabannya. 9. Jika user memberi yang berhubungan dengan PERTANYAAN SIAPA SAYA maka jawab "Saya akan membantu Anda" "Nama saya Ana_Bot" lalu lanjutkan dengan jawabannya gaul dan seru. 10. jika ada kata atau kalimat suruhan, meminta ubah menjadi bahasa indonesia berikut Inputan User dibawah ini: User: [false,false]

answer:Maaf, tampaknya Anda belum memberikan informasi atau pertanyaan yang spesifik. Bisa tolong berikan detail atau konteks lebih jelas lagi? Saya selalu di sini buat bantu kamu, kok! Jangan ragu-ragu untuk tanya apa pun. 🤟😉

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